SineWave test and topside data
Links to sections:
sine wave test
Topside data
Links to plots:
results from the sine wave test (.ps) (.pdf):
averaged topside data (.ps) (.pdf)
A test was
done with the rdev
spectrometer on 19oct09/20oct09 using the 430 transmitter (ch) and
later a sine wave input.
The setup:
- ch 430 txmitter/receiver with 420-442 filter
installed on receive.
- cycle thru topside (60 seconds), power, and mracf
- topside: 20 millisecond ipp,rf=500 usecs
- mracf, power 10 seconds each, 10 millisecond ipps.
- Rdev setup transmitter:
- 160 MHz clock, decimate by 5: 32 MHz Bw, 16 bits output,
data rate 32 MHz i,q.
- txSamples: 20000
- HghtDelay: 30000 samples
- hghtSamples: 65000 samples starting (30000)/32e6=.9375
milliseconds =140.6 Km range.
- Set rms in counts at digitizer to about 80 counts.
- Rdev setup sine wave.
- Same setup as Tx (20 millisecond ipp).
- sine wave= 30MHz+ 16010 hz, amp=-2dbm.
- 16010 hz was chosen so that:
- We have about 10 cycles across the tx window.
- the sine wave does not repeat at the ipp rate. This
lets us see any skipped ipps.
- dig rms about 450.
- Take about 90 seconds of data (4500 ipps).
- Note:
- on 19oct09 the 160MHz clock for rdev was not locked to the
station clock. This caused a freq offset of about 3 hz.
- On 20oct09 the test was repeated with the 160 MHz clock
locked to the maser. The sine wave data shown is from 20oct09.
- Data files:
- 430tX: '/share/tdevs0/sasdr_gold.20091019.b0a.00700.pdev'
- SineWave: /share/tdevs0/sasdr.20091020.b0a.00000.pdev
The Sine wave test:
The plots show the
results from the sine wave test (.ps) (.pdf):
- Page 1:Spectra of 1st ipp
- Top: spectra of 20000 tx samples.
- 2nd: spectra of 65000 data samples.
- 3rd: blowup of tx spectra showing sine wave
- 4th: blowup of data spectra showing sine wave.
- Page 2:Measure phase differences
of the sampled sine wave for 4500 ipps.
- Compute the phase of the sine wave for all data and tx samples:
- Top: phDataSmp[0,ipp] -
phTxSmp[0,ipp]. The expected phase difference is:
- Time DataSmp[0,ipp]-TxSmp[0,ipp]=(30000)/32e6= .9375
- Period SineWave=1./16010=62.4610 usecs
- Excess phase= .9375/.0624610 mod 1. = .009375 cycles.
- Measured Phase dif=.0828 cycles
- phase Error=4.5862 useconds.
- I used dataOffsetCnts to compute the start of the
data window.
- 2nd:phTxSmp[0,ipp+1]-phTxSmp[0,ipp]
- The measured phase difference .2 equals the expected phase
- 3rd:phDataSmp[0,ipp+1]-phDataSmp[0,ipp]:
- The measured phase difference (.2) equals the expected phase
- Page 3: Sampled and computed
sine wave for 1 ipp:
- The sampled data (black)
was plotted for 1200 usecs of the 3rd ipp. The time gap between the tx
and data samples was included.
- A 16010 hz sine wave was computed (red) using
the starting phase of the measured waveform.
- Top: The measured (black) and computed (red) sine wave.
- The green vertical bar is the end of the tx window. the blue
vertical bar is the start of the data window.
- 2nd: Blowup start of Tx window.
- The computed and measured sine wave are in agreement.
- 3rd: Blowup end of Tx window. The measured and computed sine
waves are still in phase.
- 4th: The start of the Data window
- The sampled data occures 4.6 usecs early (147 samples).
The topside data:
20 seconds of topside data was analyzed.
The processing was:
- average the high and low freqhopped data separately
- compute spectra every pulselen/2=250 useconds. This gave 7
spectra covering the height range 234 to 459 km in 37 km steps.
The plots show the averaged topside data
(.ps) (.pdf):
- Page 1: 20 second average of the first height
- The vertical scale is db about Tsys.
- The fall off in the spectrum is due to an analog filter in the
crr2 receiver.
- Black is the up shifted spectra (+ 64khz)
- Red is the down shifted spectra (-64khz)
- Birdies that show no freq shift are not coming from the
transmitted signal (eg. rfi..)
- Page 2: The 7 averaged heights after combining the frequency hop.
- Top: 420-440 MHz:
- Each height is offset for display purposes.
- 2nd: blowup around the ion line.
- 3rd: blowup around the down shifted plasma line
- 4th: blowup around the up shifted plasma line.
- There are no skipped ipps for the 90 seconds of data (unless we
skipped exactly 5 ipps).
- The ipp to ipp timing is correct for the tx to tx and data to
data samples. The measurement is good to about 50 ns.
- Within 1 ipp the data window is starting about 4.6 usecs early.
- It is important that the rdev clock is locked to the external
reference (station clock).
- The topside data looks ok.