BYU phase array Log files
feb 2010
The log files contain the positioning commands used
by the telescope for the mapping:
Jun10 logfiles
14jun10, 18jun10, 19jun10, 21jun10, 22jun10, 23jun10, 24jun10, 25jun10
- 14-15jun10:
7x7 maps
- A0 J2123+250
- A0 J2123+250
- A1(bad),
- A1 J2232+117
- A2 J2232+117
- A3 J2232+117
- A4 J2253+161
- A5 J2253+161
- A6 J2253+161
- 18-19jun:
- 2 focus scans at A0 on J1347+122. -10 to +28. no offs.
- crosses with 4 90 degree rotations
- A0 at -8cm focus
- A0 at +15 focus
- A0 at -8cm 0,90,180 stop
- 5x5 maps with off's
- z focus scan with off. focus -10 to 28 in 2cm steps. A0
- This scan was bad. after the off didn't go back on?
- z focus scan a1 J1758+134 -10 to 28 in 2cm steps
with offs. ok
- z focus scan a0 J1758+134 -10 to 28 in 2cm steps
with offs. ok scan 17000102
- W51 A0 foc=-8. 5x5 grid with 7.5 amin spacing
- J2014+235. fine grid a0 foc=-8, 15x15 .75 amin steps.
- J2014+235 : z focus scan A0 -10,10 1cm step
- 7x7 maps focus=0 astep=1.5
- J2123+250. A0,a4 bad, a4,a5,a6,a1,a2
- J2253+161. A3, D5 ,D6,D1,D2,C2
- 19-20 jun10: (top)
- logfile is not complete for this day.
- grids at focus=10. 7x7. A0,A4..partial,A4,A5,A6,A1. J1347+122..
- cross on each center. focus=-8.
- J1549+214: a0,a4bad,a4,a5
- crosses on each position to figure out offsets
- corfile.20jun10.x101.1 .first set of crosses before changes
to skypositions file
- corfile.20jun10.x101.2 2 crosses D5: 1 on rightmost az bump ,
2nd on center.
- corfile.20jun10.x101.3 2nd set of crosses. after some changes
in positions (but not all). J1840.97
- then updated positions file.
- grids at focus=10. 7x7. J2014+235 A2,A3 same as above . corfile
- grids at focus=20 7x7 J2014+234 A0,A4,A5, J2123+250 A6,
A1,A2,A3 corfile.20jun10.x101.4
- grids at focus=-8 7x7 J2232+114 A0,A4,A5,A6,A1,A2. J2253+161
A3. file:corfile.20jun10.x101.5
- The try cross in C5 tracking after J2253+161, after transit..
file corfile.20jun10.x101.6
- 21-22jun10:
- crosses on a0,a1-a6,c's,d5 partial then stopped (no byu
- J1143+221, 2.7 jy. rick's corrections turned on.
- corfile.2jun10.x101.1
- A0 superfine grid 31x31 focus=0.
- Source J1330+251
- finished thru row 20, pnt 15 (counting from 1)
- corfile.21jun10.x101.2
- weak sources
- Crosses foc=0, A0
- corfile.21jun10.x101.3, 4 crosses on 112 mJy source
- horizontal strips with byu recording. 5 1.5 amin steps in az,
- src=J1539+142, two horizontal strips 4 secs per point.
- src=J1538+147, 12 mJy, 2 horizontal strips, 40 seconds per
- corfile.21jun10.x101.4
- A0 superfine grid continue
- J1609+266 4 Jy, star ton strip 20,point 16
- finished grid
- A1 superfine grid
- J1609+266 start 1,1
- got thru strip 6 point 30.
- Frequency scan 1200 to 1900 Mhz in 20Mhz steps
- J1758+134, foc=0, position A0
- corfile.22jun10.x101.1
- A1 superfine grid
- corfile.22jun10.x101.2
- J1840+097, focus 0
- Start at strip 6, pnt 30 (1 point overlap from previous).
- finished thru strip 21 point 31.
- corfile.22jun10.x101.3
- Src J2014+235, started strip 22 point 1. finished the A1
- Focus scan A3, -10 to 10 cm ,1 cm step, 4 sec integration.
- corfile.22jun10.x101.4, J2014+235
- A3 Superfine grid
- 31x31 J2123+250 focus=0, start 1,1 thru row 16 point 25,
- Continnue with J2253+161 start 16,26 thur 23 point 27. (but
redo 27 since short file
- freq scan 1210 to 1910 in 20 mhz steps, on,off
- file:corfile.22jun10.x101.7
- Superfine grid a3 continue
- src J2253+161
- strip 23, point 27 thru strip 28 pnt 21.
- corfile.22jun10.x101.8
- 22jun10 night
- A4 super fine grid start J1330+251. finished thru strip 21 pnt 1
- course grid 7x7 1.5 amin spacing on J1449+099 (2.9Jy@1665)
- completed 4? 7x7 grid corfile.22jun10.x101.10
- crossstrips
- J1540+147 foc=-8 (A0,A4,A5,A6)
- corfile.22jun10.x101.10
- 23jun10:
- crosses J1143+221, A0-A6, focus =0
- file:corfile.23jun10.x101.1
- A4 super fine grid continue. J1330+251 start (r.c:21.2
-> end) z=0
- A5 super fine grid. J1330+251. start (r.c:1.1 ->10.3)
- 7x7 grids tracking j1445+099 . did 5 grids.
- crosses J1609+266 . foc=0, a0-A6.
- A5 super fine grid J2014+234 started at (r.c:10.4 to
- A5 super fine grid J2123+250 started at (r.c:30.20 to end)
- corfile.24jun10.x101.2
- Note: The start
commands sent to the byu computer had J2014p234 instead of J2123p250. I
forgot to update the string i sent to them. The source was really
- A6 super fine grid J2123+250 started at (r.c:1.1 to 12.25)
- when passing thru the source, the az oscillation causes the
gain to vary over the 4 second integrations.
- corfile.24jun10.x101.3
- A6 super fine grid J2232+117 started at (r.c:12.26 to 26.20)
- A6 superfine grid J2253+161 started at (r.c:26.21 to end )
- Crosses on J2327+144 A0 only, focus=0.
- Crosses on J0129+236 foc=0, A0 only
- Crosses on J0129+236 foc=0 , A0 - A6
- 24jun10 ..
Note italicized lines had
short files
on byu system.. (top)
- gpib
Phase generator was switched off sometime on 24-25 observing.
Switched back on 27jun10 (see below)
- SUMMARY 24-25jun10
- No successful byu data was taken on evening of 24jun10 or
morning of 25jun10.
- All grids/patterns had some short files
- the cross data using the ao interim correlator data was ok.
- Failures. Short file
- When a short file occurs you also see the available sample
per channel entry getting large.
- Normally it is 300 to 500 . When it jumps to 2 or 3 million
you get a short file
- The vi is using a timer to determine when it is done. This
assumes a constant i/o rate. if the i/o rate slows down on the input or
the output, then you'll get a short file.
- Since the available samples jumps to a large number,
it looks
like the output is the culprit allowing the input to backup in the 10
megabyte buffer per channel.
- 5 7x7 grids tracking
J1143+221. focus=0
- corfile.24jun10.x101.8 (looks like there may be some
old stuff in the first 30 samples of file ?
- rise to transit (za 11 to 3.7)
- these all have short files on the byu computer
- 3 5x5 wide grid (7.5
amin steps) 4 sec integration on M87 (extended source)
- Note these are taken as 5x1 strips in azimuth. The sequence
number goes 1..5 for each strip. Look at the start command az,za
offset to see where the strip goes.
- corfile.24jun10.x101.9
- The byu had 5 short files in the 25 total files of the 3
grids. There was at least one short file in each grid.
- A2 super fine grid J1330+251 start
(r.c:1.1 ) 19:00 ast started
- z=0
- got to row4, pnt 4 and had to restart since the byu files
were not all the same size. restart at 19:18
- restarted, got to row 5,12 .. still had short files.
restarted labview 19:37 ast.. data file -> junk
- still small files. went up to reboot computer in dome.
- mvdata to junk
- crosses on J1504+104 A0-A6. focus=0
- Morning
- Crosses on J1859+129 foc=0 till W51 rises
- 5x5 wide grid on W51. A0, foc=0
step by 7.5 Amin
- Note these are taken as 5 5x1
strips in azimuth. I've appended the row number to the source name
W51_1,W51_2 ..W51_5 for each az strip.
- short files on byu system.
- exited lab view reentered..
still trouble
- reformatted disc, restarted..
still trouble
- switched to write to external
drive.. still got short files
- corfile.25jun10.x101.2 .. saved last w51 map in corfile..this
had short files on byu system
- A2 super fine grid finished but there are 40 bad files out of
963 total files
- J2014+235 start (r.c:1.1 to 20.3)
- J2123+250 start (r.c:20.4 to 26.9 then
- first file short on byu
system .. restarted
- has many
short files in this section... but continued taking data...
- row 26 pnt 9 hung up
- corfile.25jun10.x101.5
- J2123+250 restarted on (r.c:26.9)
- restarted at that point
- continued to get short files
- 7x7 grids tracking J2253+161 focus=0 ..see if we can get
- got short files.. giving up on recording with byu system
- crosses on position a0-a6 checking the pointing..J2250+143
- crosses on J2340+224 a0-a6
- crosses on J0020+156
- 25jun10 (top)
- Installed dual pol antenna.
- 7x7 grids tracking J1445+099 2.9 Jy. 3 grids, z=0
- corfile.25jun10.x101.9
- 1st two grids ok.. 3rd grid had 3 short files
- 7x7 grids tracking J1609+266 , 2 grids z=0
- corfile.25jun10.x101.10
- both files ok, nolshort files
- shut off computer, left doors open shielded rack 10pm to 12:30am
- Morning
- corfile.26jun10.x101.1 - data
at 1610,1612 byuhost off, on doors open , doors closed
- shows that rfi in 1612 band when system on, doors open.
So had to leave doors closed on byu rack
- 5x5 wide grid on W51 a0 PolA
- corfile.25jun10.x101.2
- 1st grid:
- did row 1 3 times (3rd had short files)
- row2: 1 short file
- row 3: files good
- row 4: 5 points good, calfile at end short file
- row 5: all good
- 2nd grid
- row 1: 2 short files
- row 2: 1 short file
- row 3: 1 short file
- row 4: 1 short file
- row 5: 1 short (by only 3Mb)
- 3rd grid
- row 1: 1 short file
- row 2: 2 short files
- row 3: 1 short file
- row 4: 0 short files
- row 5: 2 short files
- A2 superfine grid polA new antenna, z=0 (should have been
-2.5cm since new antenna backplane lower by 2.5 cm)..
- J2014+234 start (r.c:1.1 to 21.5)
- corfile.26jun10.x101.3
- around row 3 openned front rear doors of rightmost rack,
installed fan blowing through
- also removed front door of leftmost rack
- J2123+250 start (r.c:21.6 to )
- corfile.26jun10.x101.4
- switched correlator from 1665 to 1612 to see rfi
- hung up at 24.11..
- corfile.26jun10.x101.5 restarted at row.col 24.11 till end)
- 7x7 grids A0-A6 foc=-2.5cm
- J2232+117
- A0: 4 short files
- A4: 4 short files
- A5: 6 short files
- A6: 2 short files
- switched to 7 +3 polAB mode
- dipoles 1-7, 8,13,16 connected pola and B
- 7x7 grid J0020+156 (1.8 Jy) A0, focus -2.5
- A0 : short files
- A0 hung up row 2 pos 2.. restarted from the beginning
- corfile.26jun10.x101.8
- A0 : 6 short files
- 7x7 grid J0129+236 2.5 Jy. A1 thru A6 foc=-2.5
- corfile.26jun10.x101.9
- about 10% short files.
- 26jun10. (top)
- 7+3 polab 1-7 and 8,12, 16
- 7x7 course grids foc=-2.5
- J1609+266 (4.2Jy) A0
- corfile.26jun10.x101.10
- Morning (27jun10)
- 7x7 grids foc=-2.5
- J1840+097 (4.2 Jy)
- A4. no short files
- A5: 1 short file (starting cal off)
- A6: no short files
- A1: no short files
- A2:no short files
- gpib
Phase generator switched on . It has probably been off since sometime
on 24jun10
- J2014+235: (13.6 Jy)
- 15x15 grid A0. J2014+235 foc=-2.5
- corfile.27jun10.x101.2
- 10% short files
- 15x15 grid A0. J2014+235 foc=-2.5
- corfile.27jun10.x101.2
- 10% short files
- Switched to all polB
- 7x7 course grids , foc=-2.5
- J2123+250
- A0: bombed start of row 7.. restarted on row 7 point 1
- corfile.27jun10.x101.3
- J2232+117
- A4
- A5
- A6. bombed on row 7 point 7. restarted on row 7 point 6
- A1
- A2
- A3
- fine grid 15x15 A0
- J2253+161(13Jy)
- corfile.27jun10.x101.5
- finished row15, point 2 10 short files
- J2340+223 (1.89Jy)
- corfile.27jun10.x101.6
- started on row15 , point 3;
- 7x7 grid A0, focus = [-2.5+10]=7.5 cm
- corfile.27jun10.x101.7
- J2340+223 (1.89 Jy)
aug10 logfiles (top)
- 19aug10
23:30(18aug10) to 7am(19aug10) (top)
- single pol array . Has 2.5 cm standoff so add 2.5 cm to all
requested focus positions.
- A0 fine grid. new data
acquisition system. z=-7.5+2.5=-5cm to
that things are working
- J2123+250 foc -7.5 (row.col:1.1 to 15.15 .. no
last cal .. source went out of the beam).
- ao amplifier after splitter did not have the 12 volt supplied
to it so we have no ao recording of this.. the byu system is probably
- dipole 4 connected to rcvr chain #20.
- A0 fine grid. Old data
acquisition system. z=-7.5+ 2.5=-5cm
- J2232+117, (row.col 1.1 to end of grid)
- corfile corfile.19aug10.x101.1 ao recording working
dipole1. (lag 0 power=.6 this grid).
- C5 fine grid.
foc=7.5+2.5 = 10cm
- source J2340+223 (1.9Jy). (row.col 1.1 to end of grid)
- corfile.19aug10.x101.2
- crosses to check pointing till stronger source rises
- J2340+223 (1.9Jy). foc =-2.5+2.5= 0 cm
- A0,A4,A5,A6,A1,A2,A3, A0,A4,A5 (last one hit
- corfile.19aug10.x101.3
- D5 fine grid. foc=7.5 +
2.5 = 10cm
- J0129+236 2.46 Jy row.col 1.1 to end
- corfile.19aug10.x101.4
- D6 fine grid.
- J0129+236 2.46 Jy row.col 1.1 to end
- corfile.19aug10.x101.5
- crosses to check pointing till source rises.
- J0141+138.. foc=-2.5 + 2.5= 0 cm
- corfile.19aug10.x101.6.
- A0 super fine grid
z=7.5 + 2.5 = 10cm
- Source J0321+123. 1.76Jy @1400 Mhz. foc=10-2.5=7.5cm.
(row.col:1.1 to 22.17)
- Source J0502+252 5.7Jy at 1400.
- (row.col:22.18 to end of grid)
- corfile.18aug10.x101.8
- 20aug10
(19:00 to 23:45 ast) (top)
- A2 super fine grid foc:
- J1640+123
(2.1Jy@1400) (row.col 1.1 to 12.13)
- J1758+134 (2.0 Jy @1612) (row.col 12.14 to 29.13)
- J1840+097 (actually 1845+098) 4.15Jy @1612. (29.14 to end)
- i had typed the name in wrong. but position was ok..
- corfile.20aug10.x101.2
- switched rcvr chain 1,2,3
- A1 super fine grid foc= 7.5+2.5=10cm
- J2014+235 (13.6 Jy ) (row.col 1.1 to 23.9 )
- corfile.20aug10.x101.3
- 23aug10 (6:00 to ..) (top)
- A1 super fine grid cont.
- J0321+123 (1.76 jy) row.col (23.10 to 28.28)
- J0502+252 (5.77 @1400) (28.29 to end)
- A3 super fine grid:
- J0502+252 (5.77 Jy @ 1400) (1.1 to 15.31 )
- 23aug10 : 17:00
afternoon (top)
- dual pol
array installed, new
datataking with both pols
- AO connect polA dipole1a, polB dipole2b
- A0 fine grid (focus=-5
+ 2.5 = -2.5 cm... This was supposed to be -5cm.. i messed up).
- J1445+099 (2.99 jy at 1665) 1.1 to end
- corfile.23aug10.x101.3
- A3 superfine grid
- J1609+266 4.23 Jy row.col foc = 10. (16.1 to 22.6..
failed on 22.7) restarted..
- J1609+266 4.23 Jy row.col foc = 10. (22.7 to 28.31 then
byu program stopped..)
- 24aug10
: 5:30 am.. (top)
- A3 superfine grid
- J0321+123 (row.col 29.1 to end)
- A4 superfine grid foc=10cm
- J0321+123 (1.76 Jy @1400) foc=10 (1.1 to 6.2)
- J0502+252 (5.77Jy @1400) (6.3 to 13.19)
- A0 fine grid J0502+251
(5.77 Jy @1400) foc= -5 + 2.5 = -2.5 cm
- repeat from last night to check lousy sensitivty maps with
dual pol System (2 pols recording).
- upped phase cal amplitude
- node 2 not working so only took data with polB nodes on
byu system
- J0502+251 (5.77Jy @1400) foc=-5 +2.5 = -2.5cm
- 1.1 to 8.14 then timedout
- 8.14 to end
- 24aug10 (18:00) (top)
- Position C7 crosses to find center
- positioner angle,radius:C7 289.1
- same angle as C5 but radius closer in (C5 rad=51.5).
- skyOffsets: 8.212,3.852
- corfile.24aug10.x101.6
- A0 fine grid dual pol
system. Replace phase cal cable that
was bad. foc=-5+2.5=-2.5cm
- J1609+266 (4.23 Jy). (1.1 to )
- 25aug10
(23:00 24aug10 to 8:00 25aug10) (top)
- Using
old 20 chan system with dual pol array polA
- C6 fine grid foc=
- J2123+250 (10.34Jy) (1.1 to end )
- corfile.24aug10.x101.8
- C7 fine grid
foc=7.5+2.5=10cm (see above for def of C7 position)
- J2232+117 (7.2 Jy) (1.1 to end )
- A5 super fine grid
- J2232+117 (7.2 jy) (1.1 to 8.24)
- J2340+223 (1.89Jy) (8.25 to 24.8 ) last point tried 24.9
probably went out of beam
- J0129+236 (2.46 Jy @ 1665) (24.9 to end)
- A6 super fine grid
- J0129+236 (2.46 Jy @1665) (1.1 to 14.16)
- J0318+164 (7.69 Jy @ 1665)
- (14.17 to 23.4) then hit keyhole.. waited about 24
minutes to come out
- (23.5 to end)
- A4 super fine grid.
foc=7.5+2.5=10cm. dual pol arr with old single pol data taking.
- restart A4 since i don't know if old data taken with 2
pols was ok
- J0502+252 (5.77Jy @1400). (1.1 to 20.31)
- corfile.25aug10.x101.7Absorber measurement
- 25aug10 17:00 (top)
- Testing
dual pol array with 40 chan system.
- added line driver for trigger inputs,
- A0 fine grid J1609+266
(4.23 Jy) (0.0 to end)
- crosses on J1609+266 foc=-2.5+2.5=0
- D6 new position (offset az by 3 amin)
- 26aug10
25aug10 to 8:00 26aug10) (top)
- D6 fine grid (with
updated position) foc=7.5+2.5=10cm
- J2123+250 (10.34Jy) (1.1 to end)
- C1 fine grid. foc=7.5 +
2.5 = 10cm
- J2232+117 (7.2 Jy) (1.1 to end )
- A4 superfine grid
(continued) foc= 7.5+ 2.5=10cm
- J2232+117 (7.2 jy) (21.1 to 30.25)
- J2340+223 (1.89 jy) (30.26 to end)
- A3 super fine grid (continued)
- J2340+223 (1.89 Jy @1665) (16.1 to 19.14) then byu drive
filled up..
- last 3 files were small so restart on 19.11
- J2340+223 continues (19.11 to 28.7 ) redid last point
just in case..
- J0129+236 (2.46 Jy) (28.8 to end)
- Crosses on D1 position
- J0129+236 updated D1 position
- Crosses on Weak source J0133+234 (just ao system)
- byuCross on weak source J0133+234
(27mJy @1405Mhz) foc=-7.5 + 2.5=-5cm
- offset -3amin,step 1.5 amin, off then 5 steps in az.
(no za steps.. byu system doesn't reply to 2nd setup)
- repeated az strips twice
- D1 fine grid foc=7.5+2.5=10cm
- J0318+164 (7.7Jy) (1.1 to end)
- crosses on weak source A0, foc=-7.5+2.5=-5cm (ao data only)
- byucross on weak source
J0319+141 (35 mJy @1405Mhz). foc=-7.5 + 2.5=-5cm
- offset -3amin,step 1.5 amin, off then 5 steps in az.
- repeated cal azstrip 3 times.
- corfile.26aug10.x101.11
- C2 fine grid foc=7.5+2.5=10cm
- didn't have a chance to check the position offsets...
- J0318+164 (7.7Jy) (1.1 to 13.12) ran out of time.. that's all
for this grid.
- corfile.26aug01.x101.11 (has weak source at start of file)
- switched
to 40 chan system dual pol
- A0 fine grid on
polarized source foc= -5+2.5=-2.5cm
- J0521+166 (3C138) 7% pol 8.48 Jy (1.1 to 15.10) didn't finish
last row, no last cal.
- Extended Source mosaic Crab foc=-7.5+2.5=-5cm
- 5x5 mosaic
- 4 sec integration, 7.5 Amin step, cal at end of each row
- corfile.26aug10.x101.13 .. but ao power levels are off
...byu system probably ok.
- Absorber
- Use byucal routine
- 15 secs on
- blank sky 070500,231608 ra,dec
- 15 secs on absorber (source:calOnAbsorber)
- sequence:
- on sky pos A0 scan:23801780
- on absorber temp=84.2
- on absorber
- on absorber temp=84.7
- on sky (but in stow position)
- on sky position A0
- on sky position A0
- corfile.26aug10.x101.14
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