Step 5: Installing the Software

Pentek’s Navigator™ Design Suite includes the Navigator Board Support Package (BSP) for creating host applications and the Navigator FPGA Design Kit (FDK). All users will install the BSP. However, only those users who plan to integrate custom IP into Pentek's factory−shipped design will install the FDK.

The Navigator BSP consists of three components, which are listed by their names in the directory structure:

  • driver: Universal driver
  • bsp: Universal board support package (main component)
  • 71nnn: Board−specific example programs and MATLAB scripts for processing output, where 71nnn is the model number of the Pentek Jade board.

An overview of what's involved in installing the Navigator BSP is provided in the following:

An overview of what's involved in installing the Navigator FDK is provided in Navigator FPGA Design Kit (FDK).