; ; look at p50 scanner ; note az=0 was pointing south ; .las was format 0. intensity, but no rgb info ; ; things to check ; scan1 120m range 1.6mm at 10M ; 1km ; scan2 - 6.3mm at 10m 0 to 35 el, 50 to 85 az . test ; scan3 - 3.1mm at 10m -40 to 20 el, 0-15 az . test ; scan4 - 3.1mm at 10m -30 to 20 el, 0-360 az full scan ; scan5 - repeat scan4 ; scan6 - 1.6mm at 10m north target ; scan7 - 1.6mm at 10m east target ; scan8 - 1.6mm at 10m south target ; scan9 - 1.6mm at 10m west target (lousy angle) ; scan10 3.1mm at 10m -30 to 20 el, 35O to 365 az ; scan11-18 repeat scan 10 ; switch to 270 m ; scan19 4. mm at 10m -30 to 20 el, 0 to 360 try 270 meter mode high intensity? ; ; scan 3 plot range vs az,el for scan look at variation ;@../p50init ; xyradMax=152. ; to limit the points baseD='/share/megs2_u1/phil/data/leica_p50/200311/' scanlist=file_search(baseD + "Scan*.las") nscans=n_elements(scanList) for i=0,nscans-1 do print,i, " ",basename(scanlist[i]) ; scan4 - iscan 13 radMin=30. ; 1km scan not much data inside 30m zmin=0. iscan=13 npnts=blminpfile(scanlist[iscan],hdr,d) xyz=blmscale(hdr,d) xyradius= sqrt(xyz[0,*]^2 + xyz[1,*]^2) ; try to thow out points not on dish.. ; z > 0 will be a bit off, since scanner above the dish ; but plotting points before throwin them out, looks like not too many good points ; below 0 ii=where((xyradius gt radMin) and (xyradius lt xyradMax) and $ (xyz[2,*] lt zmaxrim) and (xyz[2,*] ge zmin),cnt) xyz=xyz[*,ii] ; a0=155 hor,-a0,a0 ver,-a0,a0 plot,xyz[0,*],xyz[1,*],psym=3 ; plot,xyz[0,*],psym=3 ; ; convert to rpt spherical ; rtp=blmxyztosph(xyz,/deg) ; ; make a histogram of elevation and radius ; binsize=.1 nh=blmhistscan(reform(rtp[2,*]),reform(rtp[0,*]),binsize,hI,hRevI) sym=-2 plot,hi.binx,hi.avgb oplot,hi.binx,hi.medb,col=colph[2] ; plot,hi.binx,hi.rmsb plot,hi.binx,hi.binc ; e0=14d e1=e0+.1d ii=where((rtp[2,*] ge e0) and (rtp[2,*] lt e1),cnt) ; plot,rtp[1,ii],rtp[0,ii],psym=3 ver hor,.2,.4 plot,rtp[1,*],rtp[2,*],psym=3 plot,rtp[1,ii],rtp[2,ii],psym=3 r=reform(rtp[0,*]) r=r[sort(r)] dr=r - shift(r,1) dr[0]=dr[1] az0=.3 azeps=. plot,rtp1[ az=reform(rtp[1,*]) el=reform(rtp[2,*]) rad=reform(rtp[0,*]) ; az0=1. az1=2. az0=1.439 az1=1.442 ii=where((az ge az0) and (az le az1),cnt) sym=1 ver hor,1.439,1.442 plot,az[ii],el[ii],psym=sym plot,az[ii],rad[ii],psym=sym hor plot,el[ii],rad[ii],psym=sym plot,el[ii],az[ii],psym=sym plot,rad[ii],az[ii],psym=sym plot,rad[ii],el[ii],psym=sym az0=.2057366281343d daz=.178893449265d/10d flag,az0 + findgen(12)*daz,col=colph[2]