; this will process everything.. ; only needed first time ; after that initrestart should do ; .run inpscan19 ; iikeepsav and xyz now defined. ; xyz[3,*]=d[iikeepsav.pnts .. ; do the fits .run fitspher/fitsphere_fit ; now fitiarAll.sav iikeep_scan19.sav are now created ; fitiar[10,2] defined ; iikeepf3, iikeepf4 defined ; ; this should be done in the fitsphere/ dire. ;.run fitsphere_plt ; look at fitsphere/fitsphere_doall ; mtocm=100. axisF=1 th=-129.25996D rotateGrid=th cent=center3 radius=designRadiusM rtp=blmxyztosph(xyz,cent=cent,/deg) ; meausured - ref radErrCm=(rtp[0,*]-radius)*mtocm ; max Err maxErr=5. ii=where(abs(radErrCm) lt maxErr,cnt) useTr=0 verb=1 ; rotating before gridding causes triangulate to fail try doing it after gridding istat=griddatap50(xyz[*,ii],radErrCm[ii],img,xout,yout,useTr=useTr,tr=tr,gridLen=gridLen,$ axisF=axisF,rotateGrid=rotateGrid,verb=verb) minV=min(img) ii=where(img eq minV,nmissing) print,nmissing," points with no data" ; ;rgb_table=33; blue-red .. could be a 3,256 vector ;iimage,img,xx,yy,$ ; rgb_table=rgb_table,$ ; identifier=img4id end