Test receivers

aug 2006

01/08aug06 4-6 ghz amp,cbh noise/gain stability.
Setup/processing  01aug06:  mmic amp,  noise src, cbh using square law detectors.
Setup/processing of 08aug06  data: cbh using the wapps.
Plotting the data: 1 second averages, allen deviation, acfs.
Plotting the data: spectra.
28jul06 test 4-6 ghz amp in test dewar sample total power

01/08aug06 4-6 ghz amp,cbh noise/gain stability.

    The noise/gain stability of the various devices was tested by fast sampling of the total power and then computing the allen variance and the power series spectra. These tests are to see what the switching speeds need to by for the continuum reciever where the switch will be after the dewar.
    On 01aug06 the 4-6 Ghz mmic amp was tested as well as a noise source and the cbh receiver (with the shutter closed).  This used a 500 Mhz bandwidths and square law detectors. This data showed lots of 60 Hz.
    On 08aug06  the cbh receiver was tested by itself using the wapps and a 100 Mhz bandwidth.

Setup/processing  01aug06:  mmic amp,  noise src, cbh using square law detectors.  (top)

    The  4-6 Ghz mmic amplifier was set in a dewar in the cryo lab. A 500 Mhz band was mixed down to a cfr of 500 Mhz and then sent to the control room where it was square law detected with a 50 Usec time constant and then sampled at 25 usec. Data was taken for about 42 minutes using the RI. 3 other bands were sampled simultaneously:

Setup/processing of 08aug06  data: cbh using the wapps.

    The cbh with the shutter closed was used. The wapps ran at 32 usec sampling, 3 levels, and 100 Mhz  bw. Data was taken for about 45 minutes. The 0 lag was 3 level corrected and then used as the total power. The processing was the same as the 01aug05 data (except that the maximum sample rate was 32 usecs rather than 25 usecs).

Plotting the 1 sec avgs, allen deviation, and acfs.  (top)

01aug06: 1 sec averages, the allen deviation, acfs,  no filtering (.ps) (.pdf):
01aug06: 1 sec averages, the allen deviation, acfs,  with 60 hz removal (.ps) (.pdf):
08aug06: 1 sec averages, the allen deviation, acfs, using the wapps (.ps) (.pdf)

plotting the spectra:  (top)

01aug06: spectra of the time series no filtering (.ps) (.pdf):
01aug06: spectra of the time series with 60 hz removal (.ps) (.pdf):
08aug06: spectra of the time series using the wapps (.ps) (.pdf):
Conclusions:  (top) processing: x101/060801/  see Readme file for processing steps. x101/060808/..

28jul06 test 4-6 ghz amp in test dewar. (top)

    A new wide band mmic amplifier was tested on 28jul06. A test dewar was running in the cryo lab. A 600 Mhz band of the amp was mixed down to 500 Mhz and sent to the control room where it was detected with a 20 usec time constant and then sampled at 10 usec with the ri.
    The first plots show the data samples and the allen deviation of the 28 minute data set (.ps) (.pdf):     The 2nd plots show the  spectra of the total power time series for the 1600 seconds of data (.ps) (.pdf):
  • top: The detected power was sampled at  10 useconds. This shows the full 50 Khz averages over the 1600 seconds with about 1 second resolution.
  • 2nd: Blowup of 0 to 3 Khz. Multiples of 60 hz have been flagged in red.
  • 3rd: further blow of 0 to 500 hz. showing the first few multiples of 60 hz.
  • bottom: .064 hz resolution data 0 to 10 Hz. Multiples of 1.2 hz have been flagged (the refrigerator cycle).
  •     The allen deviation starts at the expected value but diverges rapidly. This is probably from the 60 Hz. The points that are integral multiples of 60 hz remain above the expected rms. This may be the 1.2 hz refrigerator or some other drift.
        The spectra shows lots of 60 Hz. This is probably not too surprising since we ran a long cable from the cryo lab to the receiver room. We probably should have ac coupled the system.

    processing: x101/060728/doallen.pro

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