equipment used
software to prepare
and run the experiment
looking at the data
An experiment example
Parameters used for
various experiments
rdbe fdds mixer values
for various frequency ranges
02nov21: station code went from Aa -> Ac to keep
anish happy.
Equipment used:
vlbi observations at ao using the 12meter
telescope have the following signal path:
- 12meter telescope --> udc -> aoIfLo ->
- 12meter:
- has a dual s/x receiver
- the s/x signal are multiplexed onto a single fiber (1
- sband: currently unhooked because of rfi
- xband: 8050 to 9200MHz
- The rf signals are then down a fiber
with 1 fiber for each pol. (circular pols .. but
need to check).
- udc up/down converter
- the rf signal is de multiplexed and then mixed to an IF
freq. (upper side band)
- We are currently using the 1-2 GHz IF for the field
- Ao IF/LO
- The 1-2 GHz IF from the udc is sent to the ao if/lo. It
is an upper sideband (not flipped)
- -11 to +30 db gain is adjustable in 1db steps
- the central 500MHz of the 1-2 GHz IF is then down
converted to 500 to 1000MHz.
- This uses a high side lo so the 750 band is a lower
sideband (flipped)
- If is then sent to the rdbe
- We have two rdbe's at AO. They both receive polA and
- The are named RDBE2 and RDBE4.
- The can run in either PFB or DDC mode.
- -->Warning .. the
following is what i think is going on in the rdbe fpga..
- If anyone finds any more detailed documentation please
let me know :).
- The signal is filtered 512 to 1024MHz and then sampled.
- The a/d is an 8 bit sampler running at 1024 MHz
- --> Note the sampled band is centered at 768 MHz,
not the 750 center that we send to the rdbe.
- The data is down converted to 0 to 512 MHz by the under
- The input 750MHz band is flipped
- the 0 to 512 MHz sampled data is not flipped
(upper sideband).
- The 0 to 512 MHz data is run through a 4 channel pfb
filter. the output should be 4 128 MHz complex bands.
- I've read about the 128 MHz real, 256MHz complex,
128MHz read bands... but it seems to me you've just got
4 128MHz complex pfb filter outputs.
- The pfb outputs are labeled .. this the confusing part
- at the 512 to 1024MHz if
- pfb 0 is 512 -> 640 MHz
- pfb 1 is 640 to 768?
- pfb 2 is 896 -> 1024
- pfb 3 is 768 to 896 ??
- the sched manual says there are 3 bands in the 512
to 1024 MHz band
- 512->640 128 MHz bw
- 640 ->896 256MHz bw
- 896 ->1024 128 MHz bw
- so go figure..
- The data can then be processed by the pfb or ddc
personality of the fpga. I'll continue with the ddc mode
- There are 8 digital mixers in the ddc mode for each
- they are fed by the 4 pfb output from polA and the 4
from polB
- the pfb 0..3 are driven from polA, 4..7 are driven
from polB
- a crossbar switch routes the pfb outputs to the
mixer inputs.
- After mixing to the freq selected by the user, each
mixer output is then decimated to the requested
- After the decimation
- the samples are quantized to 2 bits
- and then packed into a vdif frame..
- our frames are 5032 bytes long. 8*4 bytes of header
followed by 5000 bytes of sampled data
- with 2bit sampling, there are 4*5000 =20000 samples
in a frame.
- the frames are then sent to the mark5 recorder.
- mark6
- The mark6 recorder is hung off the mk6 computer.
- the input frames are striped across 8 discs.
- when combing the striped files for monitoring use
The software to prepare and run the
The software used in vlbi experiments
- sched (run offline)
- input is a xx.key file..
- output is a xx.vex file
- It uses two catalog files that define what the
ao12meter can do:
- station_RDBE.dat
- I've added a new entry for the 12meter
- I've also updated the location and the rates.
- freq_RDBE.dat
- new entries for the 12 meter
- station:ARECIBOC
- freq bands:
- arxb1: 8050 to 8550 lo=9050
- arxb2: 8300 to 8800 lo=9300
- arxb3: 8700 to 9200 lo=8950
- eventually i'll split it up into 300 MHz chunks so we
never get close to the edge of the 500 to 1000 MHz
- After running sched, you need to copy the xx.vex file to
the vlbis1 computer at /usr/sched/
- vex2snap (run on vlbis1)
- vex2snap --force --station Aa --recorder FlexBuff:mk6
- where t003.vex is the example vex file.
- This converts the xx.vex file to the xx.snp and xx.prc
files that the field system uses.
- xx.snp is the schedule file that drives the experiment
(using schedule=xx in the field system).
- xx.prc holds the procedures defined to run
the experiment. typical procedures are:
- exper_initi .. initialize experiment
- sched_initi ... init rdbe, setup
- setup01 .. stop
rdbe , then setup the rdbe config parameters
- preob
.. called prior to observation start
- -->note.. the field system seems to want the .snp
file in /usr2/sched and the .prc file in /usr2/proc.
- field system
- fs . will start the field system
- the small window in the lower level is the command input
window. the larger windows are for output messages/errors.
- schedule=xxx (name of snap file)
will start the experiment running
- terminate
will exit the field system
- notes:
- when you start the schedule= command,
- the fs will check the start time of the data with
the current time
- If the difference is less than N minutes, the fs
will complain that all sources have past. Looks like
10Minutes ahead always works, 2 or 3 minutes
usually doesn't.
- the schedule xx.snp file will initialize the rdbe.
- this resets all parameters in the rdbe to default
values.. so
- You can't setup the a/d attenuation and set the
2bit quantization levels before running the
schedule= command since the command will undo all of
your settings.
- After running schedule=
- wait until the rdbe is initialized
- then adjust the atten for the a/d and the
quantization levels
- You have to do this before that start of the data
on time.
- Routines to setup if/lo , adjust levels and
- setting up the ao if/lo for xband.
- a tclsh shell is run on galfas2 to control the if/lo
(it is usually running in a vncviewer window)
- this can be done before running the field system fs
command. It needs to be done before the a/d attenuator
- vlbisetup rfCenterFreqMhz
- This routine was added 2nov21. it assumes:
- xband is used
- the udc outputs to the 1-2 ghz if band
- the 1-2ghz band is then mixed to 750 Mhz
- this will setup the udc synth to mix the
rfCenterFreq to 1500 Mhz
- and then setup the vlbi mixer to mix from 1500 Mhz
to 750Mhz that is set to the rdbe
- --> the udc synth has a resolution of .1 Mhz.
this lo then gets multiplied by 4 for the up
conversion. it is then down converted to 1000 to 2000
- because of the limited freq resolution of the udc
synth, the udc will not always be able to output
the requested rf Center freq at 1500 Mhz.
- This will routine does the following.
- ask the udc to mix the requested rf freq to 1500
- Look at the actual freq mixed to 1500 Mhz. If it
is not the requested value (because of limited freq
resolution) then:
- when mixing from 1500 Mhz to 750Mhz, correct for
any errors in the 1500 Mhz rf freq
- So the 750 Mhz output will have the correct
requested rf center frequency.
- attn if2 polAdb polBdb
- set the attenuation for the 1-2 GHz IF.
- values are 11 to -30 db
- The parameters are db attenuation. so if you want
more gain make the number smaller.
- values that have worked for me:
- attn if2 -6 -4
- Read back the power levels at the 1-2 ghz IF
- if2mp
- 1 -30.59 -30.16
- This level puts the rdbe attenuators around 10db
- ==> the following steps should be done
after you start the fs and schedule= xxx on vlbis1
- cd /usr2/sched
- fs
- schedule=t009ac (or whatever schedule you want
to run)
- Running the schedule will reinitialize the rdbe's. You
to set the attenuator settings after the initialization
has completed,
- Adjust the rdbe a/d input power
- This is done on vlbis1 in a linux window (not the
field system window)
- the rdbe had 2 attenuators (1 for each pol). They can
be used to adjust the power level into the a/d
- The a/d is 8 bits. You'll want to set the levels to 1
sigma=20 a/d counts
- cd ~/bin
- (for the first rdbe)
- (for the 2nd rdbe)
- It will try adjusting the attenuators so you get 20
counts in the rms eg
# Response: result =
- where19.839 is polA rms in counts, 18.895 is polB
rms in counts.
- Adjusting the 2 bit quantization levels
- this is done on vlbis1 in a linux window (not in the
field system window)
- cd ~/bin
- is does all ddc's , all rdbe's (even if you are not
using them :)
- It will first try to re adjust the a/d attenuator
levels (so you could skip the part above)
- there is lots of output. the final quantize query for
each rdbe/ddc looks like:
Response: result =
- The 4 large numbers are a histogram of the counts in
each level (most neg to most pos)
- they should be in a ratio of about .5 1 1 .5
- the 1959:-1960:0; is the positive, negative
and 0 thresholds setting
- It is probably best to run this twice (after rdbe
initialization the thresholds are set to 0).
- note:
- the a/d adjust and the quantize commands need to
complete prior to the start of data on.
- Verifying that the rdbe has been setup correctly.
- This uses the vlbish command on vlbis1
- vlbish
- program to talk directly to the rdbe's
- the first time you sent a command inside vlbish you
need to prepend the rdbe names, after that you can
leave them, off
- check that the 1 sec tick is synchronized with
external time
- rdbe2,rdbe4/dbe_dot?
- You should have syncerr_eq_0 and the replies should
have the same values
- If the replies don't match
- dbe_dot_set=;
- this will do the sync
- then try dbe_dot? again
- other things to add
- dbe_alc?; .. check the a/d
attenuator values
- !dbe_alc?0:0:8:off:1:9:off;. 0:8 .. 1,9
attens for dbe0,1
- dbe_rms?; check the rms values of the
sampled data
- !dbe_rms=0:19.496:20.860:-0.419:-1.046:66:80;
19.496, 20.860 rms level in counts for dbe0,1
- dbe_dc_cfg?; .. checks decimation,ddc
lo's, timestamp setup for the 8 ddc
- dbe_ddc_quantize?0; check
quantization levels for ddc 0 (this is
also done be
- !dbe_ddc_quantize?0:0:3513789:60650782:60364756:3470673:1022:-1015:4;
- !dbe_ddc_quantize?0:0:2845577:61143302:61161572:2849548:1018:-1019:0;
- The 4 large #s are the histogram counts for the
4 2bit levels. the ratio should be about .5 1 1 .5
- This can be repeated for ddc's 2,3,4
- Wouldn't hurt to have a script to take 1 second of
data and make sure the spectra looked ok.
Looking at the data online
The data is recorded on the mk6 computer.
After a run you can take a quick look (not sure if looking at
the data while it is running will slow down the recording)
The vdif data format:
The data is written in vdif format:
- Data is written in units of frames.
- a frame has a 8*4ints=32 byte header followed by data
- our data frames tend to have 5000 data bytes with 2 bits
per sample.
- so a data frame will be 5032 bytes.
- A frame can have 1 or more channels written
(either multiple freq band or multiple pols).
- It looks like the default is 1 channel/frame ..
- each frame will have a thread id that identifies which
channel the frame belongs to (or the bbc it came from)
- If you have 1 freq band and 2 pols you could have
- 2 threads.
- thread 0 =polA
- thread 1 = polB
- 2 freq bands with 2 pols might have
- 4 threads
- thread 0 polA band 1
- thread 1 polB band 1
- thread 2 polA band 2
- thread 3 polB band 3
On the mk6 computer the data is striped across 8 discs. You
can combine these 8 files into a single file by mounting the
files using vbs_fs.
After mounting you have a single file with all the data, but
it is still frame based.
- The first 5032 bytes might be from polA while the 2nd 5032
bytes could be from polB, this would be followed by the 2nd
frame for polA.
- to process the data you would like the data samples taken
at the same time to be together, not separated by frames.
- An example:
- suppose we have 1 freq band and 2 pols
- the vdif file would have 2 threads. with
- We would like to have 1 thread with 2 channels/thread so
the data would be contiguous in time
- the vmux program will do this for you.
The routines to look at the data:
All these routines are run on the
mk6 computer (where the discs are located). The sequence will
- list the recorded experiments: vbs_ls
- mount the experiment so the 8 striped files look like 1
file: vbs_fs
- demultiplex the file so that samples are adjacent in time
: vmux
- compute, accumulate, and plot a spectra:
- print the headers from a vdif file: printVDIFheader
I'm going to use t003_aa_no0001 experiment as an
example (first scan to t003_aa)
- vbs_ls -6
- list the experiments that have been recorded (-6 -->
mark6 format)
- one of the outputs will be
- t003_aa_no0001
- vbs_fs -6 -I t003_aa_no0001
- this will mount the 8 striped files as one file
- you need to first create the directory for the output
- mkdir /home/oper/data/tmp/t003_aa_no0001
- the -6 says to only look in the mark 6 directories for
- -I t003_aa_no0001 is the experiment to mount
- the mounted file will end up in
- /home/oper/data/tmp/t003_aa_no0001/t003_aa_no0001
- this file has all of the data, but it is still blocked
by frames (rather than contiguous in time)
- When you're done with looking at the files, use
fusermount -u mountpoint to umount the file.
- printVDIFheader /home/oper/data/tmp/t003_aa_no0001/t003_aa_no0001|less
- dumps the headers. the output will look like:
- First second = 8881200
FrameNum Epoch Seconds Frame Thread
Length Chans Bits L I C EDV SampleRate
SyncWord DBE IF Sub Tuning(MHz) Side Rev Pers
0 43
43 0
5032 1 2 0 0
0 3 16000000
0xACABFEED 1 0 3
26.000000 U 1.6 0x83
1 43
43 1
5032 1 2 0 0
0 3 16000000
0xACABFEED 1 1 3
26.000000 U 1.6 0x83
- vmux infile framesize framesPerSec threadlist
- framesize: 5032 .. look at printVDIFheader output
- frames/sec:
- 5000 bytes/frame, 2 bits/sample,4 samples/byte -->
5000*4=20000 samples/frame
- 16MHz bw -> 32MHz sample rate (the printVDIFheader
had a complex sample rate)
- 20000samples/frame* 1/32e6 secs/sample = .000625
secs/frame . 1/.000625 = 1600 frames/sec.
- this is the frames/sec per channel.
- threadlist:0,1
- vmuxOutputname: t003_aa_no0001.vmux
- vmuxnm format
integTmMs fftlen
- will plot the spectra from the .vmux file
- format should be of the form:
- <format> is : VDIF_10000-128-2-2
- 10000 is the # databytes/frame: 5000*2 since
both channels are now in 1 frame
- 128Mbits/sec: 32Mhzsampling*2bits*2pols=128
Experiment example
- use t003 as the experiment name:
- offline
- generate the key file t003.key
- edit the start times to be in the future
- \sched < t003.key
- copy the t003.vex file to vlbis1
- scp t003.vex oper@vlbis1:/usr2/sched
- on vlbis1
- login oper@vlbis1
- cd /user2/sched
- vex2snap --force --station Aa --recorder FlexBuff:mk6
- cp t003aa.prc ../proc/
- on vncviewer session on galfas2
- in tclsh window controlling if/lo
- vlbisetup 8550
- attn -8 2
- if2mp
- on vlbis1
- fs
- schedule=t003aa
- wait for rdbe to get initialized
- in a separate linux window
- cd ~bin
- make sure rms is around 20,20 for the ddc's
you're using
- if the a/d levels are too low, go back to the ao
if/lo and increase the power with attn if2
- a smaller numbers gives more power since the
values are attenuation.
- the quantization histogram should have the ratio
- the data recording better start after you've
finished with the adjustments
- look at the results on mk6
- ssh oper@mk6
- cd data/tmp
- mkdir t003_aa_no0001
- vbs_fs -6 -I t003_aa_no0001
- printVDIFheader t003_aa_no0001/t003_aa_no0001 |less
- get the frame size, compute the
- vmux t003_aa_no0001/t003_aa_no0001 5032 1600 "0,1"
- --> you need to abort this after a few seconds (or
else it continues to grow the file ??)
- t003_aa_no0001.vmux VDIF_10000-128-2-2 1000
- --help
- Usage : <infile>
<dataformat> <T_int (ms)> <Ldft>
<dataformat> should be of
the form:
(here 1000 is payload size in bytes)
<T_int> approximate
integration time per spectrum in milliseconds
<Ldft> length in
points of Fourier transform across full bandwidth
<offset> is the byte offset
into the file
Parameters used for various
evn only 2gbit/sec setup
- (used 05nov21 fringe test)
- the freq_RDBE.dat entry for this setup is Name = arxb5
- we use 8x64 MhzBw configuration of the rdbe's
- vlbisetup 8433
- you can query the values that this sets up:
- udc query
- 1 8433.200000 7358.300000 15.5 15.5
- there is a .2 MHz offset at 1500 Mhz (udc synth freq
- if2
- synfrq 2249800000 1175000000 ...
- The .2 Mhz offset is corrected when mixing from 1500
to 700 Mhz (using 2249.8 rather than 2250. lo
RDBE fdds mixer values for various
frequency ranges
I got this table from harro who got it
from mat luce (via the python program
- bbmode: 1-> lo below band edge (low side lo), 0
-> high side lo (at 512-1024. at 0 to 512 this is
- sub : 0,1,3,2 are the
4 128 Mhz bands from 512 to 768
512 to 1024 is upper sideband (not
fc (carrier freqeuncy)
fc < 640-bw
fc-512 + bw/2
fc to fc+bw
fc <= 704 and bw=128
768 - fc -bw/2
fc to fc+bw |
fc<= 768-bw/2 and bw < 128
768- fc - bw/2
fc to fc+bw |
768 and bw == 128
fc - 768 +bw/2
fc to fc+bw |
fc<= 896-bw and bw
< 128
fc - 768 + bw/2
fc to fc+bw |
fc<= 1024-bw
1024 -fc - bw/2
fc to fc+bw |
512 to 1024 is lower sideband
fc >= 896 + bw
1024- fc + bw/2
fc to fc -bw
fc >= 768 + bw and bw<128
fc -768 - bw/2
fc to fc -bw |
fc >=
832 and bw=128
fc - 768 -bw/2
fc to fc -bw |
fc >=
768 and bw=128
768 -fc +bw/2
fc to fc -bw |
fc >= 640 + bw and bw<128
768 -fc +bw/2
fc to fc -bw |
fc >= 512 +bw
fc - 512 -bw/2
fc to fc -bw |