NAME: abssq - compute absolute value then square SYNTAX: pwr=abssq(v) ARGS: v[n]: complex voltage to compute power RETURNS: pwr[n]: float real(v)*real(v) + img(v)*img(v) DESCRIPTION: Compute the square of the absolute value
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: addpath - add a directory to the start of the path variable SYNTAX: addpath,pathname ARGS: pathname : string variable with the path to add. If the pathname does not begin with / or ~ then the path will be relative to the path returned by aodefdir() DESCRIPTION: Add a directory to the beginning of the !path variable. If the first character does not begin with ~, or /, then make the path relative to the directory returned by aodefdir(). If the pathname is already in the path, then move it to the front of the path. EXAMPLE: addpath, '/home/aosun/u4/bozo/idl' .. addpath, 'Cor2' .. adds /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/Cor2
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: alfamoninit - initialize to alfa dewar monitor routines SYNTAX: @corinit DESCRIPTION: call this routine before using any of the alfa deware monitor (amxxx) idl routines. It sets up the path for the idl alfamon directory and defines the necessary structures.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: alfatsysget - return alfa Tsys for the requested positions SYNTAX: stat=alfatsysget(az,za,freqMhz,rotAngle,tsysValAr,date=date,fitI=fitI, fname=fname) ARGS: az[n]: float azimuth in degrees za[n]: float zenith angle in degrees freqMhz[n]: float freq in Mhz. rotAngle[n]: float rotation angle of alfa in degrees. KEYWORDS: date[2]: int [year,daynumber] to use for gain computation. The default is to use the current day. If the Tsys curves change with time, this allows you to access the curve that was in use when the data was taken. fname: string alternate file holding fit coefficients. RETURNS: tsysValAr[2,7,n]: float tsys for the 2pols, 7 pixels and n positions in Kelvins fitI[2,7] : {alfatsysfitI} optionanly return the fit information (see alfatsysgetdat for a description of the structure). stat: int -1 --> error, no data returned 1 --> data returned ok DESCRIPTION: Return the system temperature (K) for the 2*7 pols*pixels of alfa using a model of az,za,rotation Angle, and frequency. The date keyword allows you to access a tsys curve that was valid at some other epoch (the default is the most recent curve). If the input variables are an array of dimension N then the retured data will be an array of Tsys(2,7,N) Fits have been done for Tsys(az,za,freq,rotationAngle). This routine will input the fit information (calling alfatsysinpdata) and then compute the Tsys for the given input parameters. The input fit data is stored in a common block so the data does not have to be input from disc on any succeeding calls. NOTE: For a description of the Tsys fits see: . EXAMPLES: ; 1 value at az,za,rotangle,freq az=180. za=15. rotAngle=19. freq=1385. stat=alfatsysget(az,za,freq,rotAngle,tsysVal) ; ; 18 values at za 2 thru 19 in 1deg steps, az=180,freq=1385. n=18 az=fltarr(n) + 180. za=findgen(n)+2 ; za=2..19 rotA=fltarr(n) + 19. freq=fltarr(n) + 1385. stat=alfatsysget(az,za,freq,rotA,tsysVal) SEE ALSO:alfatsysinpdata
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: alfatsysinpData - input alfa tsys fits. SYNTAX: istat=alfatsysinpdata(tsysfitI,fname=fname,date=date) ARGS: KEYWORDS: fname: to specify an alternate data file with fit values. The default file is aodefdir() + 'data/tsys.datR17 date : [year,daynum] .. if specified the data when you want the tsys for.. the default is most recent. RETURNS: istat: 1 ok, -1 bad filename or data in file. tsysfitI[14]:{alfatsysFitI} return fit info. 1 structure for each pol/pix. DESCRIPTION: Input the alfa tsys fit data. The default datafile is aodefdir() + 'data/tsys.datR17 (aodefdir() is a function that returns the root of the ; aoroutines). The keyword fname allows you to specify an alternate file. The file format is: - col 1 ; or # is a column - col 1 !yyyy dayno starts a date section. yyyy dayno is the year daynumber for the start of this data set. - data is free format , column oriented The structure format for {alfaTsystFitI} is: fitI.pol 0,1 ; polA or polB fitI.pix 0..6 ; pixel number fitI.fitType 1 ; code for type of fit used fitI.pntsused 1 ; number of points used to compute the fit fitI.ncoef 11 ; number of coef in the fit fitI.sigmafit 0. ; hold the fit sigma (in deg K) fitI.numCoef fltarr(ncoef); hold the fit coefs. fitI.sigmacoef fltarr(ncoef); hold the fit coef errors. fitI.startYr for the fit fitI.startDaynum for the fit How the different cal routines vary: alfatsysinpdata() inputs the data from disc. It defaults to the current date. It loads a table in common holding the fit info for all of the pixels/pols alfatsysget() Pass in the az,za,freq,rotAr. It will input the data using alfatsysinpdata if necessary, do the computation and return the tsys for the reqeusted values. SEE ALSO: alfatsysget
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: alfawappharm - compute alfa,wapp harmonics SYNTAX: n=alfawappharm(rfCfr,freqList,harmList,maxHarm=maxHarm,rfidef=rfidef,$ print=print, bpf=bpf) ARGS: rfCfr : float sky center frequency (Mhz) of alfa band freqlist[m]: float sky frequency of birdies to check (Mhz) (also see rfidef keyword below). KEYWORDS: maxHarm:int largest harmonic to use (default is 5). rfidef:int if this keyword is set then the known large interfering frequencies are loaded into freqList and then used for the computation. See below for a list of the frequencies included. print : if set then print out the results when done bpf[2] :float redefine the min,max frequency of the 250 Mhz IF bandpass filter. The default is 200 to 300. Since the filter is not infinitely sharp, you can try broadening it a bit. RETURNS: n: int number of harmonics found in the final band. This includes any fundamentals harmList[n]: struct structure holding the harmonics info. DESCRIPTION: Compute where harmonics fall in the alfa/wapp configuration. The user inputs the sky center frequency of the alfa band as well as a list of frequencies that may create harmonics. The program computes where these frequencies and their harmonics end up in the final output band. By default the program searches up to the 5th harmonic. You can change this with the maxHarm keyword. The program sequence is: 0. initialize the list to include all of the fundamental frequencies. 1. Add all harmonics created by the dewar. 2. Remove all frequencies outside the 1225-1525 bandpass filter. 3. Compute harmonics created at the IF in the mixer. 4. Remove all frequencies outside the 700 Mhz low pass filter. 5. Create harmonics in the IF created by the fiber/distribution amp. 6. remove all frequencies outside the 250Mhz bandpass filter 7. Compute harmonics created by the amp after the bandpass filter and the a/d. 8. Digitally downconvert to 0-100 9. Compute where these frequencies map to on the sky. The bpc keyword lets you change the default 100 Mhz bandwidth of the 250Mhz bandpass filter. The program assumes the filter is infinitely steep. You can widen the 100 Mhz to see if there are any nearby birdies that might alias in. If the rfidef keyword is set (/rfidef), the program will load a list of known interferers into the rfiList variable and then proceed with the computation. The list includes: aerostat radar: 1241.75,1244.6,1256.5,1261.25 remy radar: 1270,1290 faa radar: 1330,1350. puntaSalinas: 1232.7, 1247.7 (The 2 modeA freqs that don't overlap with the aerostat) The return structure harmList[] contains: RFCFR FLOAT 1385.0 ; center frequency of alfa band BW250 FLOAT 100.0 ; bandwidth of 250Mhz bandpass filter MAXHARM INT 5 ; maximum harmonic used for search FREQRF FLOAT 1350.0 ; The rf frequency of the initial sky birdie FREQRFH FLOAT 1350.0 ; The rf frequecy of the resulting harmonic FREQI FLOAT 285.0 ; the IF frequency of the harmonic FREQH FLOAT 85.0 ; the harmonic frequency at base band HARMNUM INT 0 ; the order of the harmonic 0=1= the fundamental STAGENAMH STRING 'sky'; The stage where the harmonic was created. STAGENAMI STRING 'sky'; The stage that preceded the harmonic creation You can print out the harmonic list useing alfawappharmpr,harmList EXAMPLE: 1. pass in faa radar frequencies. rfiFreq=[1330.,1350] rfCfr=1385 n=alfawappharm(rfcfr,rfiFreq,harmL) alfawappharmpr,harmL Alfa harmonics. SkyFreq:1385.0 250BPwidth:100.0 MaxHarm: 5 freqRfi freqSrc harmNum LocationCreated 1350.0 1350.0 0 sky 1405.0 1350.0 2 AmpAfter100MhzFilter_AtoD 1380.0 1350.0 3 AmpAfter100MhzFilter_AtoD 1375.0 1350.0 4 AmpAfter100MhzFilter_AtoD 1410.0 1350.0 5 AmpAfter100MhzFilter_AtoD 2. use the default frequencies n=alfawappharm(1375,freqList,harmL,/rfidef,/print) Alfa harmonics. SkyFreq:1375.0 250BPwidth:100.0 MaxHarm: 5 freqRfi freqSrc harmNum LocationCreated 1330.0 1330.0 0 sky 1350.0 1350.0 0 sky 1415.0 1330.0 2 AmpAfterIFbpFilter_AtoD 1375.0 1350.0 2 AmpAfterIFbpFilter_AtoD 1340.0 1330.0 3 AmpAfterIFbpFilter_AtoD 1400.0 1350.0 3 AmpAfterIFbpFilter_AtoD 1405.0 1330.0 4 AmpAfterIFbpFilter_AtoD 1325.0 1350.0 4 AmpAfterIFbpFilter_AtoD 1350.0 1330.0 5 AmpAfterIFbpFilter_AtoD 1400.0 1350.0 5 AmpAfterIFbpFilter_AtoD NOTES: 1. This program maps the sky frequency into the final bandpass. It does not map the location of a birdie in the final bandpass back to the sky frequency. 2. The harmonic number tells how fast the birdie will move as you move the center frequency of the sky band.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: angletosterad - angle to steradian SYNTAS: sterad=angletosterad(theta,deg=deg) ARGS: theta: float/double angle in radiabns to convert to steradians KEYWORDS: deg : if set then theta is in degrees. RETURNS: sterad: double steradians that angle subtends DESCRIPTION: Convert theta to steraradians. This assumes that theta is the full opening angle of a cone (not the half angle)l You can derive this by integrating the area of a sphere from 0 to th/2 with a radius of 1 for below let th be the half angle... a= integral(2*pi*rPrime*dthp) integrate thp from 0 to th but rPrime=sin(thp) if r =1 so.. a =2*pi *integral(sin(thp)*dthp) from 0 th = 2*pi*(-cos(thp)) eval at 0,th = 2*pi*(1-cos(th)) except this routine wants the full angle, not the half angle ...
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: aobeampatcmp - compute ao beam pattern from bessel function SYNTAX n=aobeampatcmp(freqMhz,diam=diam,nsdlb=nsdlb,thMin=thMin,thMax=thMax,$ valMax=valMax,fwhmA=fwhmA,np=np,p=p,thD=thD) ARGS: freqMhz: float frequency in Mhz to use. KEYWORDS: diam: float dish diameter in meters to used. The default is 225 meters. nsdlb: int number of sidelobes,nulls to compute. The default is 10. np : long number of points to use in the beam pattern. The default is 10000 points. RETURNS: n : int number of sidelobes computed. thMin[n]: float angle (arcminutes) where nulls were found thMax[n]: float angle (arcminutes) where peaks were found (includes main beam at 0 degrees). valMax[n]: float value at each peak (mainbeam and sidelobes). normalized to mainbeam = 1. fwhmA : float full width at half maximum in arcminutes. p[np] : float beam pattern linear scale. thD[np] : float the angle (from center of beam pattern) for each point in p[n]. Units are Degrees. DESCRIPTION: Compute a beam pattern for the arecibo telescope. See tools of radio astronomy, rohlfs and wilson page 139. The computation uses a circular aperture with uniform illumination ( not quite the ao taper but...). You specify the frequency in Mhz. The routine will compute and plot the beam pattern listing the first nsdlb nulls and sidelobes on the plot. It can pass back to the caller the computed information.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: aocatinp - input an ao source catalog SYNTAX: nsrc=aocatinp(file,srcI,calib=calib,galhI=galhI,gcl=gcl,lewis1=lewis1,$ lewis2=lewis2,oh=oh,psr=psr,brightpsr=brightpsr,snr=snr,$; sort=sort,novel=novel) ARGS: file :string filename of catatlog KEYWORDS: The following keywords select one of the standard catalogs available from Online at AO. These keywords will not work if you are not running at AO (since the files are not available). calib : if set then use source calibrator file galhI : if set then use Arecibo HI standard galaxy list Objects with: no neighbor w/i 10' & 1000km/s radii; Optical Diameter < 2.0' gcl : if set then use Globular Clusters in Harris' catalog visible from AO lewis1 : if set then use Galaxy catalog (WITH velocities) Lewis et al. (1985 ApJS 59 161) lewis2 : if set then use Galaxy catalog (WITHOUT velocities) Lewis et al. (1985 ApJS 59 161) oh : if set then use Bright OH/IR stars in the Arecibo Sky Catalog for 1612 MHz velocity calibration sources psr : if set then use the princeton pulsar catalog (our version of it used by cima brightpsr : if set then use bright pulsars from the princeton pulsar catalog. snr : if set then use Green's supernova remnant list sort : if set then sort the sources by increasing ra novel : if set then the catalog has no velocity info. stop after the coordsys RETURNS: nsrc : int number of sources found -1 could not read file. srci[nsrc]:{srccat} return data here DESCRIPTION: Read in all of the sources in an ao catalog file. These are the standard and usr source list files that are used by CIMA (the telescope gui control program). The file format is: # col 1 is a comment 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 srcNm ra dec CoordSys vel velFrame velType # comments ra : hh:mm:ss.s or hhmmss.s dec: dd:mm:ss.s or ddmmss.s Coordsys: J,B vel : velocity of source relcative to vel coordinate system velFrame: Topo - topocentric Helio - helio centric lsr - local standard of reset velType : v - velocity km/sec zo - z optical zr - z radio The returned srcI array will contain: help,srcI,/st history: str: NAME STRING '' source name RA FLOAT Array[3] hh mm DEC FLOAT Array[3] dd mm dd.dd (alway positive) DECSGN INT 0 +/- 1 sign of declination RAH DOUBLE 0.0 ra in hours (includes sign) DECD DOUBLE 0.0 dec in hours (includes sign) Coord string 'b','j' vel double 0. velCrdsys string '' t-topo,h-helio,l-lsr, velType string '' v,zo,zr EOL STRING '' string after : following velType.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: aodefdir - AO base directory for idl routines. SYNTAX: defdir=aodefdir(doc=doc,url=url) ARGS: doc: if the keyword is set then return the directory for the html documentation. url: if the keyword is set then return the url for the html documentation. DESCRIPTION: Return the directory where the ao idl routines are stored. At AO it returns '/pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/'. The addpath() routine will use this directory if no pathname is given. This routine makes it easier to export the ao idl procedures to other sites.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: arrpltazzaerr - arrow plot of azerr,zaerr vs az,za SYNTAX: arrpltazzaerr,az,za,azerr,zaerr,tit,ticklen=tickLen,hard=hard indlist=indlist,names=names,notab=notab,tabtit=tabtit, colar=colar,ln=ln,nmOff=nmOff,tblln=tblln,xpsrc=xpsrc cs1=cs1,csn=csn,ltit=ltit,lticklen=lticklen,p12m=p12m decl=decl,fixedlen=fixedlen,font=font ARGS: az[npts]: float azimuth deg za[npts]: float za deg azerr[npts]: float azerr asecs(def) zaerr[npts]: float zaerr asecs(def) tit: string. title.. eg 'pointing errors' KEYWORDS: ticklen : float ticklen in asecs. def: 5 lticklen : str label for tick len. def=asec hard : if set then use hardcopy settings names[nsrc] : string list of source names used. print left of image. indlist[npts]: long index into names array for each point in az,za notab : if set then donot print avg/rms table by za tabtit : title for err table by za. def:errors colar[] : long color indices to use ln : long line number (1..) to start the notes .. nmoff : long offset line to start printing the source names tbllen : long if supplied then line number to start table xpsrc : float xpostion to start srcnames. [0.,1] default -.1 screen,-.2 plotting ltit : int line to start the plot title p12m : if set then for 12meter. rise, set are reversed decl : if set then overplot dec lines (for 305m) every 5 degrees fixedlen : if set then the input data is fixed length, we are just using the rotation angle ( residuals can to go zero..) This will leave off the ticklen message. over : if set then overplot. should be a 2nd call to routine csn : float charsize for notes. font : font to use 1-> truetype DESCRIPTION: make a 2d arrow plot of azimuth, za error versus az,za. This is normally used to plot the residual fits of the pointing model. The length of each arrow will be proportional to the pointing error at that az,za. The direction of the arrow will be that of the error. By default a table of the errors in 5 degrees steps is printed at the bottom of the plot. (it may not show up on the screen version but it will be there in the postscript file).
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: avgchanbyrms - use rmsbychan to throw out outliers when averaging SYNTAX: avgAr=avgchanbyrms(d,median=median,rmsar=rmsar,nsig=nsig,cntar=cntar,$ nodiv=nodiv,double=double) ARGS: d[m,n] : array to average over 2nd dimension KEYWORDS: median: if set then use median rather than mean when doing the avg , and dividing the rms by the mean. rmsAr[m]: rms values for each chan used for thresholding nsig : when averaging, use all points <- nsig. def=3 double : if set the compute using doubles RETURNS: avgAr[m]: average array cntar[m] : long number averaged in each channel rmsAr[m] : long number averaged in each channel DESCTRIPTION: compute the standard deviation/mean by channel.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: avgrms - avgerage then compute rms for data set SYNTAX: avgrms,toAvg,d,rmsAr,allen=allen ARGS: toAvg[navg]: long samples to average before computing rms. If i, greater than 1 then the rms will be computed on each dataset. d[m,ncol]:float average along m and then compute rms. Do this for each ncol KEYWORDS: allen: if set then return the allen deviation rather than the standard deviation. it is y[i]=sqrt(.5*mean((d[i]-d[i+1])^2)) where d[x] has first been averaged by toavg[i]. RETURNS: rmsAr[navg,ncol]:float return rms info for each dataset DESCRIPTION: Average the first index of d and then compute the rms. Do this for all ncol. If the keyword /allen is set then the sqrt of the allen variance is computed rather than the standard deviation. ToAvg determines the number of adjacent samples to average before computing the deviation. If toavg is an array then the deviation will be computed for each set of averages. The info is returned in rmsAr[navg,ncol] where navg is the number of entries in toavg[]. This routine can be used to check if the rms noise decreases as 1/sqrt(bw*time). To do this, you should normalize the input data to the mean (or median) value of each column (since it is DeltAT/T=1./sqrt(b*tau)).
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: avgrobbychan - compute the robust average by chan for 2d array. SYNTAX: result=avgrobbychan(d,nsig=nsig,ncnts=ncnts,rms=rms) ARGS: d[m,n] : array to compute rms KEYWORDS: nsig:float any points nsig beyond mean are ignored in the average. RETURNS: result[m]: result[i]= robustmean(d[i,*]) ncnts[m]: number samples used for each mean rms[m]: rms of each channel (it is not divided by the mean) DESCTRIPTION: compute a robust mean by channel of a 2d array. For each channel compute the rms. Throw out all points above nsig, continue doing this until no points are thrown out. For each channel return the mean of the remaining points.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: basename - return directory and basename of file SYNTAX: baseNm=basename(filename,dirNm=dirNm,nmLen=nmLen) ARGS: filename: string filename to split into directory and basename RETURNS: baseNm: string basename (without the directory). '' will be returned if there is no base name. KEYWORDS: dirNm: string if present then return the directory name here. It will contain the trailing "\". If there is no directory name then return ''. nmLen[2]: long length of directory name:(nmLen[0]) and basename:(nmLen[1]). if either name is not present then nmLen[i] will have 0. EXAMPLE: file='/share/olcor/corfile.01jun06.x101.1' bnm=basename(file,dirnm=dirnm,nmLen=nmLen) ; bnm: corfile.01jun06.x101.1 dir: /share/olcor/ nmLen: 13 22
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: basketweave - basket weave two maps SYNTAX: basketweave,map1,map2,map1w,map2w,deg=deg,fract=fract ARGS: map1[m,n]: float/double input map 1. it was driven in the x coordinate map2[m,n]: float/double input map 2. it was driven in the y coordinate KEYWORDS: deg: int if not zero then fit a polynomial of deg deg to the subtracted data if zero, use a robust mean. def: robust mean fract: float fraction of fit to remove on each iteration, (0> to 1.). verb : if set then plot results as we go along RETURNS: map1w[m,n]: float/double backet weave map1 using map1 - map2 map2w[m,n] float/double basket weave map2 using map2 - map1 DESCRIPTION: Basketweave two maps. This will help remove stripes in a map. When making the map you can: - drive in ra and step in dec or- drive in da and step in ra. Stripes typically between the strips. To basketweave to maps: 1. the maps should already be gridded to the same coord grid 2. copy map1 to map1w, copy map2 to map2w 3. compute the map difference mdif12= map1 - map2 4. for each xstrip - fit a robust polynomial to the mdif12[*,i] (or just use the robust mean) - remove a fraction of this difference from the map1w[*,i] (def=.7) 5. do the same to map 2 mdif21=map2 - map1 for each y strip - fit a robust polynomial of deg to mdif21[i,*] (or just use the robust mean) - remove a fraction of the fit from map2w[i,*]-=fract*yfit Return map1w,map2w ... Normal processing would iterate: mapc1=map1 mapc2=map2 loop n rms1=rms(mapc1-mapc2,/quiet) ; rms of difference before basksketweave(mapc1,mapc2,map1w,map2w,deg=1) rms2=rms(map1w-map2w,/quiet) ; rms of difference before print.. rms before,afte mapc1=map1w mapc2=map2wk endloop you could then averaged the 2 basket weaved maps
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: bdwfinit - initialize to use the idl bdwf (brown dwarf routines). SYNTAX: @bdwfinit DESCRIPTION: call this routine before using any of the bdwf_ idl routines. It sets up the path for the idl bdwf directory and defines the necessary structures.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: bitreverse - bit reverse data SYNTAX datBr=bitreverse(dat,numBits) ARGS: dat[n]: long data to bit reverse numbits: long number of bits to reverse RETURNS: datBr[n]: long the bit reversed data. DESCRIPTION: Bit reverse the data in array dat. The number of bits to use for the reversal is specified in numBits: EXAMPLE: if a=00000001b then bitreverse(a,4) would return 0001000.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: blmask - interactively create a mask for baseline fit SYNTAX: istat=blmask(x,y,maskArr,y2=y2) ARGS: x[npts]: xaxis array y[npts]: yaxis array KEYWORDS: y2[npts]: overplot second array RETURNS: maskArr[npts]: returned mask array with valuse 0,1 istat: 1: created mask, 0: no mask specified by user DESCRIPTION: Let the user interactively define a mask to use for fitting. The x,y data is plotted and then the user is prompted to interactively build the mask using the mouse. The user is prompted to position the the mouse to the start and end of each segment that is to be filled with ones in the mask. The left mouse button is used to specify the point. The right mouse button will get you out of this loop. The returned mask will have the value 1 for all the specified segments. All other values will be set to 0. If the y2 keyword is provided, then the data in y2 will be over plotted in red. You might use this when you are trying to create 1 mask for 2 polarizations of data. EXAMPLE: istat=blmask(x,y,maskArr) buttons used: left mark, right quit 1--P1?-- -47.2958 1--P2?-- 9.64367 first section of mask done 2--P1?-- 19.4657 2--P2?-- 22.8821 2nd section of mask done 3--P1?-- 25.1597 right button clicked so it returns. NOTE: It is the users responsibility to set the horizontal and vertical scale prior to calling this routine. The normal interface to this routine is from the bluser() routine. SEE ALSO: bluser, cursorsubset.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: bluser - interactively baseline a function. SYNTAX: istat=bluser(x,y,coef,mask,yfit,maskst=maskst,xfit=xfit) ARGS: x[npts]: xaxis array y[npts]: yaxis array KEYWORDS: maskst[npts]: if provided, then use this mask to start with. RETURNS: coef[] : coefficients from fit.. you should use xfit=xfit as the xvalues for the fit; yy=poly(xfit,coef) mask[npts]: mask used for fit that was defined by the user. xfit[npts]: x values used for fitting [0,1) or [0,-1] . these are the values you should used when evaluating coef yfit[npts]: fit evaluatuted at the data points istat: 1: fit ok, 0 no fit DESCRIPTION: bluser lets the user interactively baseline a function. The user passes in the x,y arrays of data. The routine will pass back the coef's from the fit, the mask used, and the fit evaluated at the data points. On entry the main menu is displayed: KEY ARGS FUNCTION m .. define mask f n .. fit polynomial of order n h h1 h2 .. change horizontal scale for plot to h1,h2 v v1 v2 .. change vertical scale for plot to v1,v2 c .. print coefficients p .. plot data - fit q .. quit The user should first adjust the horizontal and vertical scale with h h1 h2 and v v1 v2. Each time one of these is entered the plot will be redisplayed with the new limits (do not use commas here..). When the plot shows the correct limits, enter m to define the mask. The leftmost mouse button is used to define the starting and ending portions of the data that will be used for the fit. You can have as many of these sections as you want. When you are done with the mask, click the right mouse button. After defining the mask, you can fit any order polynomial you want. f 4 would fit a fourth order polynomial and overplot the fit. p .. plots data - fit. (use v v1 v2 to reset the vertical scale). You can go back and redefine a new mask if you want and the redo the fits. q is how you exit the routine. SEE ALSO: blmask
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: bpcmpbychan - compute a band pass from set of spectra SYNTAX: bpc=bpcmpbychan(d, deg=deg,nsig=nsig,nlsig=nlsig,chnNsig=chnNsig,$ flatTsys=flatTsys, maxFitloop=maxFitLoop,$ chanRms=chanRms,resAll=resAll,dfit=dfit,$ gdpntperchan=gdpntperchan,nloop=nloopbychan,$ indBadChan=indBadChan,indgdchan=indgdchan,zeromean=zeromean, tsysScl=tsysScl ARGS: d[nchn,npts]: float input data to process KEYWORDS: deg: int degree of polynomial fit along each channel. default=1 nsig: float The clipping level (in sigmas) to use for the fit residuals. Any value greater than this is not included in the fit. The default is 3 sigma. nlsig: float if nlsig is provided, then channels that have large values of sigma/median will have there points to exclude recomputed with nlsig rather then nsig. A good value would be 2. By default this is not done. chnNsig: float : If indBadChan, or indGdChan is requested, use chnNsig to determine which channels are good: (rms/sigma le chnNsig), and which channels are bad: (rms/sigma gt chnNsig). The default for chnNsig is 3 sigma. flatTsys: if set, then divide each spectra by the median value. This will allow continuum sources to be included in drift scan mode. maxFitLoop:int The maximum number of times to iterate on the fit for a single channel. The default is 20. zeromean : if set, the the input data has zero mean, donot divide byte the mean; RETURNS: bpc[nchn] :float the bandpass to use for the bandpass correction. chanRms[nchn] :float the rms/mean computed for each channel. resAll[nchn,npts] :float the fit residuals for each point (y-yfit) in units of sigma of that channel. dfit[nchn,npts]:float the 2d fit of the data to the polynomials by chan. gdPntPerChan[nchn]:long the number of good points used in each channel. indGdChan[] :long The indices (0 based) for all channels who had an rms/mean less than chnNSig indBadChan[nchn] :long The indices (0 based) for any channels who had an rms/mean greater than chnNsig. nloop[nchn]:long The number of fitting iterations that where done on each channel. tsysScl[npts] :float If flatTsys was set, then this will contain 1/medianTsysBySpectra for each spectra. have the tsys scaling factor for each spectra. DESCRIPTION: Compute a bandpass correction for a set of data. It works with an array of npts spectra each having nchn channels. The algorithm is: 1. If tsysFlat is selected then compute the median over freq for each spectra and call it Tsys[npts] Use this to flatten each time point so that continuum sources do not skew the data and can be included in the statistics. If TsysFlat is not selected, then set Tsys[npts] to 1. 2. for each channel take all of the time points for that channel: y=d[ichn,*] a. Normalize this channel to the average tsys over time: y[npts]=y[npts]/Tsys[npts] b. define all npts to be good points. c. fit a polynomial of order deg to the good points, coef=poly_fit(x[gdpnts],y[gdpnts],deg) d. compute the residuals over all points using the coef from c. res=y-coef(x,coef) e. find all points that are less than nsig times the fit sigma. f. If there are fewer points than we started with in c, goto c, if not, then we are done with the channel g. store the following: - chanRms[ichn]= rms/mean(last fit) - dfit[ichn,*] = last fit along this channel - gdpntPerChan get number of points we were left with after the fit. - nloop[ichn] is the number of times we looped on the fitting. 3. When done with all channels, if indBadChan or indGdChan is provided, call meanrob( robust mean) with the chanrms[] array. It will find all of the channel sigmas that stick out less than chnNsig. 4. Compute the average bandpass correction by averaging the fit array over all time samples: bpc=total(dfit[nchn,npts],2)/npts 6. The function returns bpc[nchn] Some Notes on the returned data: 1. The data is flattened in the time direction. The results: bpc, dfit,chanRms,resAll are relative to this dataset. With this processing, continuum sources will not have large residuals (since they were flattened by the mean power of that sample). If you overplot the bpc with the input data, they will differ by a scaling factor. This will be corrected for when the cal is applied. 2. resAll is in units of rms of the flattened channel: (y-yfit)/sigma. 3. chanRms[nchn] has been divided by the mean of each channel. This flattens the bandpass edges. You should be able to predict what this value should be from the 1./sqrt(bw*tau) EXAMPLE: Suppose you have spectra spc[1024,300] and a calOnOff[1024,2] Processing would be: bpc=bpcmpbychan(spc,chanRms=chanRms,indgdChan=indgdchan) ; ; don't use 100 channels on each edge, plus all the chanRms gt 3 sigma ; for scaling to kelvins. ; mask=lonarr(1024) mask[indgdchan]=1. mask[0:99]=0 mask[1024-99:*]=0 ind=where(mask eq 1) ngood=n_elements(ind) bpc=bpc/(total(bpc[ind])/ngood) ; bp now normalized to unity for i=0,nsmp-1 do spc=spc[*,i]/bpc ; ; now scale to kelvins ; caldeflTP=total(calOnoff[ind,0]-calonOff[ind,1])/ngood ; use same good chan corToK=calKelvins/calDeflTp spc=spc*corToK spectra now in kelvins. ; I've left the steps separate for illustration. You could combine the ; calscaling and bandpass corretion in one multiply.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: bytesleftfile - return the unread bytes left in a file SYNTAX: bytesLeft=bytesleftfile(lun,bytereq=bytereq,chktime=chktime,$ maxloop=maxloop,cursize=cursize) ARGS: lun: int lun to already open file that we should check. KEYOWRDS: bytereq: long Wait until at least this number of bytes is available. use the chktime keyword to determine how often to check chktime : float number of seconds to delay between file size checks. This is used if bytereq is specified. The default is 1 second. maxloop : long max number of times to loop if bytereq option used. The default is 999999 RETURNS: bytesLeft: LONG returns the unread bytes in the file cursize : LONG current number of bytes in file DESCRIPTION: The routine will return the number of unread bytes in a file. It takes 5 to 10 milliseconds to check the file size. The bytereq option will wait until at least bytereq bytes are available in the file. The chktime option specifies how often to check the file size. The maxloop option tells how many times to check the file before quitting. EXAMPLE: openr,lun,'/share/olcor/corfile.15jun02.x101.1',/get_lun nbytes=bytesleftfile(lun) Wait till there are at least 5k bytes. Check every 10 secs and loop a maximum of 60 times: nbytes=bytesleftfile(lun,bytereq=5000,chktime=10,maxloop=60)
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: cadiinit - initialize the cadi ionosonde software SYNTAX: @cadiinit DESCRIPTION: call this routine before using any of the cadi_... idl routines.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: calget - return the cal value given hdr,freq. SYNTAX: stat=calget(hdr,freq,calval,date=date,swappol=swappol) ARGS: hdr: {hdr} header holding at least hdr.iflo freq[n]: float freq in Mhz for cal value. KEYWORDS: date[2]: int [year,daynumber] epoch for cal value. Default is the date in the header. swappol: If set then swap the polA polB calvalues. This can be used to correct the 1320 hipass polarization problem, or to compensate for a xfer switch being used. RETURNS: calval[2,n]: float cal values in deg K for polA,polB. if alfa then it returns calval[2,7,n] stat: int -1 error, 1 got the values ok. DESCRIPTION: Return the cal values in degrees K for the requested freq. The hdr can be a correlator or ri header (as long as it includes hdr.iflo). This routine always returns 2 values: pola, and polB. The calvalues for the receiver in use are looked up and then the values are interpolated to the observing frequency. NOTE: Some cals have measurements at a limited range of frequencies (in some cases only 1 frequency). If the requested frequency is outside the range of measured freqeuncies, then the closest measured calvalue is used (no extrapolation is done). hdr should be a single element rather than an array. This routine extracts info from the header and then calls calget1(). SEE ALSO:calget1, calval, calinpdata, corhcalval
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: calget1 - return the cal value given rcvr,frq,type. SYNTAX: stat=calget1(rcvrNum,caltype,freq,calval,date=date,hybrid=hybrid, fname=fname,swappol=swappol,p12m=p12m) ARGS: rcvrNum: int receiver number 1..16 (see helpdt feeds). calType: int type of cal used 0 through 7. 0-lcorcal,1-hcorcal,2-lxcal,3-hxcal, 4-luncorcal,5-huncorcal,6-l90cal,7-h90cal freq[n]: float freq in Mhz for cal value. KEYWORDS: date[2]: int [year,daynumber] data for calvalue. Default is the current date. hybrid: if set then a hybrid was in use and the cal values should be averaged together. fname:string use an alternative filename for cal data. swappol: if set then swap the polA, polB calvalues on return. This can be used to correct for the 1320 hipass polarization cable switch or a xfer switch. alfaBmNum: 0..6. If alfa receiver then only return cal values for this beam number. The default is all 6 beams. p12m if set then this is 12meter data.. RETURNS: calval[2,n]: float .. calValues in deg K for polA,polB Note if this is alfa, then [2,7] value are returned for the 7 pixels.. stat: int .. -1 error, 1 got the values ok. DESCRIPTION: Return the cal values in degrees K for the requested reciever, caltype, and frequency. This routine always returns 2 (or 2x7) values: pola, and polB. The calvalues for the receiver in use are looked up and then the values are interpolated to the observing frequency. EXAMPLES: Get the cal values for lbw (rcvrNum=5) using the high correlated cal (caltype=1) at 1400. Mhz. stat=calget1(5,1,1400.,calval) NOTE: Some cals have measurements at a limited range of frequencies (in some cases only 1 frequency). If the requested frequency is outside the range of measured freqeuncies, then the closest measured calvalue is used (no extrapolation is done). If you have a datatking header, you can use calget(). It will take the rcvrNum, and caltype, from the header. SEE ALSO:calget, calval, calinpdata, corhcalval
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: calget1fit - return linear fit to cal values SYNTAX: stat=calget1fit(rcvrNum,caltype,f1,f2,coefAr,date=date,hybrid=hybrid, fname=fname,swappol=swappol) ARGS: rcvrNum: int receiver number 1..16 (see helpdt feeds). calType: int type of cal used 0 through 7. 0-lcorcal,1-hcorcal,2-lxcal,3-hxcal, 4-luncorcal,5-huncorcal,6-l90cal,7-h90cal f1: float Mhz min freq f2: float Mhz max freq KEYWORDS: date[2]: int [year,daynumber] data for calvalue. Default is the current date. hybrid: if set then a hybrid was in use and the cal values should be averaged together. fname:string use an alternative filename for cal data. swappol: if set then swap the polA, polB calvalues on return. This can be used to correct for the 1320 hipass polarization cable switch or a xfer switch. alfaBmNum: 0..6. If alfa receiver then only return cal values for this beam number. The default is all 6 beams. RETURNS: coefAr[2,npol=2]: float .. linear fit to polA,polB Note if this is alfa, then coefAr=[2,npol,7] value are returned for the 7 pixels unless alfabmnum is selected. stat: int .. -1 error, 1 got the values ok. DESCRIPTION: Return a linear fit to the calvalues between f1 and f2 for the requested calType and receiver. The cal value in kelvins could then be computed as: CalAK[f]=coefAr[0,0] + coefAr[1,0]*FreqMhz CalBK[f]=coefAr[0,1] + coefAr[1,1]*FreqMhz If the receiver is alfa then the returned coefs are: coefAr[2,npol,nbeams] unless alfaBmNum keyword is used. In that case the coef for the single beam are returned. EXAMPLES: Get the cal values for lbw (rcvrNum=5) using the high correlated cal (caltype=1) between 1300 and 1500 Mhz. stat=calget1fit(5,1,1300,1500,coefAr) calAK=poly(findgen(200)+1300),coefAr[*,0]) NOTE: SEE ALSO:calget, calval, calinpdata, corhcalval
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: calInpData - input cal data for rcvr/calType. SYNTAX: istat=calinpdata(rcvNum,calNum,calData,fname=fname,date=date,p12m=p12m) ARGS: rcvNum: 1 thru 16. receiver to use (same as hdr.iflo.stat1.rfnum). calNum: 0 thru 7. cal Type to use (same as hdr.iflo.stat2.calType). the values are:0-lcorcal,1-hcorcal,2-lxcal,3-hxcal, 4-luncorcal,5-huncorcal,6-l90cal,7-h90cal KEYWORDS: fname: to specify an alternate data file with cal values. The default file is aodefdir() + 'data/cal.dat{rcvNum} date : [year,daynum] .. if specified the data when you want the cals for..default is most recent. p12m : if set then get 12meter cals. 11=xb,7=sb RETURNS: istat: 1 ok, -1 bad file/rcvnum,data , -2 bad calnum calData: return data in structure: calData.calNum - calNum calData.numFreq - number of freq entries calData.freq[numFreq] - for each cal value (in Mhz) calData.calA[numFreq] - polA cal value in Kelvins calData.calB[numFreq] - polB cal value in Kelvins DESCRIPTION: Input the cal data for all the frequncies of a particular receiver (rcvNum) and cal type (calNum). The calNum and rcvNum can be extracted from the headers with iflohrfnum() and iflohcaltype (). The default datafile is aodefdir() + 'data/cal.dat{rcvNum} (aodefdir() is a function that returns the root of the aoroutines). The keyword fname allows you to specify an alternate file. The file format is: - col 1 # is a column - data is free format , column oriented - nd1 is noise diode 1, nd2 is noise diode2, H-highcal,L-lowcal, - A is polA, B id polB, ndxx-->A/B implies that diode N feeds pol X freq nd1H->A nd1L->A nd1H->B nd1L->B nd2H->A nd2L->A nd2H->B nd2L->B The mapping of cal type to diodes used is: corCal diode 1-> polA, diode 1-> polB uncorCal diode 1-> polA, diode 2-> polB xCal diode 1-> polB, diode 2-> polA 90cal diode 2-> polA (with 90deg phase shift), diode 2-> polB This routine is called automatically by corhcalval and calget(). How the different cal routines vary: calinpdata() inputs the data from disc. You must specify the rcvrnum,calnum. It defaults to the current date. It loads a table in common but it does not interpolate or compute a calvalue. calval() Pass in the frequency and the caldata array input via calinpdata(). It will interpolate the frequency and compute the cal value. calget() You supply a header and a frequency. The routine figures out the caltype,rcvrNum, and date from the header and calls calinpdata() and calval(). It returns the cal values. corhcalval() You specify the correlator sbc header (eg b.b1.h). It will compute the frequency and then call calget(). It returns the cal values. NOTE: The following receivers will always return a single calNum independent of what is requested (since they only have 1 single cal). rcvnum nam calnumreturned 3 610 0 low cor cal 6 lbn 0 low cor cal 100 ch 5 h uncorcal sbn now has hcorcal,lcorcal. 12 sbn 0 low cor cal,hcorcal SEE ALSO: corhcalval, calget
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: calmfit - fit curves to cal on/off data SYNTAX: istat=calmfit(d,nsteps,nloops,fitI,fitIAvg,fitISum,verb=verb,$ bw=bw,indAvgA=indAvgA,indAvgB=indAvgB,$ masktoUseA=masktouseA,masktouseB,avgstop=avgstop, dopol=dopol, _extra=e, ARGS: d[n]: {mcal} : data input from mcalinp. Uses (spcCalOn - spcCalOff)/spcaloff. nsteps: int ; number of 100 Mhz steps to move through the entire band nloops: int ; number of entire band was measured fitI[nloops] :{ } ; results of the fitting each loop fitIAvg :{ } ; fit to the average of the loops fitISum :{ } ; summary of the average fit KEYWORDS: verb :int ; passed to corblauto for plotting bw :float ; bandwidth in Mhz each measurement (25Mhz) indAvgA[ma]:long ; indices of nloops to use when averaging polA indAvgB[mb]:long ; indices of nloops to use when averaging polB maskToUseA[mm,j]:long ;mask array polA for each fit. if j=0 then use the same mask for each fit.1==> use,0=-> ignore maskToUseB[mm,k]:long ;mask array polB for each fit. if k=0 then use the same mask for each fit.1==> use,0=-> ignore dopol : int if provided then only process the pols specified by dopol. 0=polA,1=polB. default is both pols avgStop: if set then stop after plotting each avg so the user can look at the plot output. _extra: ; passed to corblauto(). deg=deg (polynomial fit order) fsin=fins (harmonic fit order) DESCRIPTION: mcalinp() inputs a set of calon/calOff -1 spectra. CalMfit will fit a function to the spectra covering the entire receiver bandpass. Each entry in d holds 100 Mhz worth of data. nsteps of these will cover the entire bandpass and there are nloops copies. Since there can be multiple passes through the entrie band, d has dimensions of d[nlags,nsteps,nloops]). corblauto is used to fit to the spectra calon/caloff-1 for a complete pass through the receiver band. The fit is repeated nloops time (once for each pass through the band). For each fit the following data is returned: help,fitI,/st ** Structure <8445c7c>, 7 tags, length=329324, data length=329324, refs=2: NP LONG 20480 ; number pnts across band FRQSTP FLOAT 0.0976562 ; freq step Mhz FRQMIN FLOAT 4000.00 ; minFreq FRQMAX FLOAT 6000.00 ; max freq FITI STRUCT ->Array[1] ; fit coef. YFIT FLOAT Array[20480, 2]; fit evaluated at freq points MASK FLOAT Array[20480, 2]; mask used for fit (non zero values). A robust average by channel is taken for the nloops through the band. A fit to this average spectrum is then done and returned in fitIAvg. By default all of the passes through the data are used when computing the average. The keywords indAvgA, indAvgB let you specify which passes through the data should be included when making the averages. fitISum holds summary info for the average: ** Structure <8438ab4>, 11 tags, length=163896, data length=163896, refs=1: NP LONG 20480 NLAGS LONG 256 NSBC INT 4 NSTEPS INT 20 FRQSTP FLOAT 0.0976562 FRQMIN FLOAT 4000.00 FRQMAX FLOAT 6000.00 NLOOPS LONG 7 AVGD FLOAT Array[20480, 2] USEAVGA INT Array[7] USEAVGB INT Array[7] It also includes the averaged data in .avgD NOTE: if nloops eq 1 then fitiavg is not returned, since it is the same as fitI. fitISum will be returned.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: calonofffind - find all of the cal on/offs in file SYNTAX: numfound=calonoffind(lun,sl,indon) ARGS: lun: int lun for file to search sl[]: {getsl} scan list structure (returned from getsl(sl). RETURNS: indon[numfound]: int indices into sl for the start of each cal on of a pair. DESCRIPTION: Find all of the calonoff pairs in a file. Return the indices into sl for the calon scans. For a pair to be included the calon scan must be immediately followed by a cal off scan. EXAMPLES: sl=getsl(lun) numfound=calonoffind(lun,sl,indon) for i=0,numfound-1 do begin print,posscan(lun,sl[ind[i]].scan,1,sl=sl) ; position to start calon istat=corcalonoff(lun,retdat) ; process each onoff pair endfor SEE ALSO: getsl,corcalonoff
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: calval - return the cal value for a given freq. SYNTAX: istat=calval(freqReq,calData,calV,hybrid=hybrid,swappol=swappol,$ alfaBmNum=alfaBmNum) ARGS: freqReq[n]: float frequency in Mhz for cal calData: {calData} already input via calInpData() KEYWORDS: hybrid: if keyword set, then average the polA,polb values together (used when linear receivers are converted to circular by a hybrid after the dewar). swappol: if set then swap the polA, polb calvalues in the calV array on return. This can be used to correct for the 1320 hipass polarization cable switch or the use of one of the xfer switches. alfaBmNum: 0..6 If specified then only return alfa data for this beam. By default data for all 7 beams are returned. If not alfa data, this is ignored RETURNS: istat: 1 ok within range, 0 outside range used edge,-1 all zeros, -2 error calV[2,n]: float array of [2] floats holding interpolated cal values for polA and polB. If this is alfa then the calV is dimensioned 2,7 for the 7 pixels. DESCRIPTION: Interpolate the cal value to the requested frequency. The calData should have already been read in with calInpData. If the requested frequency is outside the data range, return the cal values at the edge (no extrapolation is done). The data is returned in an array of two by n values. The normal way to get cal values is via corhcalval() or calget(). They call this routine. SEE ALSO:corhcalval, calget, calinpdata.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: calvalfit - fit calvalues to a freq range SYNTAX: istat=calvalfit(f1,f2,npnts,calData,coefAr,fitOrder=fitOrder,$ ,hybrid=hybrid,swappol=swappol,alfaBmNum=alfaBmNum) ARGS: f1: float Mhz. first frequency f2: float Mhz. last frequency npnts: long number of points to return with f1,f2 being first last freq values calData{}: calinfo input via calinpdata KEYWORDS: fitOrder: int order for fit. Default is linear hybrid: if keyword set, then average the polA,polb values together (used when linear receivers are converted to circular by a hybrid after the dewar). swappol: if set then swap the polA, polb calvalues in the calV array on return. This can be used to correct for the 1320 hipass polarization cable switch or the use of one of the xfer switches. alfaBmNum: 0..6 If specified then only return alfa data for this beam. By default data for all 7 beams are returned. If not alfa data, this is ignored RETURNS: istat: 1 ok within range, 0 outside range used edge,-1 all zeros, -2 error coefAr[ncoef,npol]: float linear fit coef. c0 + c1*freq If this is alfa then the calV is [ncoef,2,7] unless alfaBmNum is supplied DESCRIPTION: Compute a linear fit to the cal data between f1 and f2 The calData should have already been read in with calInpData. The data is returned in an array of (ncoef,2) the fit is calVal= calval[0,*] + calval[1,*]*freqMhz It is ok for f1 to be gt f2.. The normal way to get cal values is via mascalval() They call this routine. SEE ALSO:corhcalval, calget, calinpdata.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: cataloginp - input a pointing catalog SYNTAX: nsrc=cataloginp(file,format,retdata,comment=comment,crdsys=crdsys) ARGS: file :string filename of catatlog format :int format for catalog: 1: srcname hh mm ss dd mm ss 2: srcname hhmmss ddmmss 3: srcname hh:mm:ss dd:mm:ss 4: fmt 2 or 3. program checks for : retdata[]:{srccat} return data here in retdata. KEYWORDS: comment : string comment characters for catatlog.def:# crdsys : string coord system for coordinates. by defaul assume 'j': j2000. other is 'b': b1950 DESCRIPTION: Read in all of the source names and positions catalog specified by file The returned srccat array will contain: help,retdat,/st history: ** Structure CATENTRY, 6 tags, length=52: NAME STRING '' source name RA FLOAT Array[3] hh mm DEC FLOAT Array[3] dd mm dd.dd (alway positive) DECSGN INT 0 +/- 1 sign of declination RAH DOUBLE 0.0 ra in hours (includes sign) DECD DOUBLE 0.0 dec in hours (includes sign) EOL STRING string dec to end of line
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: cgeninit - initialize to use cummings generator routines SYNTAX: @cgeninit DESCRIPTION: call this routine before using any of the cgen routines to access the cummings generator datafiles.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: cginit - add path for coyote graphics SYNTAX: @cginit DESCRIPTION: call this routine before using any of the coyote graphics routines
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: chebeval - evaluate chebyshev polynomial SYNTAX: y=chebeval(a,b,coef,x) ARGS: a : double min value of xrange used for fit. b : double max value of xrange used for fit. coef[m]: double coefficients from fit. x[n: double xvalues where polynomial should be evaluated. RETURNS: y[n]: fit evaluated at the requested x values. DESCRIPTION: Evaluate a chebyshev polynomial at the requested x values. These values should be within the x values used for the fit. The a,b parameters are the min,max x values used in the fit. SEE ALSO: chebfit()
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: chebfit - chebyshev polynomial fit to data SYNTAX:coef=chebfit(x,y,deg,merr=merr,$ yfit=yfit,rangex=rangex,singular=singular,chisq=chisq,$ covar=covar) ARGS: x[n]: float/double independent var. y[n]: float/double measured dependent variable deg: int deg of fit (ge 1) KEYWORDS: merr[n]: float/double measurement errors for y.default is uniform RETURNS: coef[deg+1]: coefs from fit KEYWORDS RETURNS: yfit[n]: float or double . fit evaluated at x locations. rangex[2]: float/double min max values of x used for fit. these were used to map the x axis into [-1,1] for the fit. chisq : float/double chisqr from svdfit covar[] : float/double covariance matrix from svdfit(). singular: int number of singular points found (see svdfit()). DESCRIPTION: Do a chebyshev polynomial fit of order deg to the x,y data. Merr are the measurement errors (see idl svdfit routine). Return the coefs for the fit as well as the mapping of the xrange into [-1,1]. SEE ALSO: chebeval() to evaluate the coef. NOTE: The fitting function svdcheb() is contained in this file. If the routine gives an error that it cannot find svdcheb() just compile this routine explicitly (.compile chebfit).
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: checkkey - check if any keys have been pressed SYNTAX: key=checkkey(first=first,all=all,wait=wait,noflush=noflush) ARGS : NONE KEYWORDS: first: if set then return the first character. default is the last char. all: if set then return all characters. default is the last char. wait: if set then wait for at least one character noflush: if set and first is set, then don't flush the other characters in the buf. RETURNS: key : character or characters entered. DESCRIPTION: checkkey will check to see if any keys have been pressed. It will return with the last key waiting in the input buffer or '' if nothing was there. The wait keyword will cause the routine to wait for at least 1 keypress. The first keyword will return the first rather last key of any string. The all keyword will return all keys entered. By default all characters waiting in the input buffer are read. If the noflush and first keyword are set then only the first char is returned. The other chars can be read at a later time.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: chkswaprec - check hdrlen to see if the record needs to be swapped SYNTAX: swap=chkswaprec(stdhdr) ARGS: stdhdr: {hdrStd} standard portion of data header RETURNS: swap : int 1 --> need to swap,0 --> no need to swap DESCRIPTION Check to see if the record needs its data swapped because of big/little endian differences. The user passes in the standard header and the routine checks that the abs(hdrstd.hdrlen) < 65535. If the number i larger than this then the record needs to be swapped (headers are never larger than 65535.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: cmpbflytwiddle - compute butterfly twiddle factors SYNTAX - cmptwiddle,lenfft,nbfly,ntwiddleAr,bflytwiddle ARGS: lenfft: long length of fft RETURNS: nbfly: int number of butter fly stages. ntwiddleAr[nbfly]: step size, number of twiddle values this butterfly bflytwiddle[2,lenfft,nbfly]: float hold the twiddle values for this butterfly for each butterfly i, the first ntwiddleAr[i] entries of bflytwiddle[lenffit,i] will hold the values. DESCRIPTION: Compute the fft twiddle factors for lenfft. This routine is for debugging, not for speeding up the fft computation. For each butterfly stage the m uniq twiddlefactors for that stage are returned in bflyTwiddle[0:m-1,ibutterfly]. NtwiddleAr[nflys] holds how many uniq twiddle factors there are at each stage.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: colorinfo - return info on current color setup. SYNTAX: colorinfo ARGS: DESCRIPTION: Queries idl on the current color setup. Output sent to stdout.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: condblevels - compute db contouring levels for a map SYNTAX: levels=condblevels(map,nlevels,dbstep,maxval) ARGS: map[m,n]: float data to to compute levels for. nlevels : int number of levels requested dbstep; float dbstep between levels RETURNS: levels[nlevels]: float holding the values to use to mark the contours maxval : float the maximum value in map. The contours are relative to this value. DESCRIPTION: Compute nlevels space dbstep apart from the maximum value in map.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: contourph - phil's interface to idl contour routine. SYNTAX: contourph,d,numcontours,dbstep,maxval,levels,axes=axes,$ fill=fill,_extra=e ARGS: d[nx,ny] : float data to contour. numcontours: int number of contours to plot. dbstep: float db step between contour levels. RETURNS: maxval: float db scaling is relative to this value. levels[numcontours]: float the contour levels in dbs relative to maxval. KEYWORDS: axes[4]: float axes label values: [minx,maxx,miny,maxy]. If not supplied then 0:nx-1,0:ny-1 are used. fill: int if set then fill the contours with colors. e: extra keywords sent to the contour routine. DESCRIPTION: contourph interfaces to the idl contour routine. It will scale a dataset to dbs relative to the maximum value. The number of levels and db step size is input by the user. Annotation can be entered via the _extra=e keyword. EXAMPLE: let bmmap[120,50] be a baselined beammap dataset of 20 arcminutes in az and 15 arcminutes in za. To contour the data with 12;contours at 2db steps: axes=[-10.,10.,-7.5,7.5] contourph,bmmap,12,2,maxval,levels,axes=axes,xtitle='az [amins]',$ ytitle='za [amins]'
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: cor3lvlstokes - to 3 level correction for stokes data SYNTAX: acfCor=cor3lvlstokes(acfIn,nlags,bias,ntodo,double=double,ads=ads ARGS: acfIn[nlags,4,ntodo]: uncorrected acf's nlags: int number of lags in each auto or cross correlation. ntodo: int number of sets of aa,bb,ab,ba to do. KEYWORDS: double: if set then do computation in double precision RETURNS: acfcor[nlags,4,ntodo]: float/double corrected correlation functions ads[2,ntodo]: float/double digThreshold/sigma for the auto correlations. DESCRIPTION: 3 level correct the auto and cross correlations. The data should be ordered AA[nlags],BB[nlags],ab[nlags],ba[nlags] NOTE!!! THIS IS STILL BEING TESTED...
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: corbychan - auto/xcorrelate dynamic spc by chan. SYNTAX: cormat=corbychan(spc1,spc2,avg1=avg1,avg2=avg2,rms1=rms1,rms2=rms2) ARGS: spc1[nchn,mtime] : float first dynamic spectra spc2[nchn,mtime] : float 2nd dynamic spectra (not needed if auto correlation done KEYWORDS: RETURNS: cormat[nchn,nchn]: float correlation matrix returned avg1[nchn] : float robust average over time of spc1 avg2[nchn] : float robust average over time of spc2 rms1[nchn] : float rms by channel of spc1 rms2[nchn] : float rms by channel of spc2 DESCTRIPTION: Compute the correlation matrix for a set of dynamic spectra. It computes the correlation between every two pairs of channels in one set of dynamic spectra (if only spc1 entered) or between channels in two sets of dynamic spectra (if spc1,spc2 entered). The computation is: Let: nchn=the number of freq channels mtm =the number of time samples for spc 1 or 2 let: savg[nchn]= mean(spc[,]) averaging over the time samples srms[nchn]= rms(spc) computed along the time axis of each chan s[i,j] = (spc[i,j] - sAvg[i]))/srms[i] .. remove mean normalize to sigma cormat[i,j]= sum_k(s1[i,k]*s2[j,k])/nsmp The routine uses robust averaging and rms (outliers are not used).
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: corinit - initialize to use the idl correlator routines. SYNTAX: @corinit DESCRIPTION: call this routine before using any of the correlator idl routines. It sets up the path for the idl correlator directory and defines the necessary structures.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: corinit1 - initialize to use the idl correlator routines (no lut load). SYNTAX: @corinit DESCRIPTION: call this routine before using any of the correlator idl routines. It sets up the path for the idl correlator directory and defines the necessary structures. It calls geninit1 instead of geninit. The color table ldcolph call is not made. This speeds things up for remote observers.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: covarnorm - normalize the covariance matrix SYNTAX: covar=corvarnorm(covar) ARGS: covar[]: float covariance matrix. DESCRIPTION: Normalize a covariance matrix to have unit diagonols.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: cp - read cursor position after button press. SYNTAX: cp,x=x,y=y,/up,/down,/change,/nowait,/data,/device,/normal ARGS : none KEYWORDS: up : if set then wait for button up event down : if set then wait for button down event change: if set then wait for button change event nowait: if set then return immediately with the current x,y values data : if set then return x,y in data coordinates (default) device: if set then return x,y in device (screen) coordinates normal: if set then return x,y in normalized device coordinates (0.,1.) x : float return x value here y : float return y value here DESCRIPTION: This routine calls the idl cursor routine. The keywords are the same as cursor. By default the routine waits for the cursor to be depressed (or the cursor is already down). It then reads the x,y coordinates, prints them out, and then returns. If you want to loop reading the cursor n times with a button push on each step of the loop , then you need to use /up or /down. EXAMPLE: plot,findgen(100) cp .. user clicks left button at desired position on plot. 24.0208 23.2295 .. x,y positions printed out. NOTE: If the window system is set so that the window focus follows the cursor, then you must make sure that the cursor is in the idl input window before you enter the command cp. SEE ALSO: The idl routine cursor for a descriptoin of the keywords.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: cumfilter - cumfilter routine from carl heiles. SYNTAX: cumfilter,data,range,limit,indxgood,indxbad,countbad, median=median,correct=correct ARGS: data[n]: data to filter range : long number of channels in center of distribution to use to compute limits. limit : float used to compute the min, max values to keep.see below KEYWORDS: median : if set then remove a median filtered version of data before cumfiltering. correct: if set then replace the bad data. If median not set then replace bad data with the median of the entire dataset. If median set then replace bad data with the median filtered version of the original data (filter len=16). RETURNS: indxgood[]: long indices into data for ok data . indxbad[] : long indices into data for data that should be filtered out. countbad : long number of elements in indxbad. DESCRIPTION: This is carl heiles' cumfilter routine. The basic idea is how to define reasonable limits for clipping bad data when there may be large outliers and you don't know the distribution. The algorithm sorts the data and then uses a range about the center to define the limits: original data: data[n] sorted data: sdata=sort(data) find the hi , low value of the data set "range" elements about the center. low =sdata[n/2-range/2] high=sdata[n/2+range/2] set the limits of "ok" DATA to be "limit" times this low,high. min=limit*low max=limit*high all points with values between min,max are ok.. If the median keyword is set, we median filter (filter length=16) the data set and remove this filtered version from the original data before cumfiltering ( eg: data=data - median(data,16)). If the correct keyword is set, then the bad data points are replaced by the median of the data set (no median keyword) or by the median filtered value for that point (if median keyword is set). EXAMPLE: Compute the total power of a spectrum using cumfiltering. d[1024] are the spectral channels. range=1024/4 limit=3 cumfilter,d,range,limit,indxgood,indxbad,countbad tp=mean(d[indxgood])
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: CURVEFITPP-phils version of curvefit with a few bug fixes. PURPOSE: Non-linear least squares fit to a function of an arbitrary number of parameters. The function may be any non-linear function. If available, partial derivatives can be calculated by the user function, else this routine will estimate partial derivatives with a forward difference approximation. CATEGORY: E2 - Curve and Surface Fitting. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = CURVEFIT(X, Y, Weights, A, SIGMA, FUNCTION_NAME = name, $ ITMAX=ITMAX, ITER=ITER, TOL=TOL, /NODERIVATIVE,$ CHISQ=CHISQ,FLAMBDASTEP=FLAMBDASTEP,covar=covar, cfplot=cfplot,cfparms,trouble=trouble,halfass=halfass) INPUTS: X: A row vector of independent variables. This routine does not manipulate or use values in X, it simply passes X to the user-written function. Y: A row vector containing the dependent variable. Weights: A row vector of weights, the same length as Y. For no weighting, Weights(i) = 1.0. For instrumental (Gaussian) weighting, Weights(i)=1.0/sigma(i)^2 For statistical (Poisson) weighting, Weights(i) = 1.0/y(i), etc. A: A vector, with as many elements as the number of terms, that contains the initial estimate for each parameter. IF A is double- precision, calculations are performed in double precision, otherwise they are performed in single precision. Fitted parameters are returned in A. KEYWORDS: FUNCTION_NAME: The name of the function (actually, a procedure) to fit. IF omitted, "FUNCT" is used. The procedure must be written as described under RESTRICTIONS, below. ITMAX: Maximum number of iterations. Default = 20. ITER: The actual number of iterations which were performed TOL: The convergence tolerance. The routine returns when the relative decrease in chi-squared is less than TOL in an interation. Default = 1.e-3. CHI2: The value of chi-squared on exit (obselete) CHISQ: The value of reduced chi-squared on exit NODERIVATIVE: IF this keyword is set THEN the user procedure will not be requested to provide partial derivatives. The partial derivatives will be estimated in CURVEFIT using forward differences. IF analytical derivatives are available they should always be used. pjp flambdastep: This method moves between a steepest descent and the inverse hessian method (using the curvature matrix to compute the answer when we are close to the solution). pjp trouble : 0 converged ok -1 chisq infinite -2 flambdacount > 30 * 10/flambdastep -3 iteration > itermax .default 20 -4 alpha/c not finite pjp nostop : if set then don't stop if alpha/c not finite, just return with trouble set pjp halfass : 0..1. multiply step by this amount to slow down motion pjp cfparms : if set then print parameters input to fit pjp cfplot : 0 no plot, 1 plot no wait 2 plot wait at last on fit 3 plot wait each one pjp dbg : if set then print error messages when fit doesn't work OUTPUTS: Returns a vector of calculated values. A: A vector of parameters containing fit. OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Sigma: A vector of standard deviations for the parameters in A. COMMON BLOCKS: NONE. SIDE EFFECTS: None. RESTRICTIONS: The function to be fit must be defined and called FUNCT, unless the FUNCTION_NAME keyword is supplied. This function, (actually written as a procedure) must accept values of X (the independent variable), and A (the fitted function's parameter values), and return F (the function's value at X), and PDER (a 2D array of partial derivatives). For an example, see FUNCT in the IDL User's Libaray. A call to FUNCT is entered as: FUNCT, X, A, F, PDER where: X = Variable passed into CURVEFIT. It is the job of the user-written function to interpret this variable. A = Vector of NTERMS function parameters, input. F = Vector of NPOINT values of function, y(i) = funct(x), output. PDER = Array, (NPOINT, NTERMS), of partial derivatives of funct. PDER(I,J) = DErivative of function at ith point with respect to jth parameter. Optional output parameter. PDER should not be calculated IF the parameter is not supplied in call. IF the /NODERIVATIVE keyword is set in the call to CURVEFIT THEN the user routine will never need to calculate PDER. PROCEDURE: Copied from "CURFIT", least squares fit to a non-linear function, pages 237-239, Bevington, Data Reduction and Error Analysis for the Physical Sciences. This is adapted from: Marquardt, "An Algorithm for Least-Squares Estimation of Nonlinear Parameters", J. Soc. Ind. Appl. Math., Vol 11, no. 2, pp. 431-441, June, 1963. "This method is the Gradient-expansion algorithm which combines the best features of the gradient search with the method of linearizing the fitting function." Iterations are performed until the chi square changes by only TOL or until ITMAX iterations have been performed. The initial guess of the parameter values should be as close to the actual values as possible or the solution may not converge. pjp Notes: This method moves between a steepest descent (move in the direction of decreasing chisq using the gradient of chisq with respect to the ai) and the inverse hessian method (using the curvature matrix to compute the answer when we are close to the solution). The value Lambda added to the diagonol elements of the hessian matrix moves you between these 2 modes. When lambda is large then the diagonal elements become dominant and the motion matrix solution is just the gradient motion. When lambda becomes small then the of diagonal terms become important and you are solving the curvature matrix. flambdastep determines how fast you move between these two solution methods. When things get worse, lambda is increased by a factor of flambdastep and you move towards the linear descent. when things get better, then lambda decreases by flambdastep and you move towards solving the curvature matrix. note that in both instances the input data array is the difference between the input data and the current fit value. NOTATION; let i=0-npts-1 let m=0-nparams delta:i = y(i) - yfit(i) i=0,npts-1 pder:i,m= dByda:m at y(i) alpha = transpose(pder) # ((Weights # (fltarr(nterms)+1))*pder) alpha:m,n= sum:i( pder:m,i * ( 1/sig^2:i * pder:i,n) so this is the hessian matrix with sig^2 included.. beta:m = sum:i(delta:i # pder:i,m) linear step for correction sum deriv of each a:m over all y(i)i alpha is the hessian matrix b=beta is the current error in the fit. EXAMPLE: Fit a function of the form f(x) = a * exp(b*x) + c to sample pairs contained in x and y. In this example, a=a(0), b=a(1) and c=a(2). The partials are easily computed symbolicaly: df/da = exp(b*x), df/db = a * x * exp(b*x), and df/dc = 1.0 Here is the user-written procedure to return F(x) and the partials, given x: pro gfunct, x, a, f, pder ; Function + partials bx = exp(a(1) * x) f= a(0) * bx + a(2) ;Evaluate the function IF N_PARAMS() ge 4 THEN $ ;Return partials? pder= [[bx], [a(0) * x * bx], [replicate(1.0, N_ELEMENTS(f))]] end x=findgen(10) ;Define indep dep variables. y=[12.0, 11.0,10.2,9.4,8.7,8.1,7.5,6.9,6.5,6.1] Weights=1.0/y ;Weights a=[10.0,-0.1,2.0] ;Initial guess yfit=curvefit(x,y,Weights,a,sigma,function_name='gfunct') print, 'Function parameters: ', a print, yfit end MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written, DMS, RSI, September, 1982. Does not iterate IF the first guess is good. DMS, Oct, 1990. Added CALL_PROCEDURE to make the function's name a parameter. (Nov 1990) 12/14/92 - modified to reflect the changes in the 1991 edition of Bevington (eq. II-27) (jiy-suggested by CreaSo) Mark Rivers, U of Chicago, Feb. 12, 1995 - Added following keywords: ITMAX, ITER, TOL, CHI2, NODERIVATIVE These make the routine much more generally useful. - Removed Oct. 1990 modification so the routine does one iteration even IF first guess is good. Required to get meaningful output for errors. - Added forward difference derivative calculations required for NODERIVATIVE keyword. - Fixed a bug: PDER was passed to user's procedure on first call, but was not defined. Thus, user's procedure might not calculate it, but the result was THEN used. Steve Penton, RSI, June 1996. - Changed SIGMAA to SIGMA to be consistant with other fitting routines. - Changed CHI2 to CHISQ to be consistant with other fitting routines. - Changed W to Weights to be consistant with other fitting routines. _ Updated docs regarding weighing.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: daynotodm - convert daynumber to day,month SYNTAX: [day,month]=daynotodm(daynum,year) ARGS: daynum: int/long daynumber of year 1..365or 366 year : int/long 4 digit year RETURNS: [day,month] as a vector. DESCRIPTION convert daynumber and year to day of month (1..31) and month of year (1.l12).
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: daynotojul - convert daynumber,year to julday SYNTAX: julday=daynotojul(dayno,year) ARGS: dayno[n]: int/long/double daynumber of year 1..365or 366 year[n]: int/long 4 digit year KEYWORDS: gmtoffHr: double offset from gmt for dayno,year. gmtOffHr/24. will be added to the computed julian days. Probably best used when dayno id double or float. RETURNS: julday[n]:double julian day. This starts at noon DESCRIPTION convert daynumber and year to julian daynumber with fraction of day. Method: 1. loop for each year. a. take the first day of the year (day1), convert it to long (iday). b. convert iday1 to julianday c. for all the data of the year juldayYr=julday1 + day-iday1
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: daysinmon - return number of days in this month SYNTAX: days=daysinmon(mon,year) ARGS: mon : int/long month of year 1..12 year : int/long 2/4 digit year RETURNS: days : int/long number of days in this month DESCRIPTION: Return the number of days in the specified month. If two digit year is entered then value gt 50 are 1999
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: dbit - convert to db's SYNTAX: a=dbit(b,minval=minval,scl=scl) ARGS: b[]:input value KEYWORDS: minval: float.. all values < this set to minval before log scl : float.. rather than scale to max value,scale to scl.. (for no scaling set scl=1.) RETURNS: a[]: b in db's
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: delpath - remove pathname from the path variable. SYNTAX: delpath, path ARGS: path : string complete pathname to delete from the !path variable. It must match how it appears in the !path variable.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: digmixtmd - digitally mix a complex timedomain waveform SYNTAX: bufOut=digmixtmd(mixI,bufInp) ARGS: mixI : {} mixing info. Returned by digmixtmdinit() bufInp[n]: complex complex data input (before mixing). RETURNS: bufOut[n]: complex data after mixing DESCRIPTION: digmixtmd() will mix complex time domain baseband data. The user first calls digmixtmdinit() to define the sampling frequency and the new center frequency after mixing. You then call digmixtmd() as many times as needed with contiguous time domain buffers. The lophase is stored in mixI and is updated on each call to digmixtmd(). Example: Assume: 1. complex time domain data sampled at 100 Mhz 2. you want to mix 30 Mhz to the center of the band 3. Do thie for an entire files worth of data. - open file - mixI=digmixtmdinit(100e6,30e6) bout=complexarr(maxsamples) icur=0 - while ((nsamples=readbuf(bufInp)) != eof) dout[icur:icur+nsamples-1]=digmixtmd(bufInp,mixI) icur+=nsamples endwhile SEE ALSO:digmixtmdinit()
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: digmixtmdinit - initialize structure for digital mixing SYNTAX: mixI=digmixtmdinit(smpFrq,newCfr) ARGS: smpFrq: double sample frequency of complex data. newCfr: double new Center frequency for baseband data. RETURNS: mixI: {} structure holding mixing info DESCRIPTION: digmixtmdinit() initializes the mixI structure for calls to digmixtmd. The data to be mixed is assumed to be complex baseband data (centered at 0 freq). The user specifies smpFrq (in whatever units you want). This will define the time spacing between individual complex samples (1/smpFrq). The newCfr is the new center freq after mixing (in the same units as smpFrq). It should be between +/- smpFrq/2. After mixing, this will be the new center of the band. The mixI structure contains: ** Structure <8c1ca8>, 4 tags, length=32, data length=32, refs=1: SMPFRQ DOUBLE 1.5000000e+08 NEWCFR DOUBLE 68000000. LOFRQ DOUBLE -68000000. LOPHASE DOUBLE -0.52941176 Each time digmixtmd is called, the lophase is updated to the correct phase for the next call to digmixtmd. This lets you make multiple calls to digmixtmd. Example: Assume: 1. data complex sampled at 100 Mhz 2. you want to mix 30 Mhz to the center of the band 3. you want to do this for an entire files worth of data. - open file - mixI=digmixtmdinit(100e6,30e6) bout=complexarr(maxsamples) icur=0 - while ((nsamples=readbuf(bufInp)) != eof) dout[icur:icur+nsamples-1]=digmixtmd(bufInp,mixI) icur+=nsamples endwhile
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: dms1_deg - convert ddmmss.sss as a double to degrees. SYNTAX: angDeg=dms1_deg(ddmmss) ARGS: ddmmss: double value to convert RETURNS: angdeg: double the angle converted to degrees. DESCRIPTION Convert packed degrees, minutes, seconds to degrees. The input is a single double with with dd degrees, mm minutes, ss.s seconds.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: dms1_dms3 - convert deg,min,secs 1 word to deg,min,sec separate words SYNTAX - ret=dms1_dms3(hhmmss) ARGS: ddmmss : double angle to convert RETURNS: ret[4] : double deg,min,sec, and sign
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: dms1_rad - convert ddmmss.sss as a double to radians. SYNTAX: angRad=dms1_rad(ddmmss) ARGS: ddmmss: double value to convert RETURNS: angRad: double the angle converted to radians. DESCRIPTION Convert packed deg, minutes, seconds to radians. The input is a single double with with dd deg, mm minutes, ss.s seconds.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: dmtodayno - convert day,mon,year to daynumber KEYWORDS: YYMMDD: if supplied then use this rather than day,mon,year SYNTAX: daynum=dmtodayno(day,mon,year,yymmdd=yymmdd) ARGS: day[] : int/long day of month mon [] : int/long month of year 1..12 year[] : int/long 4 digit year RETURNS: daynum[]: int/long daynumber of year. First day of year is 1. DESCRIPTION: Convert from dayofmonth, month , and year to daynumber of year. It also works with arrays.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: dmytoyymmdd - convert ddMonyy to yymmdd SYNTAX: yymmdd=ddmytoyymmdd(ddMONyy) ARGS: ddMONyy: string convert 10mar02 to 020210 etc.. RETURNS: yymmdd: long return 0 if bad format.. DESCRIPTION The datataking files use ddMONyy in the name where dd is the day of the month, MON is a 3 letter abbreviation for the name, and yy is the last two digits of the year. This routine will convert the value into a long yymmdd
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: dopcorbuf - init for dopcorbuf() SYNTAX:dopCorI=dopcorbufinit(dopFrqHz,dopTmU,bufStTmU,smptmStepU,$ tmUToSec,bandflipped=bandflipped) ARGS: dopFrqHz[n]: double measured doppler frequencies dopTmU[n] : double times for each dop Frq bufSttmU : double start time for first sample of buf smpTmStepU : double time step for each sample in buf tmUToSec : double value that converts user time units to seconds. KEYWORDS: bandflipped: if true then freq band had been flipped this will flip the sign of the doppler used for the correction RETURNS: dopcorI :{} structure to pass to each call of dopcorbuf() DESCRIPTION: Initialize for calls to dopcorbuf(). The user passes an array of doppler frequencies as well as the timestamp of each of these. The frequency is positive if the signal frequency is greater than the rest frequency (blue shifted.. object coming toward us) The user also provides the timestamp for the first sample in the buffer as well as the timestep between samples in a buffer. The time value can be anything the user want, but it must be the same for all of the provided times. All the variables ending in U are in these user time units. The variable tmUToSec converts from the users time units to seconds (eg. if units are hours, then tmUToSec=3600D). The user must also verify there is enough resolution in the data type (best to use double). Set the bandflipped keyword if the sampled data band has been flipped in frequency (by an odd number of high side mixing stages). After calling this routine, the user should make multiple calls to dopcorbuf() starting with the buffer that starts at bufStTm. Notes: - this routine does not correct for time dilation. - resolution: using hours and double, the time resolution is 3.6*10-13 sec using mjd and double, the time resolution is .86 usecs using jd and double, the time resolution is .86 millisecs For sample times on the order of usecs, it's probably best to use hours for the time unit. - these two routines probably need some more debugging. EXAMPLE: Suppose the doppler values have units of 1day, and the complex signal has bandwidth BW (in hz) then dopFrq[n] - doppler frequencies dopTmU[n] - these will have units of 1 day. bufStTmU - starting daynumber.fract for first sample in buffer in dayno units smpTmUStep = (1/bandwidhz)/(86400D) . this is the sample time in units of 1day. tmUToSec = 86400D .. to convert user time unit (1day) to seconds
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: dopcorbuf - offline doppler correct voltage data SYNTAX:bufCor=dopcorbuf(dopI,buf,firstBuf=firstBuf) ARGS: dopI: {} structure holding dopper info. initialize with dopcoroflinit(0 buf[n]: complexar data to doppler correct KEYWORDS: firstBuf: if true then assume this is the first buf It will reset the buf time to the time of first buf, and set the phase offset to 0. remdc : if true, then remove dc from voltages before doppler shifting RETURNS: bufCor[n]: complexarr doppler corrected data dopI.dopFrq[m]: doppler frequency for m tims dopI.dopTms[m]: time for each doppler value dopI.tmStpSmp : time step each sample these get updated on each call dopI.phoff : phase off for start of buf dopI.tmStBuf : updated on each call DESCRIPTION: Offline doppler correct voltage data. You must call dopcorbufinit() before starting to call dopcorbuf(). The init routine will store the doppler info, startime of 1st buffer, sampletime, and current phase offset. Each call to this routine will doppler correct the buffer and increment the start time and phase of the next buffer. The sequence should be: dopI=dopcorbufinit() loop from first buff input next buffer bufC=dopcorbuf(dopI,buf) endloop If you want to start over, you could recall dopcorbufinit() or call dopcorbuf(...,/firstbuf). /firstbuf will reset the current buf time to the time of the first buffer, and 0 the accumulated phase.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: dotprod - compute the dot product of two vectors SYNTAX: val=dotprod(v1,v2) ARGS: v1[m] : vector v2[m] : vector returns: val DESCRIPTION: return val=total(v1*v2)
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: drawcircle - draw a circle SYNTAX: drawcircle,x,y,radius,npnts=npnts,color=color,thick=thick,$ arc=arc,xret=xret,yret=yret,$ _extra=_e x,y float center of circle radius: float radius of circle KEYWORDS: npnts: int number of points to use in drawing the circle. The default is 9 points. The circle will be drawn as an n-1 sided polyhedron. color: int number 0 to 10. Color to use when plotting symbol. The default is the same color as the lines beging drawn. See shcolsym for a mapping of numbers to colors. thick:float the line thicknes to use when drawing the lines. 1. is the default. arc[2]:fltarr [deg] if supplied then draw an arc rather than a full circle arc[0]= min theta arc[1]= max theta.. theta is measured CCW from the x axis xret[npnts]:fltarr return the x points of the circle/arc yret[npnts]:fltarr return the y points of the circle/arc over : If set then oplot rather than plot _extra=_e any other params to plot,oplot DESCRIPTION: draw a circle about x,y with given radius
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: ecalinit - initialize to use the idl e callisto routines SYNTAX: @ecalinit DESCRIPTION: call this routine before using any of the e callisto idl routines. It sets up the path for the idl ecal directory and defines the necessary structures.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: ephmaord - read in an ao ephmeris file. SYNTAX: n=ephmaord(fname,ephmI,rangedop=rangedop,$ yyyymmdd1=yyyymmdd1,yyyymmdd2=yyyymmdd2) ARGS: file: string filename KEYWORDS: rangedop: if true then range, doppler ar last two fields yyyymmdd1: double first record to return is >= to this utc date. includes fraction of day. yyyymmdd2: double last record returned is <= this utc date e. includes fraction of day. RETURNS: n : int -1 if can't read file >0 number of entries ephmI: {} structure holding info. DESCRIPTION: input an ao ephemeris file. This is the format used by the pointing program. The format is: UTC RA DEC yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss +ddmmss.s az el the ra,dec can be j2000 or of date (current). The data is returned in the structure help,ephmI,/st TARGET STRING 'Moon (301)' J2000 BYTE 0 N LONG 212 DAT STRUCT ->Array[212] help,ephmI.dat,/st JD DOUBLE 2456503.9 YYYYMMDD LONG 20130730 utc SECMID FLOAT 32460.0 utc RAHR DOUBLE 2.8377028 DECD DOUBLE 16.014861 AZD DOUBLE 91.399200 .. Source azimuth ZAD DOUBLE 24.834300 if keyword set /rangedop add: range double AU dop double km/sec .. neg is approaching See /share/megs/phil/x101/ephm/ and to grab horizons file and convert to ao format
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: ephmaotordr - convert ao short to ao radar ephemeris SYNTAX: istat=ephmaotordr(aofileIn, rdrfileOut) ARGS: aofileIn: string input file to convert rdrfileOut: string output file for radar format DESCRIPTION: The ao pointing program supports tracking using an ephemeris file (more info: There are two format supported: - standard ao radar ephemeris (rcv and tx positions) - ao short format ( just the date time ra dec az el range rangeRate You can download ao short ephemerides from jpl horizons: 1. see /share/megs/x101/ephm/ (or one of the scripts that calls it 2. < jplInp > aoOutput .. will format the jpl output to ao short format This routine will then take the ao short format and generate a radar ephemeris file. To do this: 1. the ao format file should have used -q 2,4,20 options to obs) .. This returns apparent ra,dec,az,el and well had range and range rate 2. I reads the ao format file. copying the comments (#) to the output file 3. For each data line it generates the rcv and tx data (the tx data is a copy of the rcv data). - the delay is computed as rangeAu*AutoKm/vellight 20may20.. update to have a tx set that is close to correct (except that the horizon's ephm using venus is not an exact match of the actual radar version). SEE ALSO an example of using this routine to get radar ephm from tle's can be found at /share/obs4/usr/radar/r3399/
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: ephmradarrd - read radar ephemeris file SYNTAX: n=ephmradarrd(fname,ephmI) ARGS: fname: string name of ephemeris file to input RETURNS: n : > 0 number of entries read < 0 error code ephmI[n]: struct holding ephm info DESCRIPTION: Read in an ao radar ephmfile. This is the format that is passed to the datataking software. It is jon's format after being massaged be ??? script. The return info is: help,ephmI,/st JD DOUBLE 2456505.2 juldate of entry SECS LONG 1375289760 secs1970 of entry STEPSECS DOUBLE 60.000000 step (secs) of entries in ephmfile YMD LONG 20130731 yyyymmdd of entry (utc) HMS LONG 165600 hhmmss of entry (utc) LYMD STRING '2013-07-31' yyyy-mm-dd as string (utc) LHMS STRING '16:56:00' hh:mm:ss as string (utc) RXI STRUCT ->Array[1] receive info TXI STRUCT -> Array[1] tx info help IDL> help,ephmI.rxI,/st EL FLOAT 40.4000 elevation (deg) to .1 deg AZS FLOAT 59.0000 source az (deg) to .1 deg AZF FLOAT -121.000 feed az (deg) to .1 deg RAHMS DOUBLE 123858.80 apparent ra hhmmss.sss DECDMS DOUBLE 351243.50 apparent dec ddmmss.ddd RAH DOUBLE 12.649667 apparent ra hh.hhh DECD DOUBLE 35.212083 apparent dec dd.ddd DELAY DOUBLE 27.067925 delay secs (rtt) ephmI.txI is similar for the tx portion
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: explain - list documentation SYNTAX: explain,{subject_document or routine_name} ARGS: None : If no arguments, display the list of subject documents. namedoc:string If namedoc is provided then display the documentation for this subject. It will be a list of routine names with 1 line descriptions (eg cordoc) or a just a list of the routine names (cordocnames). routine :string If the name of a routine is entered, display the complete documentation for the routine. EXAMPLES: explain - list the topics available explain,cordoc - 1 line description of the correlator routines. explain,cordocnames - list the names of all of the correlator routines. explain,corplot - list the documentation for corplot.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: fftint - integer based fft routine SYNTAX: fftint,xr,xi,lenfft,bshift=bshift,doplot=doplot,coefBits=coefBits,$ cosAr=cosAr,sinAr=sinAr ARGS: xr[lenfft]: long real data xi[lenfft]: long imaginary data lenfft : long length of fft KEYWORDS: bshift: long bitmap telling whether or not to downshift on each butterfly stage. For an fft of lenfft there are nbut=alog2(lenfft) butterfly stages. Bit nbut-1 (counting from 0) is the first butterfly stage. A one in the bit bitposition --> downshift, a 0 is no downshift. The default value is 0x555555 downshift everyother butterfly. coefBits:long number of bits to use in the coefficients. The default is 16 doplot: if set then plot each stage of the butterfly and wait for users response. (s --> stop in routine, e--> exit routine, any other key is continue). cosAr[lenfft]:l64 input/output the cos table. sinAr[lenfft]:l64 input/output the sin table. RETURNS: xr[lenfft] long the fft values are returned in place. yr[lenfft] long cosAr[lenfft]:l64 input/output the cos table. sinAr[lenfft]:l64 input/output the sin table. DESCRIPTION: Perform and integer based fft. The user inputs the data as real and imaginary arrays. Lenfft should be a power of 2. The coef's are scaled to numCoef bits (16 by default). The multiplications are done in long long format to prevent overflows. The return data is converted back to long. If you supply cosAr,sinAr (with length ne lenfft) then the routine will return the cosar, sinar used in the computation. On the next call you can input these arrays and save the time to compute the sin,cos's. You can use this routine to investigate integer round off errors, bit size on different transformlengths. Each butterfly step has been vectorized. For and 8k transform it runs about 9 times slower than the idl fft routine (50 vs 6 milliseconds). EXAMPLE: ; ; make a sine wave with peak value of 35 counts pksin=35 lenfft=1024 xr=long(mksin(lenfft,10)*pksin) xi=long(mksin(lenfft,10,phase=-.25)*pksin) fftinf,xr,xi,lenfft,bshift=0x2aa freq=lindgen(lenfft) - lenfft/2 spcpwr=shift((xr^2L + xi^2L),lenfft/2L) plot,freq,spcpwr
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: fftinterp - fft interpolation of real data SYNTAX: fftinterp,n,yin,yout, ARGS: n : interpolation factor yin[m] : float input data yout[m*n] : flout interpolated data DESCRIPTION: interpolate the yin function by a factor of n using the fft. This probably needs a better filter. You get lots of ringing between interpolated points.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: fignum - put figure number on the page SYNTAX: nextnum=fignum(fnum,xp=xp,ln=ln,chars=cs) ARGS : fnum : int figure number to put on plot. 1.. KEYWORDS: xp : float 0..1 xposition for start of FIG N ln : int 3..33 linenumber for FIG N chars : float size of char. def=1 RETURNS: nextnum : int input value incremented by 1 DESCRIPTION: fignum() will place the string FIG fnum on the plot for you. The horizontal position defaults to .92 of the screen (where the screen goes 0..1 horizontally). The vertical position is set to 3 where the vertical screen runs 0 through 33. NOTE: the vertical line numbers are for the entire screen. If you use !p.multi then you will have to decrease ln= by the corresponding amount. SEE ALSO: note
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: filereadsock - read file via socket. SYNTAX: istat=filereadsock(cpu,fname,dat,verb=verb ,tm=tm,usesh=usesh) ARGS: cpu: string name of remote cpu where file is located fname: string name of the file to read (on remote machine). dat : xxx data to read into. User should allocate prior to call. Data will be read to fill this array. KEYWORDS: verb: int if set then output some debugging info (dd cmd etc..) tm: double if supplied the return time to execute routine usesh: int if true then use a shell. If not supplied or set to 0 then start child without shell. returns: istat: 1 ok -1 error probably not enough data see !error_state.msg DESCRIPTION: We normally use nfs to read remote files. This routine will read a disc file using a socket and rsh. The command used is: - /usr/bin/rsh cpu /bin/dd bs=65536 if=fname conv=notrunc status=none How it works: - The idl spawn routine is used with the lun= option - idl spawns the command and then attaches an lun to the output of the pipe. - The routine then does a readu,dat to read in the data. - when done the pipe is closed. What you need to use this routine: - rsh must be enabled on the machine you are running on. - the remote cpu must be in your .rhosts file Data will be read to fill the dat[] array the user passes in (so you must allocate it prior to calling this routine. - If the read hits eof before filling dat[] then istat returns with -1 and !error_state.msg will have the error message.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: file_exists - check if a file name exists SYNTAX: stat=file_exists(filename,fullname,dir=dir,size=size) ARGS : filename: string filename to search for KEYWORDS: dir[]: string if supplied then search through these directories size : if supplied then return the file size in bytes if it exists. RETURNS: stat : 1 file found, 0 not found fullname: full directory/filename where file was found size: if keyword size supplied then return the number of bytes in the file DESCRIPTION: Check if a file exists. Return 1 if it does, 0 if it doesn't. Also return the fully qualified name where the file was found. If keyword dir is supplied then search through all of the directories in the string array dir. In this case filename should not contain a directory path. This routine is handy to search for the location of an online datafile. They start in /share/olcor/ but get moved to /proj/projid/ directories at some later point. EXAMPLE: istat=file_exists('/share/olcor/corfile.13aug02.x101.1',fullname) dir=['/share/olcor/','/proj/x101cor/'] istat=file_exists('corfile.13aug02.x101.1',fullname,dir=dir) NOTE: this routine will only find regular files, a directory name will return a non-existant file.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: fisecmidhms3 - secs from midnite to hh:mm:ss SYNTAX: label=fisecmidhms3(secsMidnite,hour,min,sec,float=float,$ nocolon=nocolon) ARGS: secsMidnite: long/float/double seconds from midnite to format. KEYWORD: float: if set then return secs at float nocolon: if set then do not return colons RETURNS: hour: long hour of day. min: long minute of hour. sec: long sec of hour. lab: string formatted string: hh:mm:ss DESCRIPTION: Convert seconds from midnight to hours, minutes, seconds and then return a formatted string hh:mm:ss. The 2 digit numbers are 0 filled to the left. If the input data is float/double and the float keyword is not provided,the the data is truncated to long. The float keyword rounds to 2 digits beyond the decimal point.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: fitazeleval - evaluate the 12m fit at the az,el positions. SYNTAX: val=fitazeleval(az,el,fitI) ARGS: az[n] : float az positions to evaluate fit. (if fittype does not use az, just enter a dummy value) el[n] : float el positions to evaluate fit. fitI :{azelfit12m} fit info to use for fitting DESCRIPTION: fitazeleval() will evaluate the fit stored in fitI. Currenly this is just the 12m gain curves. eventually i'll write fitazel() to make it more general This routine will allow you to evaluate that fit at any az,el you want. SEE ALSO:
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: fitazza - fit function to azimuth and zenith angle SYNTAX: fitazza,az,za,y,fitI,weights=weights,fittype=fittype, yfit=yfit,covar=covar,variance=variance,sigmaA=sigmaA, singular=singular,chisq=chisq ARGS: az[npts] : float azimuth in deg za[npts] : float za in deg y[npts] : float data to fit KEYWORDS: weights[npts] : weights to use with fit. default = 1. fittype : int. 1..4 see below RETURNS: fitI : {azzafit} structure. return fitinfo here. yfit[npts] : fit values evaluated at input az,za returne here covar[m,m] : normalized covariance matrix. m=# of coef. variance[m] : of the diagnonal elements (not normalized) sigmaA[m] : sigmas of the coef (not normalized) singular : int, number of singular coef found. chisq : float. chisq DESCRIPTION: There are 4 or 10 coefficients in the fit. The functional form depends on the value of fittype. fittype: coef: 0-3 1: c0 + c1*za + c2(za-14)^2 + c3(za-14)^3 + azterms.. use za-14 when za gt 14 2: c0 + c1*(za-10) + c2(za-10)^2+c3(za-10)^3 + azterms. for all za 3: y=(za-10)/10 then c0 +c1*(y)+ c2*(2*y*y-1.) + c3*(4*y^3-3*y) + azterms. for all za 4: c0 +c1*za +c2*(za-14)^2 +c3*(za-14)^3 no azterms.. use za-14 when za gt 14 5: c0 + c1*(za-10) + c2(za-10)^2+c3*(za-10)^3+ costerm have 1az,3az and sinza*3az.. no 2az term 6: c0 + c1*(za-10) + c2(za-10)^2+c3(za-10)^3 no az terms 7: c0 + c1*cos(az) +c2*sin(az) + c3*cos(2az) + c4*sin(2az) c5*cos(3az) +c6*sin(3az) coef: 4-9 az terms: c4*cos(az) +c5*sin(az) + c6*cos(2az) + c7*sin(2az) c8*cos(3az) +c9*sin(3az) The fit info is returned in the fit structure {azzafit}. It contains: numCoef: 10L , for fit fittype: 1 , 1-def,2-about za10,3-chebyshev 3rd order freq : 0. , Mhz coef : dblarr(10),coef. sigmaCoef : dblarr(10), sigmas on each coef. covar : dblarr(10,10), covariance matrix chisq : 0.D , of fit sigma : 0.D , of fit - data zaSet : 14. , za cutoff for higher order,or pivot rfNum : 0 , rcv num pol : ' ' , a , b , i stokes I type : ' ' ,gain,sefd,tsys,etc.. title : ' ' , for any plots top ytitle : ' ' , for any plots left date : ' ' fit run Since the fittype is returned in the structure, later routines (fitazzaeval etc..) know which functional form to use. You must call @geninit once before calling this routine to define the {azzafit} structure. SEE ALSO: fitazzaeval, fitazzapr, fitazzaplres, fitazzaprcov
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: fitazzaeval - evaluate the fitazza fit at az,za positions. SYNTAX: val=fitazzaeval(az,za,fitI,azonly=azonly,zaonly=zaonly) ARGS: az[n] : float azimuth positions to evaluate fit. za[n] : float zenith angle positions to evaluate fit. fitI :{fitazza} fit info returned from fitazza. KEYWORDS: azonly: if set then only evaluate the az terms of the fit. zaonly: if set then only evaluate the za terms of the fit. DESCRIPTION: fitazza() will do a fit to data points as a function of azimuth and zenith angle. This routine will allow you to evaluate that fit at any az,za you want. The azonly, zaonly keywords limit the evaluation to only the az or za terms of the fit. SEE ALSO: fitazza
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: fitazzalog - write fitazza info in tabular form to a file SYNTAX: fitazzalog,fitI,lun,calval,calval2,title=title ARGS : fitI: {azzafit} structure holding info returned from fitazza. lun: int the lun open to the file for output. calval: float the cal value that was used in the fit. calval2: float 2nd cal value if fit was to stokes I KEYWORDS: title: string, title to write in file. DESCRIPTION Print out the fit values returned from fitazza in tabular form to a file. You should open the file for write access (maybe append if you don't want to overwrite the file). SEE ALSO: fitazza, fitazzapr, fitazzaeval
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: fitazzaplres - plot residuals from az,za fit SYNTAX: fitazzaplres,az,za,y,fitI,tit=tit,key=key,sbc=sbc,sym=sym ARGS: az[npts] : float azimuth positions used for fit za[npts] : float za positions used for fit y[2,nsbc,npts]: float raw data used for fit pola,polB fitI[2,nsbc] : {azzafit} returned from fitazza KEYWORDS: key : int key=1 residuals by sample 2 residuals by za default both tit : string title of plot sbc : int sbc to plot 0-3. default all sym[2] : int symbols for pola, b def.. none DESCRIPTION: Plot the residuals from the az,za fit. The routine assumes that you have fit the polA and polB data for a number of subcorrelators. It is the callers responsibility to move the fitI single structure into the array of structures passed into this routine.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: fitazzapr - print/plot info on the az,za fit SYNTAX: fitazzapr,fitI,over=over,ln=ln,sclln=sclln,nocoef=nocoef,tit=tit,$ nosigma=nosigma,noplot=noplot,plterms=plterms,$ plcomb=plcomb,xoff=xoff,_extra=e,azreq=azreq,zareq=zareq, xp=xp ARGS : fitI: {azzafit} structure holding info returned from fitazza. KEYWORDS: over: int, if set then overplot ln: int, line # to start printing fit values . def= 3 sclln: float scale spacing between lines. default=1. nocoef: int, if set, then don't bother to print fit coef. nosigma: if set then don't output sigma For coeff. they aren't meaningfull unless you specified weights noplot : if set then don't do the line plot, just print the values. tit: string, title for plot plterms: 0 - plot az terms 1 - plot za terms 2 - plot all terms versus az 3 - plot all terms versus za plcomb: if set then plot the combined fit rather than overplotting each term (only makes a difference for az terms). xoff : float offset to add to default az or za before evaluating the fit (overplot does not lay on top of previous plot). _extra: keyword=value. passed to plot,oplot routines. (eg.. psym=2 to just plot symbols) azreq[] : float azimuth values (deg) to compute fit at. zareq[] : float za values (deg) to compute fit at. xp : float xposition (0 to 1) for text (def .05) DESCRIPTION Print out the fit values returned from fitazza. Output to the terminal and plot to a plotfile. The default output is to plot the individual azimuth terms versus az. The program will by default evaluate the fit at fixed azimuth and za values. You can use azreq zareq to evaluate it at different values (if you specify plterms=2,3 and you want to use azreq,zareq then you must provide both values). EXAMPLE: f(za): 9.16089 +( 0.77126)*za +(-0.06284)*(za-14)^2 +( 0.06741)(za-14)^3 f(1az): 0.54/982*cos(1az) + (-1.85612)*sin(1az) f(2az): 1.30097*cos(2az) + ( 0.69671)*sin(2az) f(3az): 0.86003*cos(3az) + ( 1.33455)*sin(3az) SigCof: za 0.25757 0.02781 0.08049 0.01504 az 0.18664 0.14984 0.17228 0.17435 0.16076 0.14014 f(za): ffffffff +(ffffffff)*za +(ffffffff)*(za-14)^2 +(ffffffff)(za-14)^3 f(1az): ffffffff*cos(1az) + (ffffffff)*sin(1az) f(2az): ffffffff*cos(2az) + (ffffffff)*sin(2az) f(3az): ffffffff*cos(3az) + (ffffffff)*sin(3az) SigCof:az f8.5 f8.5 f8.5 f8.5 za f8.5 f8.5 f8.5 f8.5 f8.5 f8.5
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: fitazzaprcov - print out the covariance matrix SYNTAX, fitazzaprcov,fiti,fd ARGS: fitI: {fitazza} returned from fitazza fd: int write the data to this file descriptor. Default is stdout.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: fitazzarob - robust fit of function to azimuth and zenith angle SYNTAX: fitazzarob,az,za,y,fitI,weights=weights,fittype=fittype, yfit=yfit,covar=covar,variance=variance,sigmaA=sigmaA, singular=singular,chisq=chisq, gindx=gindx,ngood=ngood,bindx=bindx,nbad=nbad,$ maxiter=maxiter,fpnts=fpnts,iter=iter,nsig=nsig ARGS: az[npts] : float azimuth in deg za[npts] : float za in deg y[npts] : float data to fit KEYWORDS: weights[npts] : weights to use with fit. default = 1. fittype : int. 1..4 see below nsig : float when iterating throw out points with residuals gt nsig*sig. zapivot : float za for pivot. The default is 14. or 10. depending on the fittype. RETURNS: fitI : {azzafit} structure. return fitinfo here. yfit[npts] : fit values evaluated at input az,za returne here covar[m,m] : normalized covariance matrix. m=# of coef. variance[m] : of the diagnonal elements (not normalized) sigmaA[m] : sigmas of the coef (not normalized) singular : int, number of singular coef found. chisq : float. chisq ROBUST INFO: fpnts : float the fraction of points used for the final computation gindx: long[] indices into d for the points that were used for the computation. ngood long number of points in gindx. bindx: long[] indices into d for the points that were not used nbad long number of points in bindx. iter long number of iterations performed. DESCRIPTION: There are 4 or 10 coefficients in the fit. The functional form depends on the value of fittype. fittype: coef: 0-3 1: c0 + c1*za + c2(za-14)^2 + c3(za-14)^3 + azterms.. use za-14 when za gt 14 2: c0 + c1*(za-10) + c2(za-10)^2+c3(za-10)^3 + azterms. for all za 3: y=(za-10)/10 then c0 +c1*(y)+ c2*(2*y*y-1.) + c3*(4*y^3-3*y) + azterms. for all za 4: c0 +c1*za +c2*(za-14)^2 +c3*(za-14)^3 no azterms.. use za-14 when za gt 14 5: c0 + c1*(za-10) + c2(za-10)^2+c3*(za-10)^3+ costerm have 1az,3az and sinza*3az.. no 2az term 6: c0 + c1*(za-10) + c2(za-10)^2+c3(za-10)^3 no az terms 7: c0 + c1*cos(az) +c2*sin(az) + c3*cos(2az) + c4*sin(2az) c5*cos(3az) +c6*sin(3az) coef: 4-9 az terms: c4*cos(az) +c5*sin(az) + c6*cos(2az) + c7*sin(2az) c8*cos(3az) +c9*sin(3az) The fit info is returned in the fit structure {azzafit}. It contains: numCoef: 10L , for fit fittype: 1 , 1-def,2-about za10,3-chebyshev 3rd order freq : 0. , Mhz coef : dblarr(10),coef. sigmaCoef : dblarr(10), sigmas on each coef. covar : dblarr(10,10), covariance matrix chisq : 0.D , of fit sigma : 0.D , of fit - data zaSet : 14. , za cutoff for higher order,or pivot rfNum : 0 , rcv num pol : ' ' , a , b , i stokes I type : ' ' ,gain,sefd,tsys,etc.. title : ' ' , for any plots top ytitle : ' ' , for any plots left date : ' ' fit run Since the fittype is returned in the structure, later routines (fitazzaeval etc..) know which functional form to use. You must call @geninit once before calling this routine to define the {azzafit} structure. SEE ALSO: fitazzaeval, fitazzapr, fitazzaplres, fitazzaprcov
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: fitngauss - fit n gaussians SYNTAX: coef=fitngauss(x,y,ngauss,coefInit,chisq=chisq,sigmaCoef=sigmaCoef, weights=weights,yfit=yfit,covar=covar,trouble=trouble) ARGS: x[npts]: inpependent data y[npts]: dependent data ngauss : int the number of gaussians to fit for 1 to 3 coefInit[m] initial values for coef. KEYWORDS: weights[npts] : for data. default is unity trouble : int 0 converged ok -1 chisq infinite -2 flambdacount > max=30 *10/flambdaste -3 iterdone >itmax(def 20) -4 divide by zero on partials _extra=e cfplot : if set, then curveFit will plot each strip cfparms : if set, then curveFit will print input parms flambdastep : float. how much we decrease step curvature matrix when tol : float. when chisq decreases by this amount, done..def:.001 itmax : int.. iterations max. default:40 RETURNS : coef[m] fit coef.. keywords: yfit[npts]: fit evaluated at input values chisq : double (y-yfit)^2/(npts-mcoef) sigmaCoef[m]:formal errors in coef. sqrt(diag of matrix*chisq) covar[m,m] : covariance matrix DESCRIPTION: fit the function: y= a0 +a1*x + a3*exp[(x-a4)^2/a5*(1+alpha*x) + a6*exp((x-a7)^2/a8 + a9*exp((x-a10)^2/a11 a0= constant a1= linear in x a2= alpha skew first gaussian a3=Ampl a4=Mean (offset error) a5=sigma input as fwhm in units of x a6=Ampl a7=Mean a8=sigma input as fwhm a9=Ampl a10=Mean a11=sigma input as fwhm --> 19mar19 .. note: coma has been disabled...
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: fitngaussfunc - function for fitting n gaussians SYNTAX: fitngaussfunc,x,a,f,pder ARGS: x[npts] : independant variable a[2+4*ngauss] : parameters to fit for f[npts] : return value of function here pder[2+4*ngauss] :return partial derivatives with respect to each param DESCRIPTION: evaluate the function and optionally it's partial derivatives for the curvefit routine of idl: f(x)= a0 + a1*x + a3*exp[-(x-a4)**2 * (1+a2*(x-a4))] -------------------- + n more gaussians a5^2 a0= constant a1= linear in x a2=skew first gaussian a3=Ampl a4=Mean a5=sigma a6=Ampl a7=Mean a8=sigma a9=Ampl a10=Mean a11=sigma note that we are fitting for sigx not sigx^2
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: fitngaussnc - fit n gaussians (no coma) SYNTAX: coef=fitngaussnc(x,y,ngauss,coefInit,chisq=chisq,sigmaCoef=sigmaCoef, weights=weights,yfit=yfit,covar=covar,trouble=trouble, ARGS: x[npts]: inpependent data y[npts]: dependent data ngauss : int the number of gaussians to fit for 1 to 3 coefInit[m] initial values for coef. KEYWORDS: weights[npts] : for data. default is unity trouble : int 0 converged ok -1 chisq infinite -2 flambdacount > max=30 *10/flambdaste -3 iterdone >itmax(def 20) -4 divide by zero on partials _extra=e cfplot : if set, then curveFit will plot each strip cfparms : if set, then curveFit will print input parms flambdastep : float. how much we decrease step curvature matrix when tol : float. when chisq decreases by this amount, done..def:.001 itmax : int.. iterations max. default:40 iter : int.. iterations done. noderiv : if set then have let the routine compute the derivatives from differences rather than from the analytic formula. RETURNS : coef[m] fit coef.. keywords: yfit[npts]: fit evaluated at input values chisq : double (y-yfit)^2/(npts-mcoef) sigmaCoef[m]:formal errors in coef. sqrt(diag of matrix*chisq) covar[m,m] : covariance matrix DESCRIPTION: fit the function: y= a0 +a1*x + a2*exp[(x-a3)^2/a4 + a6*exp((x-a7)^2/a8 + a9*exp((x-a10)^2/a11 where: a0= constant a1= linear in x a2=Ampl 1st gaussian a3=Mean (offset error) a4=sigma input as fwhm in units of x a5=Ampl 2nd guassian a6=Mean a7=sigma input as fwhm a8 =Ampl 3rd gaussian a9 =Mean a10=sigma input as fwhm The variable ngauss determines how many gaussians to fit for. This routine is similar to fitngauss but it does not have the coma parameter (which tends to diverge).
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: fitngaussncfunc - function for fitting n gaussians SYNTAX: fitngaussncfunc,x,a,f,pder ARGS: x[npts] : independant variable a[2+3*ngauss] : parameters to fit for f[npts] : return value of function here pder[2+3*ngauss] :return partial derivatives with respect to each param DESCRIPTION: evaluate the function and optionally it's partial derivatives for the curvefit routine of idl: f(x)= a0 + a1*x + a2*exp[ (x-a3)**2 )] -------------------- + n more gaussians a4^2 a0= constant a1= linear in x a2=Ampl a3=Mean a4=sigma a5=Ampl a6=Mean a7=sigma a8=Ampl a9=Mean a10=sigma note that we are fitting for sigx not sigx^2
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: fitsin - fit to Asin(Nx-phi) where N=1 to 6. or 123 SYNTAX:result=fitsin(x,y,N,cossin=cossin) ARGS: x - independent var. (x values for fit). should already be in radians y - measured dependent variable. N - 1..6 .. integral period to fit . 1 to 6. - 123 . fit 1,2,3 az terms at once KEYWORDS: cossin: if set then return amplitudes of cos,sin rather then sin,phase RETURN: result[]: float [0] constant coefficient [1] amplitude [2] phase in radians If cossin is set then return: [0] constant coefficient [1] amplitude cosine [2] amplitude sin if n=123 then: [0] constant [1,2] amp,phase 1 az [3,4] amp,phase 2 az [5,6] amp,phase 3 az DESCRIPTION: Do a linear least squares fit (svdfit) to a sin wave with integral values of the frequency (1 through 6 are allowable values). It also supports simultaneous fit for 1,2,3az. Returns the coefficients of the fit. NOTES: Asin(Nt-phi)= Asin(Nt)cos(phi) - Acos(Nt)sin(phi) = Bsin(Nt) + Ccos(Nt) B=Acos(phi) C=-Asin(phi) phi = atan(sin(phi)/cos(phi))/ = atan(-c,b) amplitude=sqrt(B^2+C^2) so the fit for B,C is linear. result from svd: a[0] - constant a[1] - sin coef a[2] - cos coef
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: fitsineval - evaluate the fitsin() fit SYNTAX: y=fitsineval(x,coefAr,cossin=cossin) ARGS: x[n]:float evaluate the fit at these x data points. Units should be radians. coefAr[m]:float coeff returned from finsin KEYWORDS: cossin : if set then fitsin was called with /cossin, so the coef are cos sin, order rather than amp,phase RETURNS: y[n]:float fit evaluated at the x points. DESCRIPTION: fitsin() will fit a function: c(0) + c(2*I)*sin(I*az - c(2i+1)) .. i=1,2,3,4.. 6 and return the coef of the fit in a float array. This routine will evaluate the fit at the positions specified y x. X must be in radians. If the call to fitsin( /cossin) had cossin set , then you must also set that keyword in the call to fitsineval().
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: fitsinn - fit to terms of Asin(nx-phi) SYNTAX:coefI=fitsinn(x,y,N) ARGS: x - independent var. (x values for fit). should already be in radians y - measured dependent variable. N - number of terms to fit 1 .. N RETURN: coefI: {} hold the fit info .. see belo yfit: float optionally evalute and return the fit DESCRIPTION: Do a linear least squares fit (svdfit) to a sin wave with integral values of the frequency 1 through N. Return the coeficients in coefI. EXAMPLE: let az,azerr be the azimuths in deg and the azimuth errors. Fit a0 +a1*sin(az-ph1) + a2*sin(2az-ph2) + .. an*sin(naz-phn) N=3 ; use sin(az, 2az,3az) coefI=fitsinn(az*!dtor,azerr,N,yfit=yfit) help,coefI ** Structure <8bd0e6c>, 5 tags, length=124, data length=122, refs=1: N INT 3 .. number we fit to C0 DOUBLE 0. .. the constant term PHDEG DOUBLE Array[3] .. phase indegrees AMP DOUBLE Array[3] .. amplitue of fit PHRD DOUBLE Array[3] .. phase in radians COSSIN DOUBLE Array[2, 3] .. cos,sin Amplitudes for each order NOTES: A*sin(Nt-phi)= A*sin(Nt)cos(phi) - A*cos(Nt)sin(phi) = B*cos(Nt) + c*sin(Nt) B=-A*sin(phi) C=A*cos(phi) phi = atan(sin(phi)/cos(phi))/ = atan(-B,c) amplitude=sqrt(B^2+C^2) so the fit for B,C is linear.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: fitsinneval - evaluate the fitsinn fit SYNTAX: y=fitsinneval(x,coefI) ARGS: x[n]:float evaluate the fit at these x data points. Units should be radians. coefI:{} structure returned from fitsinn RETURNS: y[n]:float fit evaluated at the x points. DESCRIPTION: fitsinn() will fit a function: ai*cos(i*x) + bi*sin(i*x) where x= 0..n. It returns a structure containing the coef of the fit. This routine fitsinneval() will evaluate this fit at user specified x coordinates (which should be in radians).
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: fitsinnl - nonlinear least squares fit to a sin SYNTAX: fitsinnl,x,y,weights,a,yfit,chisq,iter,sigma,tol=tol,itmax=itmax ARGS: x[npts]: float x values. The unit will determine the frequency unit (eg. sec--> cycle/sec, min--> cycle/min). y[npts]: float measured data values a[4] : float initial values for fit: a[0] constant, a[1] amplitude a[2] frequency cycles/(xunit) a[3] phase (fraction of a cycle) weights[npts]:float weights for each data point KEYWORDS: tol : float tolerance for conversion. default 1e-3 itmax: int max number of step iterations before non-convergence. RETURNS: a - fitted coefficients yfit - fit value evalutated at x chisq - chisq for fit iter - number of iterations that were made sigma[4] - sigmas for each coef. DESCRIPTION: Do a non-linear least squares fit to a sin wave fitting for offset, amplitude, frequency, and phase. Use the idl routine curvefit().
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: flag - flag a set of vertical lines SYNTAX: flag,x,yr=yr,_extra=e ARGS: x[n]: float x values where the vertical lines should be drawn KEYWORDS: yr[2]: float min,max y values for the veritical lines. The defalut is to cover the entire y range. _extra: Any extra keywords are passed to the oplot routine. This can be color=, linestyle=, etc.. DESCRIPTION: Draw 1 or more vertical lines on the plot. By default the entire y range is used. You can limit that with the yr= keyword. Any keywords accepted by oplot can also be passed in. EXAMPLE: After plotting, x vs y, draw two vertical dashed lines at x=15 and x=23. plot,x,y flag,[15,23],linestyle=2
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: flux12m - flux for some 12meter sources SYNTAX: istat=flux12m(srcNm,freqar,fluxI,yr=yr,list=list,cat=cat) ARGS: srcNm: string source to use. will match any case. freqAr: fltarr[n] freq to evaluate flux at (MHz) KEYWORDS: list : int if not zero the just list the source we know. yr : long year for flux. default current year. this is used if baars et al and there is a correction for variabilty eg.. casa cat : string catalog to use: P -perley and butler B -baars et al (if available) w -wmap combined:7yrwmap cal src. weiland 2010. RETURNS: istat : 1 ok, -1 error fluxI[n]: {} array of fluxes (Jy) fluxI:{ srcNm: string,$ n : n ,$; number of fluxes we return cat : '' ,$; 'p'-perly, 'b' baars et al. freq:fltarr(n),$ ; freq in Mhz flux :fltarr(n)} ; flux in Jy DESCRIPTION: Compute the flux (JY) at the requested freq for some sources. Data is taken from perley and butler 2017 or baars et al. If you request a catatlog and we only have the other, then you get the one we have (and will be set accordingly). currently just casa and cygnus A
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: fluxfitvla - return source flux using vla formula SYNTAX: flux=fluxfitvla(coef,freq,newfit=newfit) ARGS: coef[2,3,4...]: float coefficients for fit. freq: float Frequency in Mhz. KEYWORD: newfit : if set then force using the newer vla fit format(aka 1999) The new fit coef are for Ghz, not Mhz RETURNS: flux: float flux in Janskies. DESCRIPTION: Evaluate the function log(s)= coef[0]+coef[1]*log(freq)+coef[2]*(log(freq)^2) + coef[3]*log(freq)^3... This can be used for the standard calibrators: 3C286,3C48, and 3C147. You must input the coefficients for each source. It is taken from the vla calibration manual (chris salters copy or the web). There are no corrections to baars et scale done here. If number of coef > 3 then the newer fit (circa 1999) will be used that includes freq^3,4... terms).
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: fluxkuehr - compute flux given kuehr et al. coefficients SYNTAX: flux=fluxkuehr(coef,freqMhz) ARGS: coef[4]: float kuehr coefficients .. see below freqM : frequency in Mhz RETURNS: flux : in janskies DESCRIPTION: Return the flux computed from the kuehr coef.. (Kuehr et al., A+AS, 45, 367, (1981)) log10(flux)= coef[0] + coef[1]*x + coef[2]*exp(-coef[3]*x) and x=log10(freqMhz)
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: fluxsrc - return source flux SYNTAX: flux=fluxsrc(srcname,freq,radec=radec,width=width,riseset=riseset) ARGS: srcname : string source to search for in files. freq : float the frequecy of interest in Mhz. RETURNS: flux : float The flux in janskies. radec[2]: double return the ra,dec B1950 in the radec keyword if provided. radec[0] (ra) is in hours. radec[1] (dec) is in degrees. width[2]: float width (major,minor) axis in arcseconds. 0--> no data < 0 --> true values are less than these values riseset[2]: float hhmmss.s rise,set time for source DESCRIPTION: The file aodefdir()/data/fluxsrc.dat has fits of flux versus frequency for a number of sources. This routine will return the flux given a frequency if the source name is in the file. If you provide the radec keyword, the the B1950 ra,dec position will be provided. SEE ALSO: fluxsrclist, fluxsrcload.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: fluxsrclist - return list of source names in flux file SYNTAX: fluxnames=fluxsrclist(print=print,freq=freq,size=size,bnames=bnames,$ riseset=riseset,sortRise=sortRise,$ srclist=srclist,all=all,exclvar=exclvar,$ retall=fluxstr) ARGS: none KEYWORDS: print: if set then print to stdout the source info for the sources selected. This inclues the name, coefficients, fit rms, code and comments. freq : float frequency in Mhz. If provided then evaluate the flux at this frequency for every source returned. Return the source names and flux in Janskies. all : if set then return all available info on each source. name (flux if Freq specified) CodeForSrc size/comments size : if set then include any size/comments for the sources bnames: if set only include sources that start with B. riseset: if set then include rise,set times in list sortRise: if set then sort by rise time.. default is name srclist[]: string If supplied, then only supply info on the sources in this list that also meet the other criteria (bnames..). exclVar: if set then exclude variable sources (fit type = 2) retall: {} fluxstr. Return the entire flux structure for all of the selected sources. RETURNS: A string array containing an entry for each source. the first entry of every source is the name: ret[0,*]= srcname if freq keyword is present, the flux at this frequency will follow the srcname ret[1,*]= flux if size keyword is set then any comments will follow the freq (or name if no freq requested) ret[2,*]= comments or ret[1,*]= comments (if no freq keyword) DESCRPTION: Return a list of the sources in the flux file (created by chris salter). If the /print keyword is supplied then the routine will also write the source info to stdout. By default the source name for all sources is returned. You can modify what is returned with the following keywords: freq: Evaluates and adds the flux for each source at freq(Mhz). size: adds the size/comments field in the returned data all : returns srcName (flux if frq supplied) code size/comments bnames: Only return sources that start with B. The file has multiple names for the same source (J,B, and 3C). riseset: Include rise/set times hhmmss.s in output srclist: instead of searching the entire file, only look at the sources in this list. EXAMPLES: 1. dat=fluxsrclist() .. dat[] is a string array of all the sources print,dat[0:3] B0010+005 3C5 B0017+154 3C9 2. dat=fluxsrclist(/print) .. the file is also listed to std out: prints: codes:1-good calibrator,2-lousy, ?? B0010+005 coef: 2.77 -0.82 0.00 rms: 9.00 code:1 ;3C5; Size~27"; Sp(80-5000) 3. dat=fluxsrclist(freq=1420).. dat[2,*] string array dat[0,*] holds the source names. dat[1,*] holds the flux (in Jy) for each src at 1420Mhz print,dat[*,0:1] 3C132 3.21 3C138 9.14 4. dat=fluxsrclist(freq=1420,/size).. dat is a 2-d string array. dat[0,*] holds the source names. dat[1,*] holds the flux for each source dat[2,*] holds comments for this source print,dat[*,0:1] 3C132 3.21 3C132 C27.6(756) 3C138 9.14 3C138 Fit to all S's 5. srclist=['B2223+21','3C138'] dat=fluxsrclist(freq=1420,/all,srclist=srclist).. dat[4,3] stringarray print,dat B1607+268 4.47 1 cut-off below 1 GHz B1615+212 1.80 1 B1622+238 2.63 1 3C336 NOTE: 1. There are multiple names for the same source in the flux file (eg B2314+038,3C459,J2316+040). 2. The code field is: 1 - good flux calibrator, 2-bad flux calibrator, 3 - source from kuehr et al.Chris has not yet tried to fit this source. The flux file is located at aodefdir()/data/fluxsrc.dat. At AO, aodefdir() is /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/. SEE ALSO: fluxsrc, fluxsrcload.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: fluxsrcload - load source flux into common block SYNTAX: fluxsrcload,retdata,file=file,salter=salter ARGS: retdata[]:{fluxsrc} if supplied, then return all the flux structures in retdata. KEYWORDS: file : string filename that holds the source fluxes. Default is aodefdir() + 'data/fluxsrc.dat salter : if set then input file from chris salter's file. This file is used to generate the fluxsrc.dat file. The option is used when checking that the files are in sync (see chkflux below). DESCRIPTION: Read in all of the source fluxes from the fluxsrc.dat file into the common block fluxcom. The user can optionally specify another file to use for the source fluxes. The routine fluxsrc() computes fluxes from data in this common block. It will automatically call fluxsrcload() if the common block is not initialized. The routine aodefdir()/data/ is used to keep the two files in sync (chris's file and fluxsrc.dat). SEE ALSO: fluxsrc(), fluxsrclist()
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: foldtmseries - fold a time series SYNTAX: df=foldtmseries(d,smpTm,period,nbins,stphase=stphase,cnts=cnts) ARGS: d[m,n]: float data to fold. If 1d then just fold the time series if 2-d then each bin of the folded data will have elements smpTm: float seconds per sample in d period: float period in secs to fold to. nbins: long number bins after folding KEYWORDS: sTPhase: float the starting second for d[0]. The default is 0. RETURNS: df[m,nbins] :double folded data, normalized to the number of counts cnts[nbins]:long number of counts in each phase bin. DESCRIPTION: Fold the time series of d into an array df[nbins]. If d is 2d, then the the data is folded on the 2nd dimension (each bin of the folded output will have m entries). The folded data is normalized to the number of counts in each bin. Optionally return the number of counts for each bin in cnts[nbins]. The folding computations are done in double precision for more accuracy. EXAMPLE: ; Take a wapp pulsar datafile on B1937+21 and: ;1. input the file ;2. dedisperse it. ;3. fold it file2='/share/wapp21/p2175.B1937+21.wapp3.53889.0001' period=1.55772007d-3 ; pulsar period dm=71.040 ; dm smpTm=80d-6 ; sample time of the data npts=sp_dedisp(file2,dm,dedisp2) ; input and dedisperse nbins=32 ; bins to fold into dfold=foldtmseries(dedisp2,smpTm,period,nbins) ; fold it
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: fromsecs1970 - convert from unixsecs 1970, to ymd,hms SYNTAX: [hhmmss,yyyymmdd]=fromsecs1970(secs1970,utc=utc,daynoyr=daynoyr,str=str) ARGS: secs1970: long seconds from 1970 KEYWORDS: utc: is set then return time as utc. def: local DESCRIPTION: Convert from unix seconds 1970 to hhmmss, yyyymmdd. If /utc is set then return as utc (the default is local time). if the keyword daynoyr= is supplied then also return dayno,year in the daynoyr variable if the str= keyword is supplied then also return time in standard systime string format RETURNS: [hhmmss,yyyymmdd]: lonarr time [dayno,year] : dblarr dayno will include the fraction of day. str : string standard systime string of time Note:secs1970 are always utc. the idl systime routine will convert this to local time.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: fwhm2tosig2f - FWHM^2 to sigma^2 factor. SYNTAX: fac=fwhm2tosig2f() ARGS: none RETURNS: fac: float conversion factor. DESCRIPTION: for a gaussian defined as: y=A0*exp( -[(x-x0)/sig]^2) convert full width half max squared to sigma squared. If the gaussian is defined as: y=A0*exp( -.5*[(x-x0)/sig]^2) you need to multiply the returned value by .5
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: fwhmtosigf - convert factor fwhm to sigma SYNTAX: scl=fwhmtosigf(div2=div2) KEYWORDS: div2: if set then return 1/(sqrt(8*log(2)) DESCRIPTION: Returns factor to go from fwhm to sigma for a gaussian of: y=a0*epx(x^2/sig^2) If div2 keyword is set then return factor for: y=a0*exp(.5* x^2/sig^2) Example: let y=exp( - (x/sig)^2) for fwhm y=.5 if fwhm=x0 then x=x0/2 is the one sided value so log(.5)= - (x/sig)^2 x=sig * sqrt(-log(.5)) .. but log(1/2)=-log(2).. so x =sqrt(log(2))*sig x0=C*sig where c = .5*sqrt(log(2)) To convert fwhm to sig units you multiply by 1/C This can be used in guass fitting.. After fitting, you get the widths in sigmas.. got get back fwhm, you divide by scl sigma/scl=fhwm
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: gainget - return telescope gain(az,za,freq) for rcvr. SYNTAX: stat=gainget(az,za,freq,rcvrNum,gainVal,date=date,zaonly=zaonly) ARGS: az[n]: float azimuth in degrees za[n]: float zenith angle in degrees freq: float freq in Mhz. rcvrNum: int receiver number 1..16 (see helpdt feeds)) KEYWORDS: date[2]: int [year,daynumber] to use for gain computation. The default is to use the current day. If they gain curves change with time, this allows you to access the gain curve that was in use when the data was taken. zaonly: if set then only return the zenith angle dependence (averages over azimuth) RETURNS: gainval[n]: float gain in Kelvins/Jy stat: int -1 --> error, not data returned 0 --> requested outside freq range of fits. Return gain of the closed frequency value. the closest value. 1 --> frequency interpolated gain value returned. DESCRIPTION: Return the gain (K/Jy) for the requested receiver at the specified frequency and az,za. The default is to use the current gain values. The date keyword allows you to access a gain curve that was valid at some other epoch. Fits have been done for g(az,za) at different frequencies for various receivers. This routine will input the fit information and compute the gain for the two closest frequencies and then interpolate to the requested freqeuncy. The input fit data is stored in a common block so the data does not have to be input from disc a second time unless you pick a different receiver. NOTE: Some receivers have no gain fits. They will return -1 in the status. If a requested frequency is outside the fitted values, then the value at the closest frequency is returned (no extrapolation is done). If you have correlator data, you can use corhgainget() to get the gain value. It will figure out the receiver number and date from the header and then call gainget. For a description of the gain calibration see: Look under calibration for the receiver of interest. The lines with the remark (gain curves) were used to compute the gain curves. EXAMPLES: lbw=5 get gain at 1400Mhz az=120,za=10 for lbw stat=gainget(120.,10.,1400.,lbw,gainval) az=fltarr(20) ; az = 0 degrees. za=findgen(20)+1 ; za=1..20 date=[2001,200] ; for 2001, daynumber:200 stat=gainget(az,za,1321,lbw,gainval,date=date) gainval will be an array of 20 values for za 1 to 20 degrees and azimuth of 0 degrees. to convert from daynumber to day,month,year daynum=dmtodayno(d,mon,year) dm =daynotodm(daynum,year) where dm=[day,month] SEE ALSO:gaininpdata, calinpdata, corhcalval
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: gainget12m - return 12m telescope gain(el,freq) for rcvr. SYNTAX: stat=gainget12m(el,freq,rcvrNum,gainVal,date=date) ARGS: el[n]: float elevation angle in degrees for gains freq: float freq in Mhz. rcvrNum: int receiver number 7 or 11 KEYWORDS: date[2]: int [year,daynumber] to use for gain computation. The default is to use the current day. If they gain curves change with time, this allows you to access the gain curve that was in use when the data was taken. RETURNS: gainval[n]: float gain in Kelvins/Jy stat: int -1 --> error, not data returned 0 --> requested outside freq range of fits. Return gain of the closed frequency value. the closest value. 1 --> frequency interpolated gain value returned. DESCRIPTION: Return the gain (K/Jy) for the requested receiver at the specified frequency and elevations. The default is to use the current gain values. The date keyword allows you to access a gain curve that was valid at some other epoch. Fits have been done for g(el) at different frequencies for various receivers (currently only xb). This routine will input the fit information and compute the gain for the two closest frequencies and then interpolate to the requested freqeuncy. The input fit data is stored in a common block so the data does not have to be input from disc a second time unless you pick a different receiver. NOTE: Some receivers have no gain fits. They will return -1 in the status. If a requested frequency is outside the fitted values, then the value at the closest frequency is returned (no extrapolation is done). For a description of the gain calibration see: Look under calibration for the receiver of interest. The lines with the remark (gain curves) were used to compute the gain curves. EXAMPLES: SEE ALSO:gaininpdata12m,
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: gainInpData - input gain data for rcvr. SYNTAX: istat=gainInpData(rcvNum,gainData,fname=fname,date=date) ARGS: rcvNum: 1 thru 16. receiver to use (same as hdr.iflo.stat1.rfnum). KEYWORDS: fname: to specify an alternate data file with gain values. The default file is aodefdir() + 'data/gain.datR{rcvNum} date : [year,daynum] .. if specified the data when you want the gain for..default is most recent. RETURNS: istat: 1 ok, -1 bad file/rcvnum,data probably no fit data available. gainData[n]:{gainData} return fit info. 1 structure for each frequency DESCRIPTION: Input the gain fit data for all the frequncies of a particular receiver (rcvNum). The rcvNum can be extracted from the headers with iflohrfnum(). The default datafile is aodefdir() + 'data/gain.datR{rcvNum} (aodefdir() is a function that returns the root of the aoroutines). The keyword fname allows you to specify an alternate file. The file format is: - col 1 ; is a column, - col 1 !yyyy dayno starts a date section. yyyy dayno is the year daynumber for the start of this data set. - data is free format , column oriented freq fitType c0 c1 c2 .... cN pol calVala calvalB c0..cN are the fit coefficients, pol is I or A or B, CalValA,B are the cal values used for this fit. The structure format for {gaindata} is: gainData.rcvNum receiver number gainData.numFreq number of frequencies found gainData.startYr for the fit gainData.startDaynum for the fit gainData.endYr for the fit gainData.endDaynum for the fit gainData.fitI[numFreq] {azzafit} structure holding the coef and other info for each fit gainData.calVal[2,numFreq] cal values used when each fit was made. See azzafit for a description of the {azzafit} structure. This routine is called automatically by corhgainval and gainget(). How the different cal routines vary: gaininpdata() inputs the data from disc. You must specify the rcvrnum. It defaults to the current date. It loads a table in common holding the fit info for all of the frequencies measured. gainval() Pass in the frequency and the rcvrnum. It will input the data using gaininpdata if necessary, do the interpolation and return the gain. corhgainval() You specify the correlator sbc header (eg b.b1.h). It will compute the frequency and then call gainval(). It returns the gain value. You can call the azzafitpr,eval routines fit the gainData.fitI[] to plot out the fit fitvalues. SEE ALSO: corhgainval, gainget ,azzafit, azzafiteval,azzafitpr
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: gainInpData12m - input gain data for 12meter rcvrs. SYNTAX: istat=gainInpData12m(rcvNum,gainData,fname=fname,date=date) ARGS: rcvNum: 7 or 11 sband or xband (prior to wbrcvr) KEYWORDS: fname: to specify an alternate data file with gain values. The default file is aodefdir() + 'data/gain12m.datR{rcvNum} date : [year,daynum] .. if specified the data when you want the gain for..default is most recent. RETURNS: istat: 1 ok, -1 bad file/rcvnum,data probably no fit data available. gainData[n]:{gainData12m} return fit info. 1 structure for each frequency DESCRIPTION: Input the gain fit data for all the frequncies of a particular receiver (rcvNum). The rcvNum can be extracted from the headers with iflohrfnum(). The default datafile is aodefdir() + 'data/gain12m.datR{rcvNum} (aodefdir() is a function that returns the root of the aoroutines). The keyword fname allows you to specify an alternate file. The file format is: - col 1 ; is a column, - col 1 !yyyy dayno starts a date section. yyyy dayno is the year daynumber for the start of this data set. - data is free format , column oriented freq fitType A0 A1 .. sigFit c0..cN are the fit coefficients, pol is I or A or B, The structure format for {gaindata} is: gainData.rcvNum receiver number gainData.numFreq number of frequencies found gainData.startYr for the fit gainData.startDaynum for the fit gainData.endYr for the fit gainData.endDaynum for the fit gainData.fitI[numFreq] {azelfit12m} structure holding the coef and other info for each fit {azelfit12m}: {numcoef : 10,$; for fittype fittype : 1,$; freq : 0.,$;Mhz coef : dblarr(10),$; 10 is max coef sigma : 0.d ,$; of fit rfnum : 0 ,$; 7 or 11 pol : ' ' ,$; I, A, or B type : '' ,$; ascii string for type: gain,tsys,sefd.. date :' ' } ;date fit run This routine is called automatically by gainget12m(). How the different cal routines vary: SEE ALSO: gainget12m ,masgainget12m
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: getscanind - get indices for start of each scan SYNTAX: getscanind,scanlist,scanind,scanlen ARGS : scanlist[len]: long array of scan numbers RETURNS: scanind[len] : long indices into scanlist for start of each scan. scanlen[len] : long number of entries in each scan. DESCRIPTION: The routine corpwr() returns power information for each record in a file. This includes the scan number of each record. Typically there will be many records in a scan. This routine will search the array of scan numbers and return the starting index for the start of each scan and the number of records in the scan. It does this by scanning the array and looking for where the scan number changes. EXAMPLE: print,corpwr(lun,9999,p) ... up to 9999 recs getscanind,p.scan,scanind,scanlen ; now loop thru each scan returned nscans=(size(scanind))[1] for i=0,nscans-1 do begin ; grab those belonging to 1 scan p1=p[scanind[i]:scanind[i]+scanlen[i]-1] ...process endfor
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: getscanindx - extract scan from array. SYNTAX: subarr=getscanindx(datarr,scanind,scanlen) ARGS : datarr[]: any type extract subarray from here index : long .. index to extract scanind[len]: long .. index array from getscanind scanlen[len]: long .. len each scan from getscanind RETURNS: datsubarr[] : anytype.. ith scans data of each scan. DESCRIPTION: Some routines return multiple scans data as one large array with one of the elements in the array being the scan number. getscanind() will find the start and length of each scan in this array. getscanindx will extract the i'th scans data from the array. EXAMPLE: print,corpwr(lun,9999,p) ... up to 9999 recs getscanind,p.scan,scanind,scanlen ; now loop thru extracting each scans data nscans=(size(scanind))[1] for i=0,nscans-1 do begin ; grab those belonging to the ith scan p1=getscanindx(p,i,scanind,scanlen) ...process endfor
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: getsl - scan a corfile and return the scan list. SYNTAX: sl=getsl(lun,scan=scan,maxscans=maxscans,search=search) ARGS: lun: int assigned to open file KEYWORDS: scan: long if supplied then start scanning from this scan number. default is the beginning of the file maxscans: long if supplied then quit after this many scans are found default: 5000L search: if set then search for 1st header RETURNS: sl[nscans]:{sl} holds scan list info DESCRIPTION This routine reads a corfile and returns an array of scanlist structures. This array contains summary information for each scan of the file: sl.scan - long scan number for this scan sl.bytepos - unsigned long for start of this scan sl.stat - .. not used yet.. sl.rcvnum - byte receiver number 1-16 note: ch is rcvnum 100 sl.numfrq - byte .. number of freq,cor boards used this scan sl.rectype - byte 1 -calon 2 -caloff 3 -onoff on pos 4 -onoff off pos 5 -coron (track just on position) 6 -cormap1 7 -cormapdec 8 -cordrift 9 -corcrossch 10 -x111auto (rfi monitoring) 11 -one murrays on with calon/off at the null 12 -onoffbml murrays on, off and cal at null 13 -corcrosschL 8 strips instead of 4 sl.numrecs - long .. number of groups(records in scan) sl.freq[4] float- topocentric frequency center each subband sl.julday double- julian date start of scan sl.srcname string - source name (max 12 long) sl.procname string - procedure name used. Some routines can use the sl structure to perform random access to files (bypassing the need to search for a scan). The sl[] array can also be used with the where() command to rapidly extract subsets of a file. EXAMPLE: openr,lun,'/share/olcor/corfile.02nov00.x101.1',/get_lun sl=getsl(lun) 1. process all of the lband wide data in a file: ind=where(sl.rcvnum eq 5,count) for i=0,n_elements(ind)-1 print,corinpscan(lun,b,scan=sl[ind[i]].scan,sl=sl) .. process endfor 2. Find all of the on/off patterns in a file. Make sure that the number of records in the on equals the number in the off. indon=where(sl.rectype eq 3 ,count) if count le 0 then goto,nopairs ; make sure an off follows the on and has the same number of records.. ; (actually this will fail if the last rec of the file is an on since ; indon+1 will go beyond the end of the sl array..) ind= where((sl[indon+1].rectype eq 4) and $ (sl[indon].numrecs eq sl[indon+1].numrecs),count) if count le 0 then goto,nopairs indon=indon[ind] 3. plot all of the cal on/off records in a file with cormon(). ind=where(sl.rectype le 2) cormon,lun,sl=sl[ind] Note this will not work with files > 2gigabytes since it is using a 32 bit integer.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: gs - generate a gaussian SYNTAX: f=gs(len,height,fwhm,position) ARGS: len: int .. length to make f. x values will be 0 thru len-1 height: float.. height of the gaussian. fwhm : float.. full width at half maximum. full range 0 to len-1 position: float.. position for the peak (0..len-1) RETURNS: computed gaussian as a double.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: gs2d - generate a 2d gaussian SYNTAX: f=gs2d(len,height,fwhm) ARGS: len: int .. length one side. x values will be 0 thru len-1 make an odd value for center to be located at center of array. height: float.. height of the gaussian. fwhm : float.. full width at half maximum. full range 0 to len-1 RETURNS: xy(2,len,len): double x,y coorinate for each point computed 2d gaussian as a double.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: gseval - evaluate a gausian at the requested positions. SYNTAX: val=gseval(fwhm,position) ARGS: fwhm : float.. full width at half maximum of gaussian. position: float. to evaluate (same units as fwhm RETURNS: vals : evaluated at position. Assume gaussian is unit height
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: gsfit2d - cross pattern 2d fit to total power az,za stripsI SYNTAX: fitCoef=gsfit2d,az,za,z,initCoef,linearza=linearza,zfit=zfit,$ covar=covar,sigCoef=sigCoef,chisq=chisq,sigma=sigma,$ trouble=trouble,weights=weights ARGS: az[npts]: az pos (offsets from center) in gcdeg all pnts in pat za[npts]: za pos (offsets from center) in gcdeg all pnts in pat z[npts]: measured data points initCoef[m]: float. coef to fit for. first guess fitCoef[m]: float coef from fit KEYWORDS: linearza : if true then include a linear term in za (a7) zfit[npts]: float return fit evaluated at input points sigma=sigma : sigma for fit covar[10,10]: covariance matrix sigCoef[10] : sigmas for coef. chisq : float .. weights[npts]: float weights trouble : 0 converged, -1 chisq infinite, -2 flamdacount>30*10/flstep -3 iteration > iterationmax def. 20 -4 alpha/c not finite.. probably 0 in partial deriv nostop : if set then if trouble=-4 then don't stop, just return with trouble=-4 DESCRIPTION: Fit to the function: z(x,y)= a0 + a1*exp[-xp^2/sigxp^2 - yp^2/sigyp^2] If linearza is set then fit to: z(x,y)= a0 + a1*exp[-xp^2/sigxp^2 - yp^2/sigyp^2] + a7*za You need to give the coef initial values when the routine is called. The units are: a0 - constant a1 : amplitude a2 : xoffset ,az coord direction offset is az units a3 : yoffset ,za coord direction offset in za units a4 : sigx^2 ,in prime coordinate system: fwhm az units a5 : sigy^2 ,in prime coordinate system: fwhm za units a6 : theta ,rotate unprimed to primed aligned along ellipsoid of beam,Deg a7 : zaslope ,The za slope in amplitude units per za unit xm=(x-x0) ym=(y-y0) xp = xm*cos(th) + ym*sin(th) yp =-xm*sin(th) + ym*cos(th) angle theta rotates from az,za to axes aligned with the major axis of the beam elipse The x,y values are passed via a common block. The call passes in an index to this common block. The fit is done in the units passed in (az,za). They should be greatcircle units with the same scale (don't mix hrs and deg)
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: gsfit2dc - cross pattern 2d fit to az,za stripsI with coma SYNTAX: gsfit2dc,az,za,z,a,zfit=zfit,covar=covar,sigCoef=sigCoef,$ chisq=chisq,sigma=sigma,trouble=trouble ARGS: az[npts]: az pos (offsets from center) in gcdeg all pnts in pat za[npts]: za pos (offsets from center) in gcdeg all pnts in pat z[npts]: measured data points a[m] : float. coef to fit for. first guess KEYWORDS: zfit[npts]: float return fit evaluated at input points sigma=sigma : sigma for fit covar[10,10]: covariance matrix sigCoef[10] : sigmas for coef. chisq : float .. trouble : 0 converged, -1 chisq infinite, -2 flamdacount>30*10/flstep -3 iteration > iterationmax def. 20 DESCRIPTION: Fit to the function: z(x,y)= a0 + a1*exp[-xp^2/sigxp^2*(1.+alphax*xpp) - yp^2/sigyp^2*(1.+alphay*ypp)] You need to give the coef initial values when the routine is called. The units are: a0 - constant a1 : amplitude a2 : xoffset ,az coord direction units:amin a3 : yoffset ,za coord direction :amin a4 : sigx^2 ,in prime coordinate system: fwhm amin a5 : sigy^2 ,in prime coordinate system: fwhm amin a6 : alphax ,comma in pp system aligned along coma direction a7 : alphay ,comma in pp system aligned along coma direction a8 : theta ,rotate unprimed to primed aligned along ellipsoid of beam,Deg a9 : thetap ,rotate primed to coma aligned, Deg z(x,y)= a0 + a1*exp[-xp^2/sigxp^2*(1.+alphax*xpp) - yp^2/sigyp^2*(1.+alphay*ypp)] xm=(x-x0) ym=(y-y0) xp = xm*cos(th) + ym*sin(th) yp =-xm*sin(th) + ym*cos(th) xpp= xp*cos(thp) + xp*sin(thp) ypp=-xp*sin(thp) + yp*cos(thp) angle theta rotates from az,za to axes aligned with the major axis of the beam elipse angle thetap rotates from xp,yp axes to xpp,ypp which are aligned with the coma direction of the fit. The x,y values are passed via a common block. The call passes in an index to this common block. we convert postions to arcminutes and angles to radians before calling fit, we then back convert when done
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: gsfit2deval - evaluate coef returned from gsfit2d SYNTAX: z=gsfit2deval,x,y,fitcoef ARGS: x[npts]: x pos y[npts]: y pos fitcoef[m]: float. coef from gsfit2d RETURNS: z[npts]: float fit evalutated at x,y DESCRIPTION: Evaluate the Fit returned from gsfit2d at the requested x,y positions z(x,y)= a0 + a1*exp[-xp^2/sigxp^2 - yp^2/sigyp^2] + a7*za The units are: a0 - constant a1 : amplitude a2 : xoffset ,az coord direction units:amin a3 : yoffset ,za coord direction :amin a4 : sigx^2 ,in prime coordinate system: fwhm amin a5 : sigy^2 ,in prime coordinate system: fwhm amin a6 : theta ,rotate unprimed to primed aligned along ellipsoid of beam,Deg a7 : zaslope ,The za slope in amplitude units per deg za xm=(x-x0) ym=(y-y0) xp = xm*cos(th) + ym*sin(th) yp =-xm*sin(th) + ym*cos(th) angle theta rotates from az,za to axes aligned with the major axis of the beam elipse The x,y values are passed via a common block. The call passes in an index to this common block. we convert postions to arcminutes and angles to radians before calling fit, we then back convert when done get the x,y values in the prime system (aligned with the ellipitcal beam).
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: gsfit2deval_12m - evaluate fitI returned from mascrossfit2d() SYNTAX: z=gsfit2deval_12m(fitI) ARGS: fitI[0]: singleo struct (fitI) returned from mascrossfit2d(). RETURNS: z[npts,2,nbms]: float fit evalutated at fit points (npnts,az/el) DESCRIPTION: mascrossfit2d() fits a 2d gaussian to crosses made on a source with the 12meter. It uses gsfit2d_12m() do do the actual fitting. mascrossfit2d then returns an array of structures; fitI[n] (one for each cross done). This routine gsfit2deval_12m() will evaluate one of these structures at the fit values note:mascrossfit2d() can return and array of structs if more than one cross is passed in. this routine will only evaluate one fit at a time. eg mascrossfit2d(..fitiar) z=gsfit2deval_12m{fitiar[4]) to evaluate the 5th crosss. the fit. holding info from the fits. This routine will take a s The 2d fit is: z(x,y)= a0 + a1*exp[-xp^2/sigxp^2 - yp^2/sigyp^2] + a7*elOffset see mascrossfit2d() or gsfit2d_12m() for a description of the coef and xp,yp The x,y values for the evaluation are taken from fitI that is passed in. The fiti can have more than one bm (freq band). The returned evaluation will be dimensioned z[npnts,2,nbms) where 2 is az,el strip. Example: 1. assume you called mascrossfit2d() with xband data that had 1200 samples/strip 7 bms and it returned fitI and 1 cross. 2. to evaluate the fit: zret=gsfit2deval_12m(fitI) zret would be dimensioned: zret[1200,2,7] 3. to overplot the data with the fits: npnts=fiti.pntstrip ; normally 1200. nbms=n_elements(fit.fitibm) xaz=fiti.offard[*,0] ; az offsets xel=fiti.offard[*,1] ; el offsets zaz=reform(fiti.fitibm.z[*,0],npnts,nbms) ; [1200,7] az data values zel=reform(fiti.fitibm.z[*,1],npnts,nbms ; [1200,7] el data values !p.multi[0,1,2] stripsxy,xaz,fiti.fitibm.z[*,0],0,0,/step ; az strips data stripsxy,xaz,zaz,0,0,/step,/over ; overplot the az fits stripsxy,xaz,fiti.fitibm.z[*,1],0,0,/step ; el strips data stripsxy,xel,zel,0,0,/step,/over ; overplot el fits Notes: 1. 14mar23 - an option was added to remove linear baselines prior to the 2d fitting. This changed the number of elements in fitI[] (to include the baseline info) if this was selected: - the z data values in fitI.fitibm[ibm].z have had these linear baselines removed before the 2d fitting is done. - if you want the actual offsets (tsys), you need to look at the results from the linear fits :[2]: coef[0] +coef[1]*azoff . gives the entrire fit : fitI.fitibm.blfit.el.coef[2]: coef[0] +coef[1]*eloff . ditto or : avg val from fit (tsys) : fitI.fitibm.blfit.el.avgVal ditto
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: gsfit2d_12m - cross pattern 2d fit to total power az,el stripsI SYNTAX: fitCoef=gsfit2d_12m,azOff,elOff,z,el,initCoef,zfit=zfit,$ covar=covar,sigCoef=sigCoef,chisq=chisq,sigma=sigma,$ rot=rot,trouble=trouble,weights=weights ARGS: azOff[npts]: az pos (offsets from center of strip) in gcdeg all pnts in pat elOff[npts]: el pos (offsets from center of strip) in gcdeg all pnts in pat z[npts]: measured data points el[npnts]: encoder offset of elevation from central elevation value. (needed since the el offset along the az strip relative to the source is zero, but the change in actual elevation is non zero (since the source is moving in az,el during the cross. initCoef[m]: float. coef to fit for. first guess fitCoef[m]: float coef from fit rot : int if set then do the beam rotation. the new default is no rotation. the initCoef should still contain 8 elements. initCoef[6] rotation angle is ignored. For the 305m the beam was elliptical and rotation was needed For the 12meter the beam in more spherical, and there is not enough ellipticity for this to work well. KEYWORDS: zfit[npts]: float return fit evaluated at input points sigma=sigma : sigma for fit covar[10,10]: covariance matrix sigCoef[10] : sigmas for coef. chisq : float .. weights[npts]: float weights trouble : 0 converged, -1 chisq infinite, -2 flamdacount>30*10/flstep -3 iteration > iterationmax def. 20 -4 alpha/c not finite.. probably 0 in partial deriv -5 one of the coef not finite -6 a width^2 is negative nostop : if set then if trouble=-4 then don't stop, just return with trouble=-4 cfplot : for curve fit: 0 noplot,1 plot,nowait, 2 plot wait at last fit, 3 wait each iter DESCRIPTION: Fit to the function: z(x,y)= a0 + a1*exp[-xp^2/sigxp^2 - yp^2/sigyp^2] + a7*elOff You need to give the coef initial values when the routine is called. The units are: a0 - constant a1 : amplitude a2 : xoffset ,az coord direction offset is az units a3 : yoffset ,el coord direction offset in el units a4 : FWHM_AZ ,in prime coordinate system: fwhm az units a5 : FWHM_EL ,in prime coordinate system: fwhm el units a6 : theta ,rotate unprimed to primed aligned along ellipsoid of beam,Deg (only do rotation if /rot is set a7 : zaslope ,The el slope in amplitude units per el unit xm=(x-x0) ym=(y-y0) xp = xm*cos(th) + ym*sin(th) yp =-xm*sin(th) + ym*cos(th) angle theta rotates from az,za to axes aligned with the major axis of the beam elipse. Only rotate if /rot is set. If not, the rot angle is forced to 0. The x,y values are passed via a common block. The call passes in an index to this common block. The fit is done in the units passed in (az,el). They should be greatcircle units with the same scale (don't mix hrs and deg)
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: hansmo - hanning smooth a dataset SYNTAX: dsmo=hansmo(d) ARGS: d[m,n]: float/double data to smooth RETURNS: dsmo[m,n]: the smoothed data. DESCRIPTION: hansmo will hanning smooth the data in the array d. d can be 1 or more dimensions. It will smooth m points at a time. The smoothing is done by convolution in the input domain. EXAMPLE: d=fltarr(1024,4) ... dsmo=hansmo(d) In this example the smoothing would be: for i=0,3 do dsmo[*,i]=hanningSmooth(d[*,i])
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: hardcopy - flush the postscript data to disc. SYNTAX: hardcopy ARGS: none DESCRIPTION: Flush the postscript buffers to disc. Call this routine before swithing back to x windows display. SEE ALSO: ps,pscol,psimage, x
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: hdrget - input headers SYNTAX: nhdrs=hdrget(lun,numhdrs,hdrs,scan=scan,std=std) ARGS: lun: int assigned to open file numhdrs: long number of headers to read KEYWORDS: scan: long position to scan before listing. std: if set then just return the standard header RETURNS: hdrsd[]:{hdr} return headers here (or hdrStd) nhdrs :long number of headers found DESCRPIPTION: Input numhdrs headers from the current position in the file. If the scan keyword is used, then position to start of scan before inputting. If an integration requires more than 1 record (eg 4 correlator boards) then each record will count as a header. SEE ALSO: posscan,scanlist
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: hexpr - hex printout SYNTAX: hexpr,num ARGS: num[]: long output num as hex (1 number per line)
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: hms1_hms3 - convert hour,min,secs 1 word to hour,min,sec separate words SYNTAX - ret=hms1_hms3(hhmmss) ARGS: hhmmss : double angle to convert RETURNS: ret[4] : double hour,min,sec, and sign
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: hms1_hr - convert hhmmss.sss as a double to hours. SYNTAX: angHr=hms1_hr(hhmmss) ARGS: hhmmss: double value to convert RETURNS: angHr: double the angle converted to hours DESCRIPTION Convert packed hours, minutes, seconds to hours. The input is a single double with with hh hours, mm minutes, ss.s seconds.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: hms1_rad - convert hhmmss.sss as a double to radians. SYNTAX: angRad=hms1_rad(hhmmss) ARGS: hhmmss: double value to convert RETURNS: angRad: double the angle converted to radians. DESCRIPTION Convert packed hours, minutes, seconds to radians. The input is a single double with with hh hours, mm minutes, ss.s seconds.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: hms1_secmid - convert hour,min,secs 1 word to seconds from midnite SYNTAX - ret=hms1_secmid(hhmmss) ARGS: hhmmss[n]: double angle to convert RETURNS: ret[n] : double secMidnite
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: hor - set horizontal scale for plotting. SYNTAX: hor,hor1,hor2 ARGS: hor1: float min horizontal value hor2: float max horizontal value. DESCRIPTION: Load the !x.range system value with the min,max xrange to plot. To reset to auto scaling call hor with no args. SEE ALSO: ver
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: ifloh10gchybrid - return true if 10 ghz hybrid in use SYNTAX: istat=ifloh10gchybrid(iflohdr) ARGS: iflohdr:{hdriflo} .. iflo portion of header. RETURNS: istat: int 0 hybrid out, 1 hybrid in use DESCRIPTION: Return 1 if the hybrid in the 10 ghz upconverter is in use.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: iflohcaltype - return the type of cal used. SYNTAX: istat=iflohcaltype(iflohdr) ARGS: iflohdr[]:{hdriflo} .. iflo portion of header. RETURNS: istat: int 0-7 setting for caltype. DESCRIPTION: Return the setting of the caltype when this record was written. the values are: 0 - low correlated cal (1 diode) 1 - high correlated cal (1 diode) 2 - low crossed over cal (2 diodes) 3 - high crossed over cal (2 diodes) 4 - low uncorrelated cal (2 diodes) 5 - high uncorrelated cal (2 diodes) 6 - low correlated 90 deg phase shift cal (1 diode) 7 - high correlated 90 deg phase shift cal (1 diode) This is the setting of the cal switch. It does not mean that this is a cal record. EXAMPLE: If you have read in a correlator record: print,corget(lun,b) istat=iflohcaltype(b.b1.h.iflo) will return the caltype in istat. If iflohdr is an array then an array of ints will be returned each with a cal type. SEE ALSO: chkcalonoff
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: iflohlbwpol - check if hybrid used on lband wide. SYNTAX: istat=iflohlbwpol(iflohdr) ARGS: iflohdr[]:{hdriflo} RETURNS: istat: int 1 circular pol hybrid in, 0 linear pol hybrid out. DESCRIPTION: The lband wide receiver has an OMT that provides linear polarization. After the dewar there is a switchable hybrid that converts from linear to circular. You need to know this setting for lbw when you are using the cal values since the cals are injected as linear and are averaged if the hybrid is inserted. EXAMPLE: istat=corget(lun,b) istat=iflohlbwpol(b.b1.h.iflo) NOTE: If iflohdr is an array, then an array of ints either 1 or 0.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: iflohrfnum - return the receiver # for this record SYNTAX: istat=iflohrfnum(iflohdr,hdrpnt=hdrpnt) ARGS: iflohdr[]:{hdriflo} .. iflo portion of header. RETURNS: istat: int 1-16 receiver number. DESCRIPTION: Return the receiver number used for this record. see helpdt feeds (in sunos) for a list of receiver numbers. if iflohdr is an array than an array of rfnums will be returned.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: iflohstat - decode status words for iflo SYNTAX: statInfo=iflohstat(iflohdr) ARGS: iflohdr[]:{hdriflo} RETURNS: statInfo[]{ifstat} decoded status structure DESCRIPTION: The iflo header contains various info that is encoded in bitmaps (if1.st1,if1.st2,if2.st1,if2.st4). This routine decodes these bitmaps and returns them in a structure. The input can be 1 or more iflo headers. Example: print,corget(lun,b) ifstat=iflohstat(b.b1.h.iflo) The definition of the structure is: rfnum: 0 ,$; rcvnum 1 to 16 if1num: 0 ,$; 1-300,2-750,3-1500 (2-12)Ghz,4-10000,5strthru hybridIn10Ghz: 0 ,$; for 10ghz upconverter lo1HiSid: 0 ,$; 1 yes lbwLinPol: 0 ,$; 1 lin, 0 circular syn1rfOn: 0 ,$; 1st lo ,1 yes syn2rfOn: 0 ,$; sbtx synth,1 yes lbFbA : 0 ,$; lbw filters (bit map) 1.. 9 lbFbB : 0 ,$; lbw filters (bit map) 1.. 9 useFiber: 0 ,$; 1 yes calRcvMux: 0 ,$; rcvNUmber for upstairs cal mux calType : 0 ,$; 0 Lcorcal,1 Hcorcal,2 Lxcal,3 Hxcal,4lcal, ; 5 Hcal,6 L90cal,7 H90cal ac1Pwrsw : 0 ,$; ac1 strip bits on /off ac2Pwrsw : 0 ,$; ac2 strip bits on /off xfer1Sw : 0 ,$; 1 normal, 0 switched sbnShClosed: 0 ,$; 1 closed lo2Hiside : 0 ,$; 1--> high side. 4 bits ; ; from if2 ; if2inpFreq : 0 ,$; 0 spare,1 300, 2 750, 3 1500 vlbafrq2ghz: 0 ,$; 1 2000, 0 750 xfer2Sw: 0 ,$; 1 normal, 0 switched blank430 : 0 ,$; 1 blank 0 no. was sbdoppler noiseSrcOn: 0 ,$; 1 yes, 0 no dualPol30If: 0 ,$; 1 2 pol, 0 bands polA vis30MhzGr : 0 ,$; 1 greg, 0 ch calTTlSrc : 0 ,$; 1 to 8. cal ttl pulse source pwrMetToIF : 0 ,$; 1 yes, 0 to front panel useAlfa : 0 ,$; 1 using alfa, 0 no sigSrc : 0 ,$; 1 0=gr,1=ch,2=noise if2Stat4[4]: synDest: 0 ,$; 0-frontpanel,1-260to30conv,2-vlba/sb,3-mixers mixerCfr: 0 ,$; 0-750,1-1250,2-1500,3-1750 ampInpSrc: 0 ,$; 0, 1-mixers,2-heliax,3=300Mhz IF ampExtMask: 0 bit mask 7 outputs. 1->extinp, 0 from
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: imgdisp - display a 2-d array as an image. SYNTAX : imgdisp,d,ret,zx=zx,zy=zy,clip=clip,nsigclip=nsigclip,$ maxiter=maxiter,histeq=histeq,$ /rdpix,/profile,win=win,$ border=border,xrange=xval,yrange=yval,/axes,sort=sort,$ _extra=e,nomodlut=nomodlut,clip=clip,$ usecongrid=usecongrid,noscale=noscale,nodisplay=nodisplay,$ giffile=giffile ,xstyle=xstyle,ystyle=ystyle,chkinf=chkinf double=double,imgoff=imgoff ARGS : d[m,n] : data to display KEYWORDS: zx: int x zoom factor zy: int y zoom factor clip[2]: float if supplied then clip the data values before scaling to byte. Note for zx,zy<-1 this is done after rebinning (averaging). nsigclp[2]: float if supplied then compute the clipping levels using a robust estimator of rms (median, throw out outliers, repeat). Data will be clipped to [-nsigClip[0],nsigClip[1]]*sig after removal of mean. This overrides clip keyword. if nsigclip is a single element then clip to [-sig,sig]*nsigclip. if nsigclip[0] is negative, force it positive. maxiter:int If nsigclip is used, the maximum default interation is 5. the maxiter keyword can change this. usecongrid: if set and zx or zy, then use congrid rather than rebin for the new image. histeq: set for histogram equalization of image disp sort: if set then use sort for histogram equalization. rdpix: set to turn on read pixel function. profile: set to turn on profiles command win: int window number to use. default:1 poswin[2]:int x,y position for lower left corner of window (in screen coord) border: int number of pixels around image to allow for labels. (ignored if ps, or !p.multi in use). xrange[2]:float xrange for labeling the x axis (min,max) yrange[2]:float yrange for labeling the y axis (min,max) axes: if set then draw the axis and labels invert: if set then invert the colors white and black noscale: if set then do not bother to scale image. Use this when you are redisplaying an image that was returned by imgdisp. nodisplay: if set then just return the scaled image, do not display giffile: string if present then write a gif image to this file xstyle: int if set then use for xstyle= keyword to plot. def:1 ystyle: int if set then use for ystyle= keyword to plot. def:1 chkinf: int if set then check for infinities and exclude during nsigclip double: int if set then use doubles when computing nsigclip _extra=e passed to plot routine when drawing the axes. can include, xtitle,ytitle,title, etc.. RETURNS: ret[] : array actually displayed after scaling.(optional) imgoff[2] : the x,y offset for img in window in normalized device coord. use this to replot the image in the same window: rv ret,imgoff[0],imgoff[1],/norm DESCRIPTION: Display an m by n array as an image. The data is passed in via the array d. It will normally create the image in window 1. This can be overridden with the win= keyword. zx,zy allow you to zoom the image in the x or y dimension before display. They must be integral values (rebin is used). gt 1 make the dimension larger while lt -1 make the dimension smaller by this amount. If the zoom is lt 0 then it must divide evenly into the dimension of the array. The normal scaling of the data values is: (d-minVal)/(maxVal-minVal) * number of ofColors in lookup table. You can switch to histogram equalization by setting /histeq. If your data has outliers then the /sort option will make the histogram equalization work better (but it takes a little longer). If the keyword axes is set, then tickmarks and labels will be drawn around the image. xrange,yrange hold the min,max values for each axis. If you do not specify xrange or yrange then the values 0..ndim-1 is used. You can also pass in xtitle=,ytitle=,title= to label the axis and the plot. Setting /rdpix will allow you to readback the position and pixel values interactively. You can change or load the lookup table with xloadct. Multiple plots per page. The routine can also be used to place multiple images per page. In this case you must set !p.multi=[plotsLeft,ncols,nrows] outside of this routine. You must also define the size of the window you want to use before the first call. The border keyword is ignored. Each image will be scaled (congrid) to fit into the plot window. Postscript output. You can also generate postscript files. To do this you call psimage,args before calling imgdisp. imgdisp will check !d.flags for scalable pixels to determine if it is writing to a postscipt file. When postscript output is enabled the border keyword is ignored. If !p.multi is not set then the image will fill the drawing area (set in the call to psimage...default 7x9in) while keeping the aspect ratio of x to y . If !p.multi is set then each image is scaled to the plot window with congrid. When done with the postscript output you must call hardcopy to flush the buffer. The postscript output will look at the current lookup table. If it is not 0-255 then it will scale the data to 0-255 and then do an indirect lookup through the lookup table. This allows you to display the image on the screen, change the lookup table with xloadct and then have the changes appear on the hardcopy output. On exit the original lookup table is restored. Gif output A gif file will be created if you set the giffile keyword to a file name (include the .gif if you want it there). The routine will read the current screen and output the file. The current lkup table is used. For large images use border=70 so the labels fit on the page. Examples: assume the images are d[1024,180] 1. display image on the screen, label with a border of 50 pixels: imgdisp,d,border=50,/axes,xra=[1400.,1500.],xtitle='freq [Mhz]',$ title='22jan01 spectra pol A' 2. above, but display in landscape mode to a postscipt file: imgdisp,d,border=50,/axes,xra=[1400.,1500.],xtitle='freq [Mhz]',$ title='22jan01 spectra pol A' the border keyword is ignored. 3. place 6 images per page. assume d is [1024,180,6]. window,1,xsize=1000,ysize=600 ; plot will fit in here for i=0,5 do begin !p.multi=[(6-i mod 6),2,3] title=string(format='("image looking at distomat ",i2)',i+1) imgdisp,d[*,*,i],/axes,xra=[1400.,1500.],xtitle='freq [Mhz]',$ title=title endfor For the same thing with postscript output: psimage for i=0,5 do begin !p.multi=[(6-i mod 6),2,3] title=string(format='("image looking at distomat ",i2)',i+1) imgdisp,d[*,*,i],/axes,xra=[1400.,1500.],xtitle='freq [Mhz]',$ title=title endfor hardcopy x ; to get back to x windows. GOTCHAS: 1. When making images it is important to get all 256 colors for your lookup table. The only way to guarantee this in idl is: idl p8 .. set to pseudo color mode window,colors=256 Then proceed with normal processing. 2. When scaling down a plot or when putting multiple plots per page it is easy to loose information. If you have placed horizontal or vertical lines in the plot for reference (and they are only 1 line wide) they may not appear on the final image. 3. landscape ps output does not always appear where you think it should. Any page offsets are first applied and then the image is rotated by 270 degrees so that the xoffset points up and the yoffset points to the left. psimage,/lanscape will fudge the offsets so that x'=yoff,y'=maxLen-xoff. so the origin is at the upper left. rotation by 270. this leaves: y''=x, x''=(maxlen-1) so the image is inverted. It would have been nice if idl did a rotate by 90 and then flip about the vertical axis... For those that don't want psimage doing this magic, set xoff=0,yoff=0 with /landscape and this extra addition won't happen (but your plot won't be visible unless you play some games..). To get a good plot out in landscape mode try using the pstops command outside of idl to straighten things.. psimage,/landscape plot the image hardcopy x cmd=strarr(4) cmd[0]='/pkg/image/bin/pstops' cmd[1]='1:0u(8.5in,11in)' cmd[2]='/dir.../' cmd[3]='/dir.../' spawn,cmd,reply,/noshell This should put the image in the correct location on the page. You need to replace dir... with your directory.. SEE ALSO: imgflat,imgflaty,imghisteq,corimgdisp,corimgonoff
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: imgflat - flatten an image. SYNTAX: result=imgflat(data,code,ravg=ravg,col=[x1,x2],sig=sig,median=median, bptouse=bptouse,nobpc=nobpc,bpZero=bpZero) ARGS: data[x,y] data to operate on code : int how to flatten image: 0 bandpass correct using the average of all strips. if /med set then use the median rather than the average. n bandpass correct n strips at a time, averaging n strips if /ravg is set then this is a running avg. If not,then break image into y/n sections and do 1 avg for each section. -n bandpass correct using bandpasses +/- n strips from the current line. KEYWORDS: ravg : if set and n> 0 then use a running average of n strips about the current line. col[2] : after bandpass correction average columns x1 thru x2 and divide this into every column (to remove things like continuum sources. Note that x1,x2 are zero based.. sig : if set, return map in units of sigma median : if set then use the median rather than the average for code bptouse[x] : if provided, use this for band pass correction. ignore code nobpc : if set then do not do a bandpass correction. bpZero : if set then the data has a mean close to zero. Division by an average bandpass. In this case: bpavg=total(data,2) val=mean(bpavg) bpavg=(bavg - val) + bpZero) to correct: data[*,i]=data[*,i]/bpavg - val noSub : if set then divide by bandpass correction but don't subtract 1. This is usually used with mean(data) = 0 and user supplies bptouse= RESTRICTIONS: if n > 0 then y must be divisible by n if chn provided then x1 le x2 le x DESCRIPTION: The data array d[x,y] has x xpoints by y ypoints. The processing steps are: 1. bandpass correct using the code provided. 2. if chn[] is specified then average columns x1 through x2 and divide this into every column. 3. subtract 1 from the map. 4. if sig is set, compute and then divide the map by the maps sigma. EXAMPLE: 1. assume we have correlator data of 1024 lags by 300 records. Display sbc 1 pol A and use columns 800-900 for leveling. On display, scale the data to 2% of Tsys: img=imgflat(b.b1.d[*,0],0,col=[800,900]) imgdisp,(img > (-.02))<.02,zy=2 Note: corimgdisp() does all this for you in 1 routine. 2. Assume position switch correlator data of 300 recs/scan. Display all 600 records using the 300 off records for the bandpass correction. scale to 5% of Tsys: print,corgetm(lun,600,b,scan=scan) ; read in 600 recs starting at on. sbc=0 pol=0 bpc=coravg(b[300:599].(sbc).d[*,pol]) ; average the off data img=imgflat(b.(sbc).d[*,pol],0,bptouse=bpc) imgdisp,(img > (-.05))<.05
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: imgflaty - flatten an image in the y direction SYNTAX: result=imgflaty(data,x1,x2) ARGS: data [m,n] data to operate on x1 int index col average start (count from 0) x2 int index col average end (count from 0) DESCRIPTION: The data array d[m,n] has m xpoints by n ypoints. average columns located at x1 thru x2 to give a[n]. expand a to be a[m,n] by duplicating the columns retun data/a
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: imghisteq - histogram equalize an image. return byte array SYNTAX: bytarr=imghisteq(data,stretch=stretch,invert=invert,minv=minv, maxv=maxv,sort=sort) ARGS: data[m,n] : data array to equalize KEYWORDS: stretch[4]: after histogram equalization, map data range s[0]-s[1] (0 to 255) to data range s[2]-s[3] (0 to 255) minv : float .. minv to use for histeq_no stretchclipping maxv : float .. maxv to use for histeq_no stretchclipping sort : if set then histeq via sort
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: imghline - draw horizontal line on an image SYNTAX: imghline,img,linind,dashlen,vlines,val,ononly=ononly ARGS: img[n,m] : float image to display linind[k]: int vertical indices into img array for horizontal lines (count from 0) dashlen : int number of pixels for on dash. vlines : int number of vertical lines for each dash. def:1 val : float value to use for dash. DESCRIPTION: Draw horizontal dashed lines into a 2d image array. By default the dashes are 4 pixels on, 4 pixels off. You can change the length with dashlen. The only requirement is that dashlen must divide into the first dimension of the img array. The dashes will be 1 horizontal line thick. You can make them wider with the vlines keyword. This is sometimes necessary if the image is being scaled down on display).
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: intermods - compute intermods between 2 freq. SYNTAX: n=intermods(f1,f2,minfreq,maxfreq,maxorder,outI,nf1,nf2, neg=neg,all=all)G ARGS: f1: float Mhz. First frequency to use f2: float Mhz. 2nd freq to use. minFreq: float Mhz. Minimum intermod freq to keep maxFreq: float Mhz. Maximum intermod freq to keep maxOrder: int maximum intermod to compute on each freq. eg 5 --> up to f1^5, f2^5 KEYWORDS: neg: If set then include intemods < 0. all: if set then include all intermods found. by default only unique intermods are retured even if there different orders that generate them. RETURNS: n : int number of intermods we found with requested range outI[n]: float the intermod value for each found nf1[n] : int the order for f1 for the nth intermod nf2[n] : int the order for f2 for the nth intermod DESCPRIPTION: Compute intermods between the two frequencies input (f1,f2). If only one frequency is entered (f1) then just compute the harmonics of this frequency. The maxorder keyword tells how high an order to use. All of the intermods of the various harmonics of f1,f2 (up to maxorder) are computed. Those they lay within the range minFreq,maxFreq are kept. The intermod differences are returned in outI. The order for each intermod is returned in the array nf1 and nf2.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: intm_pdevalfa - compute alfa/pdev mixer intermods SYNTAX:intm_pdevalfa,skycfr,rdrFrqAr,retI,code=code,lo2=lo2,$ maxorder=maxorder,minmaxfrq=minmaxfrq,all=all,$ ARGS: skycfr: float Mhz sky cfr for alfa band. The first lo will be 250 Mhz above this value. rdrFrqAr[n]: float Mhz freq of each radar to check. KEYWORDS: code: int 0 default compute intermods for the 1st mixer 1 compute intermods for the 2nd mixer using the lower pdev band (lo1=175 1450 band) 2 compute intermods for the 2nd mixer using the 2nd pdev band (lo1=325 1300 band) lo2: float Mhz if supplied then this is the lo2 to use. It will override the code 1,2 selection. maxorder: int maximum harmonic order to contemplate. Default is 10 minmaxfrq[2]: float Mhz. min,maximum frequency output from the mixer to keep. The default values are: code 0 100 to 400 since: the filters in if1 are 0..250 and 0-400. The bbandFilters are +/= 75 Mhz. 1 -/+ 86 ... since thats the output band 2 -/+ 86 ... since thats the output band html : if set then output html code to make a table. RETURNS: retI[n] : {} array of structures holding intermod info DESCRIPTION: Compute mixer intermods for alfa and pdev. The user specifies: 1. skycfr sky center frequency used for the alfa band. Normally this is lo1-250. 2. rdrFrqAr[n] - array of radar frequencies to test for intermods By default it computes the intermods in the first mixer. The keyword code=1,2 will compute intermods in the 2nd mixers (1=175,2=325). EXAMPLE: skycfr=1375 rdrFrqAr=[1330,1350.] intm_pdevalfa,skycfr,rdrFrqAr,retI ; use intm_pdevalfa_pr to print out the results intm_pdevalfa_pr,retI
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: intm_pdevalfa_pr - print out intm_pdevalfa intermod info SYNTAX:intm_pdevalfa_pr,retI,html=html ARGS: retI[n]: {} structure from intm_pdevalfa to print info. KEYWORDS: html : if set then output html code to make a table. RETURNS: DESCRIPTION: Print out the info returned from intm_pdevalfa.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: inverf - compute inverse error function SYNTAX: val=inverf(x) ARGS: x[n] : float/double evalute the function at x. RETURNS: val[n] : double the inverse error function value. DESCRIPTION: Compute the inverse error function. The following approximations to the inverse of the error function are taken from J. M. Blair, C. A. Edwards, and J. H. Johnson, "Rational Chebyshev Approximations for the Inverse of the Error Function", Mathematics of Computation, 30 (1976) 827-830 + microfiche appendix. via fred schwab
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: ipsinit - initialize to use the idl ips routine for mock data SYNTAX: @ipsinit DESCRIPTION: call this routine before using any of the ips idl routines. It sets up the path for the idl ips directory and defines the necessary structures.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: isleapyear - check if year is a leap year. SYNTAX: istat=isleapyear(year) ARGS: year[]: int/long 4 digit year Returns: istat[]: int 0 if not a leap year. 1 if a leap year. DESCRIPTION: Determine whether a year is a leap year in the gregorian calendar. Leap years are those years divisible by 4 and (!(divisible by 100) or (divisible by 400)). eg. (1900 is not a leap year, 2000 is). The input can be a scalar or an array.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: lbgain - compute lband gain as a function of az,za SYNTAX: gain=lbgain(az,za) ARGS : az[n] - float azimuth in degrees. za[n] - float zenith angle in degrees. RETURNS: gain[n] - float kelvins/Jy. DESCRIPTION Compute the gain of the lband system in Kelvins per Jansky. Data was taken from jul00,aug00 lbn and lbwide on/off position switching data using the correlator (see 1405 Mhz was used and polA polB were averaged together.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: ldcolph - load phil's colors into the lookup table SYNTAX: ldcolph,pscol=pscol,maxlen=maxlen ARGS: KEYWORDS: pscol : if set then use colors for printing (background is white, not black maxlen: int maximum length to load. default: is entire lut (256 entries) with last value extended to end of lut DESCRIPTION: The common block colph is loaded with 24 bit true color values. By default 11 colors are loaded. If maxlen is < 11 then load only the first maxlen values. The If a function includes the colph common block, then the user case use these values with the color= keyword in the plot routine. The common block is defined as: common colph,decomposedph,colph The colors are: screen printing (if different) 0 - black white background 1 - white black foreground 2 - red 3 - green 4 - blue 5 - yellow redish (bright yellow on white does not print well) 6 - pink 7 - aquamarine 8 - grey 9 - light brown 10 -purple EXAMPLE: include the common block in any function. By default @geninit will include it in the top level. plot,x,y,col=colph[3] this will be a green line.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: lutcycle - cycle through all the idl luts.. SYNTAX: lutcycle,delay ARGS: delay: int/float. secs to wait between each step. DESCRIPTION: Cycle through all of the lookup tables supplied by idl. EXAMPLE: display an image. imgdisp,dat lutcycle,5 ; cycle through 40 luts waiting 5 seconds at each 1.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: masinit - initialize to use the mock spectrometer fits routines SYNTAX: @masinit DESCRIPTION: call this routine before using any of the mas... idl routines. It sets up the path for the idl mas directory and defines the necessary structures.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: maskbyrms - create mask using rms of fit residuals. SYNTAX: mask=maskbyrms(x,y,deg=deg,maxloop=maxloop,nsig=nsig,$ indxgood=indxgood,indxbad=indxbad,$ nbad=nbad,ngood=ngood,verb=verb,coef=coef) ARGS: x[n] : float x data y[n] : float y data RETURNS: mask[n]:long holds the mask. 1 for good points, 0 for bad points indxgood:long indices of y whose mask value is 1 indxbad:long indices of y whose mask value is 0 ngood:long the number of good (mask=1) points. nbad:long the number of bad (mask=0) points. coef[deg+1]: float the coef from poly_fit KEYWORDS: deg: int degree for polynomial fit (def:1) maxloop: int max time to loop on fit before quitting. (def:20) nsig: float keep points within nsig of fit (def: 3. sigma) verb: if set then plot out the residuals and mask after the fitting. DESCTRIPTION: This routine will fit a polynomial of order deg to the data x,y. It will then remove all points whose fit residuals are greater then nsig sigmas and iterate the fitting process. When all residuals are within nsig, a mask is created where the remaining points have a 1 and the points that were excluded have a mask value of 0. NOTE: this routine uses the value of x that is provided. For large values of deg you should scale x so that x**deg does not overflow (say -1,1). SEE ALSO: blmask, cormask, corblauto
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: matrot - generate 1 or more rotation matrices SYNTAX: mat=matrot(order,th1,th2,th3) ARGS: order: string "xyz" order for the rotations th1 : float first angle in radians th2 : float 2nd angle in radians th3 : float 3rd angle in radians RETURNS: mat[3,3]: float rotation matrix DESCRIPTION: concatenate 3 rotation matrices. The matrices will be applied using the order string order (eg. if order='zxy' then a z rotation,followed by an x rotation followed by a rotation about the y axis. The direction of the rotation: +theta about an axis generates a CCW rotation of a vector (Note this direction was updated on 17jun20). Order of data EXAMPLE: rotate 90deg about z then x then y use vectors [1,0,0] and [0,1,0] axis='zxy' V=fltarr(3,2) V[*,0]=[1,0,0] V[*,1]=[0,1,0] thrRd=90.*!dtor M=matrot(axis,'y',thrd,thrd,thrd) to apply the matrix to a vector use: v1=transpose(m)#v of matrix_multiply(m,v,/atranspose) print,v1 1.00000 -4.37114e-08 0.00000 0.00000 1.91069e-15 1.00000
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: mav - multiply an array by a vector SYNTAX: val=mav(a,v,sec=sec) ARGS: a[n,m] : array v[n] : vector KEYWORDS: sec: if set then v should match the 2nd dimension of a returns: val[n,m] DESCRIPTION: return val[i,j]= a[i,j]*v[j].. i=0,n-1,j=0,m-1 the routine will make v'[n,m] where v[i,*] is the same value
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: maxmin3d - find max, min for an array of 3d points SYNTAX: mmAr=maxmin3d(pnts) ARGS: pnts[3,n]:double points to search RETURNS: mmAr[3,2]: double holds,max,min for each dimenstion [*,0] are the mins, [*,1] are the max'es DESCRIPTION return max,min info for the 3d array of points. EXAMPLE: let pnts[3,n] be a double array of x,y,z points mmAr=maxmin3d(pnts) mmAr[*,0] = min x,y,z values mmAr[*,1] = max x,y,z values note that the max or min values do not come from 1 point. they are the max min in each x,y,z dimension
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: mcalinp - input data for meascal routine. SYNTAX: d=mcalinp(lun,type,numsteps,numloops,scan=scan) ARGS : lun : int of correlator file to read type: int 1- on absorber, 2 on sky numsteps: int number of steps to cover the frequency range these are usually the 100 Mhz junks. numloops: int the number of types you swept the entire frequency range. The scans must be contiguous on disc. KEYWORDS: scan :long scan number to position to before reading. If not provided then read from the current position. not provided then read from the current position. maskSig :float sigmas to use for rms by record masking RETURNS: d[numsteps*numloops*4]: {meascal} return the data here (see below). DESCRPTION: The meascal data acquisition routine steps through a frequency range turning the cal off then on. It is normally run on absorber and then on the sky. The setup is 4 sbc by 256 lags spanning 4*25 Mhz in a chunk. An option of the routine is to loop multiple times through the frequency range. This routine reads the data and separates each sbc into a separate element in the {meascal} array. The user provides the lun, type ( 1 for absorber, 2 for sky) and the number of 100 Mhz steps and times the entire frequency range was repeated. The returned data array contains and entry for each sbc of each step: d.frq - center freq of sbc in Mhz d.type - 1 for absorber, 2 for sky (user supplies this value). d.scan - scan number for the cal off scan d.brd - board number in correlator 0..3 d.spOn[256,2] -holds the calon spectra for polA and polB d.spOff[256,2] -holds the caloff spectra for polA and polB d.spCal[256,2] -holds the calOn/caloff -1 spectra for polA and polB d.tpOn[2] - total power cal on (pola,polb) d.tpOff[2] - total power cal off (pola,polb)
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: meanrob - robust mean for 1d array SYNTAX: mean=meanrob(y,nsig=nsig,double=double,sig=sig,$ gindx=gindx,ngood=ngood,bindx=bindx,nbad=nbad,$ fpnts=fpnts,iter=iter,maxiter=maxiter,chkinf=chkinf) ARGS: y[n] : array to compute robust mean KEYWORDS: nsig : float use nsig*sigma as the threshold for the points to keep on each iteration. The default is 3. double: if set then force computation to be done in double precision. RETURNS: mean: float/double the computed mean sig float/double the last computed rms fpnts : float the fraction of points used for the final computation gindx: long[] indices into d for the points that were used for the computation. ngood long number of points in gindx. bindx: long[] indices into d for the points that were not used nbad long number of points in bindx. iter long number of iterations performed. maxiter long maximum number of times to iterate. default=5 chkinf int if set then check for infinities and ignore these points DESCTRIPTION: compute the robust mean for the input data array. The program loops doing: 0. create a mask that includes all the points. 1. compute the mean, rms over the current mask 2. Find all points in the original array that are within nsig*sig of the mean. This becomes the new mask. If the new mask has fewer points than the old mask, go to 1. 4. Return the last mean computed. If the keywords are present, return the sig, index for good points, index for bad points, and the fraction of points used in the final computation. .
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: meanrun - compute the running mean of a 1 or 2d array SYNTAX: result=meanrun(data,len) ARGS: data[x,y] data to operate on len : int length of running mean. If even , round up to next odd number DESCRIPTION: Compute a running mean along the last dimension of the array data. data can be a 1 or 2d array; The output will be float (unless data is a double array in which case it will be double). For each point data[j,i] the routine will average: data[j,(i-len/2):(i+len/2)] points. The edges will only average the above points which fall within the index bounds of the array. (eg data[j,0:len/2])
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: medianbychan - median 2d array by chan. SYNTAX : result=medianbychan(d,nsections=nsections,retsection=retsection) ARGS : d[m,n] : input array to compute median over 2nd dimension (n). KEYWORDS: nsections: int if provided, then break d[*,n] up into nsections sections. Compute the median of each of these. For each channel return the minimum of the nsections values for each channel. retsection: int If nsections is used then the minimum value of the nsections measurements is returned by default. retsection lets you change how the return value is determined. 0: return the minimum value (this is the default). 1: return the maximum value 2: return the average value 3: return the median value RETURNS: result[m]: result[i]= median(d[i,*]) DESCTRIPTION: Compute the median by channel for a 2d array. If the array is dimensioned d[m,n] then result[i]=median(d[i,*]). The nsections keyword can be used to break the n samples up into nsections units and compute the median of each of these separately. The minimum value of the nsections samples is then returned for each sample. The retsection keyword lets you changes this to the avg,max,or median.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: mkallidldoc - create all html documentation. SYNTAX: @mkallidldoc DESCRIPTION: Create all of the html documentation in the directory specified by aodefdir(/doc). The routine will create a temporary file /tmp/ and then executes it. It deletes it when done. You need write access to the aodefdir(/doc) directory and to /tmp
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: mkazzagrid - make a grid of az,za values. SYNTAX: mkazzagrid,az,za,azstart=azstart,azend=azend,azstep=azstep zastart=zastart,zaend=zaend,zastep=zastep RETURNS: az[nptsaz,nptsza]: float return azimuth values here za[nptsaz,nptsza]: float return za values here KEYWORDS: azstart : float. starting azimuth . default 0. azend : float. ending azimuth . default 359. azstep : float. step size for azimuth points. def:1 zastart : float. starting za. . default 0. zaend : float. ending za. . default 20. zastep : float. step size for za points. def:.5 DESCRIPTION: Return the 2d arrays az,za filled in with the requested az,za. These values can than be used to evaluate 2d functions of (az,za) or for plotting 2d fields.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: mksin - make a sine wave SYNTAX: d=mksin(len,numcycles,phase=phase,double=double) ARGS : len : long.. number of points numcycles:float.. number of cycles in len KEYWORDS: phase : float .. starting phase in fraction of a cycle double: if set then return double precision values RETURNS: d[len] :float .. the sinwave
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: MK_HTML_HELP_PH PURPOSE: Given a list of IDL procedure files (.PRO), VMS text library files (.TLB), or directories that contain such files, this procedure generates a file in the HTML format that contains the documentation for those routines that contain a DOC_LIBRARY style documentation template. The output file is compatible with World Wide Web browsers. This is a hack to mk_html_help for phil's documentation. CATEGORY: Help, documentation. CALLING SEQUENCE: MK_HTML_HELP_PH, Sources, Outfile INPUTS: Sources: A string or string array containing the name(s) of the .pro or .tlb files (or the names of directories containing such files) for which help is desired. If a source file is a VMS text library, it must include the .TLB file extension. If a source file is an IDL procedure, it must include the .PRO file extension. All other source files are assumed to be directories. Outfile: The name of the output file which will be generated. KEYWORDS: TITLE: If present, a string which supplies the name that should appear as the Document Title for the help. VERBOSE: Normally, MK_HTML_HELP does its work silently. Setting this keyword to a non-zero value causes the procedure to issue informational messages that indicate what it is currently doing. !QUIET must be 0 for these messages to appear. STRICT: If this keyword is set to a non-zero value, MK_HTML_HELP will adhere strictly to the HTML format by scanning the the document headers for characters that are reserved in HTML (<,>,&,"). These are then converted to the appropriate HTML syntax in the output file. By default, this keyword is set to zero (to allow for faster processing). BGCOLOR: background color. format is "#RRGGbb" (hex numbs) or "xlibcol"COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: A help file with the name given by the Outfile argument is created. RESTRICTIONS: The following rules must be followed in formatting the .pro files that are to be searched. (a) The first line of the documentation block contains only the characters ";+", starting in column 1. (b) There must be a line which contains the string "NAME:", which is immediately followed by a line containing the name of the procedure or function being described in that documentation block. If this NAME field is not present, the name of the source file will be used. (c) The last line of the documentation block contains only the characters ";-", starting in column 1. (d) Every other line in the documentation block contains a ";" in column 1. Note that a single .pro file can contain multiple procedures and/or functions, each with their own documentation blocks. If it is desired to have "invisible" routines in a file, i.e. routines which are only for internal use and should not appear in the help file, simply leave out the ";+" and ";-" lines in the documentation block for those routines. No reformatting of the documentation is done. MODIFICATION HISTORY: July 5, 1995, DD, RSI. Original version. July 13, 1995, Mark Rivers, University of Chicago. Added support for multiple source directories and multiple documentation headers per .pro file. July 17, 1995, DD, RSI. Added code to alphabetize the subjects; At the end of each description block in the HTML file, added a reference to the source .pro file. July 18, 1995, DD, RSI. Added STRICT keyword to handle angle brackets. July 19, 1995, DD, RSI. Updated STRICT to handle & and ". Changed calling sequence to accept .pro filenames, .tlb text librarie names, and/or directory names. Added code to set default subject to name of file if NAME field is not present in the doc header. sep 19, 2002, pjp . got rid of mk_html_help at the beginning, added bgcolor keyword
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: mm0ninit - initialize for the new mueller 0 processing SYNTAX: @corinit DESCRIPTION: call this routine before doing the new mueller 0 processing
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: mm0ninitwas - initialize for the new mueller 0 processing SYNTAX: @corinit DESCRIPTION: call this routine before doing the new mueller 0 processing
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: monname - return month name given month number SYNTAX: nm=monname(monnum) ARGS : monnum int month number 1 to 12 DESCRIPTION: Return the 3 character name of the month given the month number EXAMPLE: monnum=3 monNam=monname(monnum) ; this returns 'mar'
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: montonum - convert ascii month to number 1-12 SYNTAX: num=montonum(month) ARGS : month string holding 3 character month DESCRIPTION: Given a 3 character month abreviation return the month of year (1..12).
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: note - write a string at the requested line on the plot. SYNTAX: note,line,lab,xp=xp,sym=sym,lnstyle=lnstyle,dyscale=dyscale,_extra=e ARGS: line: float linenumber to start on. 1-33 covers the plot. lab : string to write on plot. xp : float xposition to start at. 0 to 1 covers the plot. default is center each line on page. sym : int sym number. If present then plot the symbol at the start of the line (leave some blanks in lab at the start). lnstyle: int if provided then draw a short line of type lnstyle at the beginning of the line (leave blanks at start of lab). dyscale:float if set then scale the y spacing this amount. DESCRIPTION: Write a line of text on a plot. The default line position runs 1 through 33. Use the xp keyword to align the text horizonally. The sym and linestyle keywords let you put lines, symbols at the start of your text so you can define what they are. If !p.multi is used for multiple pages then you must recompute where the lines go. The line number is relative to the entire page, not the current window of !p.multi.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: p50init - initialize to process p50 data SYNTAX: @p50init DESCRIPTION: call this routine before processing p50 data. It includes the pcld routines (point cloud routines).
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: p8 - set frame buffer to pseudo color. SYNTAX: p8 ARGS: none DESCRIPTION: Set the terminals frame buffer to pseudo color. This should be done before any plotting is done.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: pagesize - set the postscript page size. SYNTAX: pagesize,fullpage=fullpage,yoff=yoff KEYWORDS: fullpage: if set then set the pagesize to 7 by 10 inches. default is 7 by 5 inches. yoff : if supplied then move the plot from the default position this many inches on the page. DESCRIPTION: Set the postscript output page size. This should only be called when you are plotting to the postscript device (ps,psimage,pscol). SEE ALSO: ps, pscol, psimage
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: pdevinit - initialize to use the pdev spectrometer SYNTAX: @pdevinit DESCRIPTION: call this routine before using any of the pdev idl routines. It sets up the path for the idl pdev directory and defines the necessary structures.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: plasmaden - compute cold plasma density given plasma frequency SYNTAX: Ne=plasmaden(freqMhz) ARGS: freqMhz[]:float plasma freq in Mhz RETURNS: Ne[ ]: float in density/cc DESCRIPTION: Given the plasma freq in Mhz return the electron density. Just solves Wp^2=4*pi^2*n0/me
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: pltazelusage_12m - plot the 2D az,el coverage. SYNTAX: pltazelusage_12m,az,el,title=title,sym=sym,over=over,_extra=e,$ nodec=nodec ARGS: az[npts] : float azimuth positions (degrees). el[npts] : float zenith angle positions (degrees). KEYWORDS: title: string label for top of plot sym: int symbol to plot at each position.Default is *. over: if set then overplot this data with what is there. nodec: if set then don't plot lines of constant dec _extra: extra keyword values to pass to plot and oplot routine. eg (color=n). RETURNS: DESCRIPTION: Plot the azimuth, el positions as a cartesian x,y plot. Elevation is the radius. This routine can give an idea of how well a set of sources has covered the sky
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: pltazzausage - plot the 2D az,za coverage. SYNTAX: pltazzausage,az,za,title=title,sym=sym,over=over,dx=dx,_extra=e ARGS: az[npts] : float azimuth positions (degrees). za[npts] : float zenith angle positions (degrees). KEYWORDS: title: string label for top of plot sym: int symbol to plot at each position.Default is *. over: if set then overplot this data with what is there. dx: The step size in feet along the x,y axis. default is 10 feet. _extra: extra keyword values to pass to plot and oplot routine. eg (color=n). RETURNS: DESCRIPTION: Plot the azimuth, za positions as a cartesian x,y plot. The axes are feet from the center of the dish (projected onto z=0). This routine can give an idea of how well a set of sources has covered the dish.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: pltazzausage12m - plot the 2D az,za coverage. mods for 12m SYNTAX: pltazzausage12m,az,za,title=title,sym=sym,over=over,dx=dx,$ zamax=zamax,_extra=e ARGS: az[npts] : float azimuth positions (degrees). za[npts] : float zenith angle positions (degrees). KEYWORDS: title: string label for top of plot sym: int symbol to plot at each position.Default is *. over: if set then overplot this data with what is there. dx: The step size in feet along the x,y axis. default is 10 feet. zamax : float max za to plot def is 20 radiusza: if set then radius will be zamax. default will be 870foot radius srcind[npts]; int hold src number for each source; 0... nsrc-1 will plot with color isrc+1 _extra: extra keyword values to pass to plot and oplot routine. eg (color=n). RETURNS: DESCRIPTION: Plot the azimuth, za positions as a cartesian x,y plot. The axes are feet from the center of the dish (projected onto z=0). This routine can give an idea of how well a set of sources has covered the dish.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: pltbits - plot a timing diagram of the input data SYNTAX: pltbits,x,y,bitmask,col=col,maxbits=maxbits,over=over,$ off=off,lab=lab,inc=inc,_extra=e,gaps=gaps,$ font=font,cs=cs,ncs=ncs,th=th ARGS: x[] : x values for the data y[] : array holding the bits to plot bitmask: long bits to extract and plot KEYWORDS: col[]: long colors for each bit to plot maxbits : long max number of bits you want to plot. This is used to compute the vertical positioning of the y axis. Use this with off, if you want override the default positioning of the traces. over : if set then overplot from previous call off : float . add to vertical position of each bit.Default is .06 lab[] : string. labels for each bit. gaps : float if provided, then an extra trace will be provided at the top of the plot. Any points that have an x difference >= gaps will have a transition from 1 to 0. This lets you see where there is valid data. font : int to use. -1 def, 1 truetype (for hardcopy) cs : float charsize to use for axis. def=1. ncs : float charsize to use for bit labels. def=1. th : float line thickness. def=1. 2 doubles width DESCRIPTION: Suppose an int or long array holds status information that is packed bit by bit. An example would be the vertex data that has motor status bits encoded into a single int. This routine will plot 1 or more of the bits versus the x axis.. EXAMPLE: Suppose dat[100] has status info in bit0 and bit5. To plot them versus input use: x=finggen(100) pltbits,x,dat,'21'x Bit 0 will be plotted versus x with bit 5 plotted above it versus x.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: pltbycol - plot values by color SYNTAX: pltbycol,x,y,grpid,col=colar,xtitle=xtitle,ytitle=ytitle, title=title,sym=sym,_extra=e,over=over ARGS: x[npts]: float xdata to plot y[npts]: float ydata to plot grpid[npts]: long unique number identifying a particular group. It should run 0 through maxgrp-1. It is used to generate the color. KEYWORDS: colar[ncol]: long lut values to use. xtitle: string xlabel for plot ytitle: string ylabel for plot title: string title for plot sym : int symbol to use for ploting. over : int if set, then overplot this dataset on previous _extra=e : will be passed to plot and oplot routine DESCRIPTION: Plot x,y points. Group points by color. grpind[npts] is used to identify the points that have a common color. colar[ncol] is used for the color. If there are more groups than colors, then the colors get reused modulo ncolors. EXAMPLE: An example would be ploting the za Error for a given set of sources by za. Suppose the array of structures src[npts] has the following elements: src[i].name - source name src[i].za - za for a measurement src[i].zaErr - za error for the measurement The unique srcnames are: names=src[uniq(src[sort(].name)].name You could generate the grpind[npts] array by: nsrc=n_elements(names) ; number of unique names grpind=lonarr(npnts) ; will hold srcid 0..nsrc-1 for i=0,nsrc-1 do begin ind=where( eq names[i],count) if count gt 0 then grpind[ind]=i endfor You could then call pltbysrc with: pltbysrc,,src.zaErr,grpind,sym=1 The default color array is: colar=findgen(10)+1 This has 10 unique colors (usually setup by ldcolph). Colors get reused every 10 sources The default symbol is *.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: pncodeinfo - initialize the code info for the gpsl2c med,long codes SYNTAX: maxcodes=gpsl2ccodeinfo(gpsl2ccodeI,longcode=longcode) KEYWORDS: longcode: if set then return setupinfo for the gpsl2 cl codes: 767250 chips. By default return the gpsl2 cm code info: 10230 chips. RETURNS: maxcodes: long number of different codes we know of (satellites) gpsl2ccodI[maxcodes]: {} codeinfo struct for each code: DESCRIPTION: Initialize the codeInfo structure for the gps l2c codes for the 37 assigned gps prn satellites IDL> help,pncodeI,/st ** Structure CODEINFO, 4 tags, length=92, data length=92: prn int 1 ; satellite number NUM_REG LONG 1 LEN LONG 1 NUM_FDBACK LONG 1 FDBACK LONG Array[20] galois int i ; 0==> fibonnaci, 1==> galois lfsr startVal ulong 0 ; for galois endVal ulong 0 ; for galois The codeinfo struct gets passed to the routine that generates the code. Note that the fdback register positions are 1 based. When we use them in the shiftregcmp routine we subtract one to get the 0 based index into the shift register. When calling shiftregcmp() on the long codes, the routine is slow since idl doesn't have circular bit shifts,. (about 20 secs..).
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: pncodeinfo - initialize the code info for the pncodes SYNTAX: maxcodes=pncodeinfo(pncodeI) RETURNS: maxcodes: long that we know how to create pncodeI[maxcodes]: {} codeinfo struct for each code: DESCRIPTION: Initialize the codeInfo structure for the pncodes that we know how to create. These codes are the ones generated by the pncode generators online. Each array element contains: IDL> help,pncodeI,/st ** Structure CODEINFO, 4 tags, length=92, data length=92: NUM_REG LONG 1 LEN LONG 1 NUM_FDBACK LONG 1 FDBACK LONG Array[20] galois int i ; 0==> fibonnaci, 1==> galois lfsr startVal ulong 0 ; for galois endVal ulong 0 ; for galois The codeinfo struct gets passed to the routine that generates the code. Note that the fdback register positions are 1 based. When we use them in the shiftregcmp routine we subtract one to get the 0 based index into the shift register.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: pnthcoordsys - return coordinate system code SYNTAX: icode=pnthcoordsys(pnthdr) ARGS: pnthdr:{hdrpnt} .. pnt portion of header. RETURNS: icode: int code for coordinate system used: 1 galactic 2 B1950 3 J2000 4 BEcliptic 5 JEcliptic 6 Ra/Dec of date (current 7 hour angle dec 8 az,za of source 9 az,za of feed (az is 180 deg from source if dome used) 10 az,za of feed with no pointing model included EXAMPLE: suppose we have a correlator data record: print,corget(lun,b) icode=pnthcoordsys(b.b1.h.pnt) To extract the data manually (without this routine) use: icode= ishft(b.b1.h.pnt.stat and '00078000'XL, -15)
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: pnthgrmaster - return 1 if greg is master, 0 if ch master SYNTAX: istat=pnthgrmaster(pnthdr) ARGS: pnthdr:{hdrpnt} .. pnt portion of header. RETURNS: istat: int 1 if greg master, 0 if ch master EXAMPLE: suppose we have a correlator data: print,corget(lun,b) istat=pnthgrmaster(b.b1.h.pnt)
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: posscan - position to a scan/record on disc SYNTAX: istat=posscan(lun,scan,rec,retstdhdr=retstdhdr,sl=sl) ARGS: lun: int .. logical unit assigned to open file scan: long.. scan number 0--> whatever scan fits .. current or next full scan number --> position to scan, no rewinding allowed rec: long grp number within scan. 0 or not included--> next record available number --> record of current scan keywords retstdhdr: if valid variable, return standard header here.. (only if we positioned successfully) skip : int .. skip this many scans forward. should use with scan=0. sl[]: {sl} returned from getsl routine. If provided then routine will position directly to the scan requested. The routine will not backup from the current position. If it finds an increasing scan/rec number then it returns -1 returns: 1 positioned ok 0 not found -1 found increasing scan number -2 scan not in scanloc array iook - 1 ok, 0 i/oerror, -1 bad headerid
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: prfgainall- compute fractional gain do to pitch,roll,focus SYNTAX: fracgain=prfgainall(az,za,rcvr,pitch,roll,focus,freq=freq, foctouse=foctouse,rolltouse=rolltouse,pitchtouse=pitchtouse) ARGS: az[npts] - float azimuth degrees za[npts] - float za degrees rcvr : string: lb,sb,cb,xb 1400,2380,5000,10000 pitch : optional arg. return pitch here deg. roll : optional arg. return roll here deg focus : optional arg. return focus here inches KEYWORDS: freq : Mhz. if provided, then use the specified rcvr function and add on the relative difference from this and the rcvr default freq. foctouse[npts]: float use this as the focus instead of the model rolltouse[npts]: float use this as the roll instead of the model pitchtouse[npts]: float use this as the pitch instead of the model DESCRIPTION: Compute the fractional gain do to the pitch roll and focus. We use: 1. the pitch,roll,focus fits from feb00 2. aoant for pitch,roll 3. focus curve sband for the loss do to focus 4. asssume pitch roll error adds in quadrature 5. assume we multiply the focus loss by pitch,roll loss before calling this routine do @prfinit EXAMPLE: make a plot of gain versus az,za keep za above 2 degrees since za=0 not measured. mkazzagrid,az,za,azstep=10,zastep=1,zastart=2 gain=prfgainall(az,za,'sb') stripsxy,az,gain,0,0,/stepcol
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: printpath - print out the path variable SYNTAX: printpath ARGS: none DESCRIPTION: print out the path system variable one path per line. The order is the order they appear in the path variable.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: prwspc - compute the power spectrum of the input signal.. SYNTAX: dfrq=pwrspc(dtm) ARGS: dtm[npts]: real or complex input time series RETURNS: dfrq[npts]: real .. power spectrum squared magnitude of xform DESCRIPTION: Return abs(fft(dtm))^2
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: ps - send plot output to postscipt file. SYNTAX ps,filename,_extra=e,fullpage=fullpage ARGS: filename: string filename for outputfile. default is KEYWORDS: fullpage: if set then set the pagesize 5 by 10 inches. the default is 5 by 7. _extra : e pass to device command. DESCRIPTION: Set plot output destination to a postscript file. When done plotting use: hardcopy x to return to terminal output. SEE ALSO: pagesize, pscol, hardcopy, x
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: pscol - send plot output to color postscipt file. SYNTAX pscol,filename,_extra=e,fullpage=fullpage ARGS: filename: string filename for outputfile. default is KEYWORDS: fullpage: if set then set the pagesize 5 by 10 inches. the default is 5 by 7. _extra : e pass to device command. DESCRIPTION: Set plot output destination to a color postscript file. When done plotting use: hardcopy x to return to terminal output. SEE ALSO: pagesize, ps, hardcopy, x
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: psimage - prepare to send image output to a postscript file. SYNTAX: psimage,filename,xlen=xlen,ylen=ylen,xoff=xoff,yoff=yoff,$ landscape=landscape,xroff=xroff,yroff=yroff ARGS: filename: string filename to write to. default is xlen : float number of inches for xdimension. default is 7 inches. ylen : float number of inches for ydimension. default is 9 inches. xoff : float offset in inches for the left edge of image. the default is to center the plot. yoff : float offset in inches for the bottom edge of image. the default is to center the plot. xroff : float relative offset x direction in inches. add to xoff. yroff : float relative offset y direction in inches. add to yoff. the default is to center the plot. landscape: if set then plot in landscape mode. DESCRIPTION: Set the output plot device to a postscript file. Add keywords for image display (8 bits per pixel). Try and center the imageon the page. Landscape mode causes problems when offsets are used. See imgdisp for how to get around it. SEE ALSO: ps,hardcopy,x,imgdisp
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: psrfinit - initialize to use the psrfits mock spectrometer routines SYNTAX: @psrfinit DESCRIPTION: call this routine before using any of the psrfits... idl routines. It sets up the path for the idl psrfits directory and defines the necessary structures.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: pupfinit - initialize to use the pupfits mock spectrometer routines SYNTAX: @pupfinit DESCRIPTION: call this routine before using any of the pupfits... idl routines. It sets up the path for the idl pupfits directory and defines the necessary structures.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: pupiinit - initialize to use the pupi routines SYNTAX: @pupfinit DESCRIPTION: call this routine before using any of the pupi... idl routines. It sets up the path for the idl pupi directory and defines the necessary structures.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: puprinit - initialize to use the puppi raw file routines SYNTAX: @puprinit DESCRIPTION: call this routine before using any of the pupr (puppi_*.raw)... idl routines. It sets up the path for the idl pupr directory and defines the necessary structures.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: pwrlawdist - generate a power law distribution. SYNTAX: y=pwrlawdist(alpha,npts,minVal=minVal,maxVal=maxVal, dohist=dohist,nbins=nbins,h=h,xh=xh) ARGS: alpha: float exponent for power law. npts: long number of points to return KEYWORDS: minVal: float minimum value for the distribution. If alpha is less than 0., then minval should be gt 0 to keep it from blowing up. default:.01 maxVal: float maximum value for the distribution. It should be greater tham minVal.Default:1. dohist: if set, then compute histogram, make log,log plot of histogram, and then do a linear fit to non zero values. nbins: long number of bins if histogram requested. default is npts*.005 RETURNS: y[npts]: double the power law distributed data. h[nbins]: long return histogram of y. (linear) xh[nbins]: float return center of each bin.(linear) DESCRIPTION: Generate a random variable with a power law distribution: y=r**(alpha). The data range will be: (minVal ge y le maxVal). The routine will optionally compute the histogram of the data, fit a line to a log,log version of the histogram, and then plot the histogram and the fit. This lets you see how close to the ideal power law you got. The fit can have trouble if the data range does not make a good match to the binsize,number of bins. The method blows up for alpha=-1. If alpha is within 1e-4 of -1, the routine uses -1+/-1e-4 and gives a warning.. See numerical recipes in C, section: 7.2 transformation methods, page 287. for an description of how it's done. EXAMPLE: 1. create a power law distribution r^1.5 ranging from 0 to 1. Return,10000L points. Make the histogram with 100 points. y=pwrlawdist(1.2,20000L,minval=.0,maxval=1.,/dohist,h=h,xh=xh,$ nbins=100) ..create a power law dist r^-2.2 with 10000L points. plot out the histogram. have the values go 1 to 500. return the histogram with it's binvalues. kick up the number of bins to 1000 so the histogram fit works. y=pwrlawdist(-2.2,10000L,minval=1.,maxval=500.,/dohist,h=h,xh=xh,$ nbins=1000)
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: rcvnumtonam - convert receiver number to receiver name. SYNTAX: stat=rcvnumtonam(rcvnum,rcvnam,/num) ARGS: rcvnum : int receiver number 1..16 KEYWORDS: num : if set then user inputs the rcvnam and we return the rcvnum RETURNS: rcvnam: string receiver name stat : int 1 value receiver num, 0 invalid receivernumber DESCRIPTION Convert a receiver number to receiver name. Return the receiver name in the string rcvnam. Return the status :1 ok, 0 no receiver with this num in stat.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: rdcur - read cursor position multiple times SYNTAX: n=rdcur(curI,double=double) KEYWORDS: double : if set then return as doubles. def: floats RETURNS: n: long number of points read curI[2,n]: float/double x,y data positions for each cursor position requested. DESCPRIPTION: Read the cursor position multiple times. Return the number of points read in n. Return the positions in the array curI[2,n]. The positions are returned in data coordinates. As you move the cursor around the cursor position will continuously update on the terminal. When the left or center button is depressed, the position will be stored in curI and a newline will be started on the terminal (so you can see the value that was stored). Mouse Button usage is: Button Action Depress left: record position, new terminal line Depress center: record position, new terminal line Depress right: exit routine. The routine will return a maximum of 1000 points. SEE ALSO: cp NOTE: Points are only recorded on the downward press of the left or center button.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: rdcurdif - read cursor position difference multiple times SYNTAX: n=rdcurdif(curI,/double) RETURNS: n: long number of points read curI[2,3,n]: float x,y data positions for each set curI[0,0,*] x start curI[1,0,*] y start curI[0,1,*] x end curI[1,1,*] y end curI[0,1,*] xend -xstart curI[1,1,*] yend -ystart DESCPRIPTION: let the user pick two positions with the currsor and then compute the x,y difference between the two points. Return the positions and differences in the array curI[2,3,n]. The positions are returned in data coordinates. Mouse Button usage is: Button Action Depress left: record start position, new terminal line Depress center: record end position, compute difference Depress right: exit routine. As you move the cursor around there are continual updates: 1. on the first point, the 1st position updates 2. on the 2nd opint the the 2nd cursor position and difference will continuously update on the terminal. The routine will return a maximum of 1000 points. SEE ALSO: rdcur,cp NOTE: Points are only recorded on the downward press of the left or center button.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: rdevinit - initialize to use the pdev radar processor SYNTAX: @rdevinit DESCRIPTION: call this routine before using any of the rdev idl routines. It sets up the path for the idl rdev directory and defines the necessary structures.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: readasciifile - read an ascii file into strarr SYNTAX: nlines=readasciifile(filename,inpLines,comment=comment,$ fast=fast,maxlines=maxlines) ARGS: filename: string the filename to read KEYWORDS: comment: string single character that is a comment lines that start with this will be skipped fast: int if set then try fast read, don't use shell,wc maxLine:long if fast used, then this is the max number of lines to expect in file (including comments). def:1000 lines.. if exceeded, will return an error. It can be less RETURNS: nlines: long number of lines read -1 if file does not exist or read error -2 if fast mode used and maxlines too small inpLines[nlines]: strarr lines read DESCRIPTION Read an entire file into a string array. 1 line per string index. Skip any lines that start with the comment character. Return the string array and the number of lines read. EXAMPLES: filename='savfiles.dat' nlines=readasciifile(filename,inplines,comment=';') Timing: For large numbers of files, /fast will run about 20 times faster (since it doesn't make a shell call)
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: recombfreq - compute recombination line freq for atoms SYNTAX: freq=recombfreq(atom,linenum,linestep,alpha=alpha,beta=beta,gamma=gamma, delta=delta,eps=eps,pertbl=pertbl) ARGS: atom : string H,he,C,N,O atom to compute. (case insensitive). linenum[n]: long transition number (lower level) linestep[n]: long 1=alpha,2=beta...etc if linenum is an array and linestep is a single value then use this value for all of linenum. If any keyword alpha,beta.. is entered, then ignor linestep. KEYWORDS: alpha : if set then return alpha series (deltan=1) (ignore linestep) beta : if set then return beta series (deltan=2) (ignore linestep) gamma : if set then return gamma series (deltan=3) (ignore linestep) delta : if set then return delta series (deltan=4) (ignore linestep) eps : if set then return eps series (deltan=5) (ignore linestep) pertbl[]:{pertbl} return period table (name,isotope%, amu for all elements we support) RETURNS: freq[n] : double in Mhz. DESCRIPTION: compute the recombination line frequencies for an atom. Supported atoms are: H,He4,C12,N14,O16. You can supply 1 or more linenumbers to do at once as well as the step (1,2,3). Using any of the series keywords: alpha,beta,gamma,... will override the linestep parameter. Taken from "Tools of Radio Astronomy", Rohlfs&Wilson,2000. pg 334. looks like value are good to about 1 khz for H89a at 9Ghz.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: recombsearch - search for recombination lines within a freq range. SYNTAX: n=recombsearch(freqMin,freqMax,match,lineStepR=lineStepR,$ lineNumR=lineNumR,atoms=atoms ARGS: freqMin: float min frequency in Mhz to use. freqMax: float max frequency in Mhz to use. KEYWORDS: lineStepR[2]: int min,max step for line transitions to use. The Default is 1 (alfa) to 10 (??) lineNumR[2]: int min,max line numbers to use. The default is 75 to 500. atoms[]: string An array of atoms to search. The default is: 'H','He','C'. See recombfreq keyword pertbl for a list of the names. RETURNS: n : long number of transitions found. match[n]: {} an array of structures holding the recomb lines that were found. DESCRIPTION: Look for all of the atomic transitions between frequencies freqMin and freqmax. Return the number of transitions found and an array (match) holding the information of each transform. The match structure contains: ** Structure <82c1a1c>, 4 tags, length=24, data length=24, refs=1: ATOM STRING 'H' .. name of the atom LINENUM LONG 157 .. line number LINESTEP LONG 1 .. transition 1=alpha,2=beta.. FREQ FLOAT 1683.20 .. rest frequency of transition. By default the routine searches the atoms H, He,C for line steps of 1..10, and linenumbers 75 through 500. EXAMPLES: Suppose you have data between 1664 and 1686Mhz and you want to find all transitions that satify: step size 1 thru 5 in atoms H,He, and C. n=recombsearch(1664,1685,match,lineStepR=[1,5],atoms=['H','He','C']) plot your data flagging these transitions corplotrl,b,match SEE ALSO: recombfreq,corplotrl
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: resampleary- resample an array in the y direction SYNTAX:nyout=resampleary(arIn,yIn,yStpOut,arOut,$ y1=y1,y2=y2, cntyOut=cntyOut; ARGS: arIn[nxIn,nyIn] : float input array yIn[nyIn] : float yvalue for arIn[*,nyIn] yStpOut : float y step value for output array KEYWORDS: y1 : float first y value to use for output def is yIn[0] y2 : float last y value to use for output def is yIn[nyIn-1] RETURNS: nyOut : long number of y entries i output:arOut[*,nout] arOut[nxIn,nyOut] : float averaged output yOut[nyOut] : float the y values for each arOut[*,i] cntyOut[nyOut] : long number of arIn[*,i] averaged for each arOut[*,i] DESCRIPTION: Given an array arIn[nx,ny] of unevenly sampled data in the y direction, create an array of evenly spaced data in the y direction arOut[nx,nyOut]. The yIn array has the y values for each arIn[*,iy]. Use the reverse indices of the histogram function on yIn to find the arIn[*,iiy] elements that map to each arOut[*,iy] yIn[] should be in increasing order. yStpOut defines the fixed y spacing in arOut[*,iy] cntYOut[nyOut] has the number of input rows arInp[*,i] averaged for each arOut[*,j]
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: rfname - given the rfnumber, return the standard receiver name SYNTAX : name=rfname(rfnum) ARGS : rfnum: int 1-16.. RETURNS: name: string.. rfname.. sbn,sbw,lbn,lbw..etc.. illegal or unimplented rfnumber will be return as the string -number.. eg rfnum 1 is not implented yet so it would return '-1'
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: rms - compute the mean and standard deviation SYNTAX: result=rms(x,quiet=quiet) ARGS: x[] : array to compute rms KEYWORDS: quiet: if set then don't print the rms,mean to stdout. RETURNS: result[2]: result[0]=mean, result[1]= std deviation DESCTRIPTION: compute the mean and standard deviation. Print the results to stdio, and return in result[2]
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: rmsbychan - compute the rms/mean by chan for 2d array. SYNTAX: result=rmsbychan(d,median=median,nodiv=nodiv,meanar=meanar) ARGS: d[m,n] : array to compute rms KEYWORDS: median: if set then use median rather than mean nodiv : if set then don't divide by the mean RETURNS: result[m]: result[i]= rms(d[i,*])/mean(d[i,*]) meanar[m]: double mean(or median) for each channel DESCTRIPTION: compute the standard deviation/mean by channel.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: robfit_poly - robust polyfit for 1d array SYNTAX: coef=robfit_poly(x,y,deg,nsig=nsig,double=double,sig=sig,$ gindx=gindx,ngood=ngood,bindx=bindx,nbad=nbad,$ fpnts=fpnts,iter=iter,yfit=yfit,maxiter=maxiter,mask=mask) ARGS: x[n] : x array for fit y[n] : y array for fit deg : int deg of polynomial fit KEYWORDS: nsig : float use nsig*sigma as the threshold for the points to keep on each iteration. The default is 3. double: if set then force computation to be done in double precision. maxiter: maximum number of times to loop. default is 20. mask[n] :intarr if supplied, then use this as a mask for starting the fit. All zero elements of mask will be ignored (on the first iteration). RETURNS: coef[deg+1]: float/double the fit coef. sig float/double the last computed rms fpnts : float the fraction of points used for the final computation gindx: long[] indices into d for the points that were used for the computation. ngood long number of points in gindx. bindx: long[] indices into d for the points that were not used nbad long number of points in bindx. iter long number of iterations performed. yfit : float/double the fit evaluated at x[n] DESCTRIPTION: compute a robust polynomial fit for the input data x,y. The program loops doing: 0. create a mask that includes all the points. 1. fit the polynomial, rms residuals over the current mask 2. Find all points in the original array that are within nsig*sig of the fit. This becomes the new mask. 3. if sig is less than the minimum sig so far, minsig=sig, and store indices for this minimum sig 4 If the new mask does not have the same number of points than the old mask, go to 1. 5. Check the coef of the Check if the 5. Return the last coefs computed. If the keywords are present, return the sig, index for good points, index for bad points, and the fraction of points used in the final computation, and yfit. .
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: robfit_polyfft - automatic baselining of a function SYNTAX: istat=robfit_polyfft(ydat,yfit,maskused,coef,$ edgefract=edgefract,masktouse=masktouse,$ nsig=nsig,ndel=ndel,maxloop=maxloop,$ deg=deg,sub=sub,verbose=verbose,fsin=fsin, double=double,plver=plver ARGS: ydat[n] input data to baseline. KEYWORDS : edgefract[2]: float The fraction of each edge of the bandpass to not use in the computations. if n=1 then use the same fraction for both sides. If n=2 then use [0] for the left edge and [1] for the right edge. The default value is .08. The keyword masktouse will override this option. masktouse:fltarr[n] if provided,then use this rather than edgefract for the starting mask. This allows to you to force certain areas to not be included in the fit. 0--> exclude nsig: int The rms loop will throw out all outliers greater than nsig*sigma. By default nsig is 3. ndel: int The number of extra channels to remove whenever we throw out a channel because of large rms. def=1 maxloop: int When removing outliers in the rms loop, it will continue looping until no points are removed or maxloop iterations is hit. By default maxloop is 15. deg: int maximum degree of polynomial fit. The routine starts at order 1 and iterates the rmsloop,fit iterating the degree after each pass until the last fitorder done is deg. By default deg is 1. sub : if set then return the data-blfit rather than the fit. verbose : 1 plot status after each fit, stop after last fit of plot 2 plot status each fit, stop after each plot 3 plot status each rms loop. stop each plot -1 same as 1 but don't wait.. fsin : int the order of cos(nx),sin(nx) to also fit. double : if set then fit using double precision plver[2]:float vertical range [min,max ]to use for plotting bandpasses (before subtraction). the default is autoscaling. RETURNS : yfit :fltarr(n) the baselined fits or ydat-yfit if /sub set. maskused:fltarr(n) the mask used for the fits. coefInfo:{} structure holding the coef's for the fit of each sbc istat : int 1 if all the fits done, 0 if one or more sbc not fit. DESCRIPTION: robfit_polyfft will automatically create a mask and then use it to baseline a functionn. The input is an array of data. It will return the masks created, the coefs of the fits, and the fits. It will optionally remove the fits from the input data and return the difference data-fit. The verb= option will plot the data as the fitting is done. The routine can be used for mask creation (just ignore the fits) or mask creation and baselining. NOTE: You must .compile robfit_polyfft once before using the routine since the fitting funtion is embedded in the file. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The parameters that control the algorithm are: edgefract: This is the fraction of points on each edge of the data that are not used. The default is .08 . For a sbc 1024 points this would ignore 82 points on each edge. masktouse: This is a mask with 0's and 1s. The 0 parts will not be used in the fits. deg: The maximum degree for the fit. The default is 1. Values larger than 12 or 13 may have pivot errors in the fitting. ndel: The number of extra channels to throw out on the left and right of each new channel we delete. This insures that skirts of lines don't get included in the mask. nsig : The rms computation removes all points greater than nsig*sigma. By default nsig is set to 3. maxLoop: The rms removal loops until there are no points within Nsigma*sigma or maxloop iterations have occured. By default maxLoop is 15. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALOGORITHM: 0. compute the starting points to use from the edge fraction or the masktouse. The excluded points will never be included in the mask selection or fits. let x0 by the x points, y0 be the y points after this selection. 1. set fitOrder=0, set yfit=mean(y0) 2. set yresiduals= y0 - yfit the rms loop starts here 3. compute the rms of yresiduals 4. remove all points in y with yresiduals gt nsig*sigma . For each point removed, also remove ndel adjacent points (determined by the ndel keyword). 5. if the number of points removed in 4 is gt 0 and we've looped lt maxloop times then goto 3. fitting .. we now have a set of points within nsig of the mean. 6. fitdeg=fitdeg+1 7. fit a polynomial of fitDeg and a harmonic function of order fsin to the points left in y. 8. evaluate the fitted function for the entire dataset y0 yfit=poly(x0,coef). 9. If fitdeg lt keyword deg goto 2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The coef structure returns the fit results: {corcoef}: deg : int of polynomial fit fsin : int of harmonic fit npnts : int number pnts in ydata coefAr[(deg+1)+fsin*2]: float coef for each fit. the polynomial coef are followed by the cos,sin coef. rms: float of the fitted region within the mask maskFract: float npointsmask/pntsData To use the coefficients to recompute the fit, the x values should go from -pi to +pi If Nchn is the number of channels in the spectra then x=((findgen(Nchn)/(Nchn-1.) - .5)*2.*pi EXAMPLES: 1. Use a polynomial fit of 3, remove the fit from the data, plot the data and stop after each sbc done: istat=robfit_polyfft(ydat,yfit,maskused,coefinfo,deg=3,/sub,verb=1) ; plot the datafit with the mask overplotted plot,yfit,cmask=maskused 2. Use a polynomial fit of 2 and a harmonic fit of 2. Create a mask to use before calling this. Plot the results without stopping for keyboard input istat=robfit_polyfft(ydat,yfit,maskused,coefinfo,deg=2,fsin=2,/sub,$ masktouse=masktouse,verb=-1) On return : coefinfo.coefar[0:2, are the c0,c1,c2 of the polynomial fit and coefinfo.coefar[3:4] are the cos(x) sin(x) amplitudes while coefinfo.coefar[5:6] are the cos(2x) sin(2x) amplitudes This routine was ripped off from corblauto and made to work with a generic float array (rather than a correlator datastructure). SEE ALSO: corblauto
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: rotvec - rotate a vector through an angle (in deg) SYNTAX: rvec=rotvec(vec,thetaDeg,axis=axis) ARGS: vec[m,n]: float/double data before rotation. first dim is x,y,z theta : float angle in degrees to rotate vector KEYWORDS: axis: int 1=x,2=y,3=z. default axis=3 (z axis) RETURNS: rvec[m,n]: float rotated vector DESCRIPTION Rotate a vector through the angle theta (in degrees). Return the rotated vector in rvec. The first dimension of vec, rvec can be 2 (for a 2d rotations) or 3 for 3d rotations. The axis= keyword (1=x,2=y,3=z) specifies which axis to rotate about. The default is axis=3 (z). If dim1 of vec is 2 then axis= is ignored and the rotation is about the z axis. Positive rotate is counter clockwise looking down from the positive axis of rotation. The definition rotates a vector in this direction. Rotation of the coordinate system would be in the oppposite sense.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: rsspecanainp - input R&S spectrum from save file SYNTAX: npnts=rsspecanainp(fname,frq,spc,info=info,/print) ARGS: lun: open to xxx.txt file.. form export trace .txt mode (tabs) print: if set the print out the ascii info header as it is read in. RETURNS: npnts : 0 trouble reading file 501 points found frq[501]: freq of trace 1 in mhz spc[501]: spectra trace 1 in dbm info[28] : string return the 28 ascii info lines read from the file. DESCRIPTION: The Rhode and Schwartz spectrum analyzer can save its trace data in a text file. This routine will input the text file and return the spectra and frequency. The steps in getting at trace from the ybt250 to idl is: . in idl @phil openr,lun,filename,/get_lun npnts=rsspecanainp(lun,spc1,frq1,info=info,/print) The
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: ruze - evaluate the ruze formula for losses from surface errors. SYNTAX: loss=ruze(freq,surfaceErr,errlambda=errlambda,db=db) ARGS: freq[] : freq in Mhz surfaceErr : rms surface error in mm KEYWORDS: errlambda: if set then surfaceErr is fractions of a wavelength db : if set then return loss as db DESCRPIPTION: Return loss do to surface irregularities. Use the ruze formula to evaluate it. loss=exp((-4pi*delta/2)**2 where delta is the rms surface error. The units are milimeters unles /errlambda is set, then the error is fractions of a wavelength (and freq is immaterial but must be entered). The loss is returned as a linear value unless keyword db is set. In that case the return value is db.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: satinit - initialize to use the satellite prediction routines. SYNTAX: @satinit DESCRIPTION: call this routine before using any of the satellite prediction routines. It sets up the path for the directory and defines the necessary structures.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: sbinit - initialize to use the sband tx idl routines SYNTAX: @sbinit DESCRIPTION: call this routine before using any of the sb... idl routines. It sets up the path for the idl sband directory and defines the necessary structures.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: scanlist - list contents of data file SYNTAX: scanlist,lun,recperpage,scan=scan,search=search,std=std,verb=verb ARGS: lun: int assigned to open file recperpage: lines per page before wait for response. def:30 KEYWORDS: scan: long position to scan before listing. def:rewind then list search: if set, then search for header rec if not found at current position std : if set then assume std data verb : if set then print info each record read DESCRPIPTION: list a summary of all of the scans in a file to stdout. This works for correlator or ri datafiles. The output data is: SOURCE SCAN GRPS PROCEDURE car0 lst Where grps is the number of recs in the file, procedure is the procedure name that was used to take the data, car0 is the first entry in the carr[] of the header (typically it has the step in the pattern like on or off), and lst is the local sidereal time. SEE ALSO: corlist
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: scantype - return the type of scan SYNTAX: type=scantype(hdr) ARGS: hdr: {hdr} RETURNS: type: 0 unknown 1 calon of calonoff pattern 2 caloff of calonoff pattern 3 position on of onoff pattern 4 position off of onoff pattern DESCRIPTION: Return the type of scan from the header info. EXAMPLE: print,corget(lun,b) type=scantype(b.b1.h)
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: searchhdr - position to the next available hdr in the file. SYNTAX: istat=searchhdr(lun,maxlen=maxlen) ARGS: lun: int lun of file to search KEYWORDS: maxlen: long maximum number of bytes to read. default is 1megabyte RETURNS: istat: int 1 --> positioned to header, 0 no header found DESCRIPTION Position to the next available hdr in an AO data file. Search up to maxlen bytes before quitting. If the header is not found, return positioned at the input position.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: secs1970tojd - convert unixsecs(1970,mjd=mjd) to jd SYNTAX: jd[n]=secs1970tojd(secs1970) ARGS: secs1970[n]:double secs1970 (utc based) KEYWORDS: mjd: if set then return mjd rather then jd RETURNS: jd[n]: double jd for above times. if /mjd this will be mjd DESCRIPTION: Convert from specified secsfrom 1970 to julian date. If /mjd is set, then return mjd rather than jd. The routine uses the 1970secs, jddate for 2000.0 to convert. Warning: 2014:nov. this routine was accurate to about .06 seconds. Note: secs=systime(/sec) returns utc secs from 1970 print,systime(0) or print,systime(0,secs) take utc 1970 secs but adjusts to the local time zone (ast) in the output string
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: sefdget - return telescope sefd(az,za,freq) for rcvr. SYNTAX: stat=sefdget(az,za,freq,rcvrNum,sefdVal,date=date,zaonly=zaonly) ARGS: az[n]: float azimuth in degrees za[n]: float zenith angle in degrees freq: float freq in Mhz. rcvrNum: int receiver number 1..16 (see helpdt feeds)) KEYWORDS: date[2]: int [year,daynumber] to use for sefd computation. The default is to use the current day. If they sefd curves change with time, this allows you to access the sefd curve that was in use when the data was taken. zaonly: if set then only return the zenith angle dependence (averages over azimuth) RETURNS: sefdval[n]: float sefd in Jy stat: int -1 --> error, not data returned 0 --> requested outside freq range of fits. Return sefd of the closest frequency value. 1 --> frequency interpolated sefd value returned. DESCRIPTION: Return the sefd (Jy) for the requested receiver at the specified frequency and az,za. The default is to use the current sefd values. The date keyword allows you to access a sefd curve that was valid at some other epoch. Fits have been done for sefd(az,za) at different frequencies for various receivers. This routine will input the fit information and compute the sefd for the two closest frequencies and then interpolate to the requested frequency. The input fit data is stored in a common block so the data does not have to be input from disc a second time unless you pick a different receiver. NOTE: Some receivers have no sefd fits. They will return -1 in the status. If a requested frequency is outside the fitted values, then the value at the closest frequency is returned (no extrapolation is done). If you have correlator data, you can use corhsefdget() to get the sefd value. It will figure out the receiver number and date from the header and then call sefdget. Some fits only have a za dependance. In these cases just enter arbitrary values for the azimuth (but the parameter is still needed). For a description of the sefd calibration see: --> sefd curves EXAMPLES: lbw=5 get sefd at 1400Mhz az=120,za=10 for lbw stat=sefdget(120.,10.,1400.,lbw,sefdval) az=fltarr(20) ; az = 0 degrees. za=findgen(20)+1 ; za=1..20 date=[2003,200] ; for 2003, daynumber:200 stat=sefdget(az,za,1321,lbw,sefdval,date=date) ; sefdval will be an array of 20 values for za 1 to 20 degrees and azimuth ; of 0 degrees. to convert from daynumber to day,month,year daynum=dmtodayno(d,mon,year) dm =daynotodm(daynum,year) where dm=[day,month] SEE ALSO:sefdinpdata, gainget
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: sefdInpData - input sefd data for rcvr. SYNTAX: istat=sefdInpData(rcvNum,sefdData,fname=fname,date=date) ARGS: rcvNum: 1 thru 16. receiver to use (same as hdr.iflo.stat1.rfnum). KEYWORDS: fname: to specify an alternate data file with sefd values. The default file is aodefdir() + 'data/sefd.datR{rcvNum} date : [year,daynum] .. if specified the data when you want the sefd for..default is most recent. RETURNS: istat: 1 ok, -1 bad file/rcvnum,data probably no fit data available. sefdData[n]:{sefdData} return fit info. 1 structure for each frequency DESCRIPTION: Input the sefd fit data for all the frequncies of a particular receiver (rcvNum). The rcvNum can be extracted from the headers with iflohrfnum(). The default datafile is aodefdir() + 'data/sefd.datR{rcvNum} (aodefdir() is a function that returns the root of the aoroutines). The keyword fname allows you to specify an alternate file. The file format is: - col 1 ; is a column, - col 1 !yyyy dayno starts a date section. yyyy dayno is the year daynumber for the start of this data set. - data is free format , column oriented freq fitType c0 c1 c2 .... cN pol calVala calvalB c0..cN are the fit coefficients, pol is I or A or B, CalValA,B are the cal values used for this fit. The structure format for {sefddata} is: sefdData.rcvNum receiver number sefdData.numFreq number of frequencies found sefdData.startYr for the fit sefdData.startDaynum for the fit sefdData.endYr for the fit sefdData.endDaynum for the fit sefdData.fitI[numFreq] {azzafit} structure holding the coef and other info for each fit sefdData.calVal[2,numFreq] cal values used when each fit was made. See azzafit for a description of the {azzafit} structure. This routine is called automatically by corhsefdval and sefdget(). How the different cal routines vary: sefdinpdata() inputs the data from disc. You must specify the rcvrnum. It defaults to the current date. It loads a table in common holding the fit info for all of the frequencies measured. sefdget() Pass in the frequency and the rcvrnum. It will input the data using sefdinpdata if necessary, do the interpolation and return the sefd. corhsefdval() You specify the correlator sbc header (eg b.b1.h). It will compute the frequency and then call sefdgetl(). It returns the sefd value. SEE ALSO: corhsefdval, sefdget ,azzafit, azzafiteval,azzafitpr
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: select - select elements from an array SYNTAX: anew=select(a,startInd,stepIndex) ARGS: a[]: array to select elements from startInd: long starting index in a to start selecting (0 based). stepInd: long spacing between indices to select KEYWORDS: RETURNS: aNew[]: subarray extacted from a. DESCRIPTION: Starting at index startInd select points spaced stepInd from the array a. Return the subarray in anew. EXAMPLE: a1=select(a,0,2) .. select every other sample from a starting at first a2=select(a,1,3) .. select every third sample from a start as the 2nd
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: shcolsym - show the default colors and symbols SYNTAX: shcolsym ARGS: DESCRIPTION: plot the default colors and symbols.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: shiftregcmp - compute a shift register code SYNTAX: codelen=shiftregcmp(codeI,code,lastval=lastval) ARGS: codeI:{} code info structure describing the shift register code RETURNS: codelen: long length of code computed code[codelen]: float : computed shift register code lastval: ulong if keyword provided then return the last value of the shift register (only for galois lfsr codes). DESCRIPTION: Compute a shift register code given the shift register description in the codeI structure. The structure contains: help,codeI,/st ** Structure CODEINFO, 4 tags, length=92, data length=92: NUM_REG LONG 1 ; number of registers for this code LEN LONG 1 ; length of code NUM_FDBACK LONG 1 ; number of taps (feedbacsk) FDBACK LONG Array[20] ; locations of feedbacks The indices in this array are 1 based.. the N feedback locations are stored in fdback[0:n-1] galois int i ; 0==> fibonnaci, 1==> galois lfsr startVal ulong 0 ; for galois endVal ulong 0 ; for galois routine that will generate the code info structure: shiftregcmp(): generates pncodes used by the sband radar.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: sixtyunp - unpack hhmmss.s or ddmmss.s to hh mm ss.s or dd mm ss.s SYNTAX: sixtyunp(xxyyzz,sgn,result) ARGS: xxyyzz: float,long,double either hhmmss.s or ddmmss.s RETURNS: sgn : int sign either +1 or -1 result[3]: float [hh,mm,ss.s] or [dd,mm,ss.s] DESCRIPTION: split hhmmss.s or ddmmss.s to h,m,s or d,m,s. Return the positive values in the array result. The sign of the value is returned in sgn. EXAMPLES: sixtyunp,112233.3 ,sgn,result.. sgn=1., result=[11.,22.,33.3] sixtyunp,-000033.3,sgn,result.. sgn=-1., result=[0.,0.,33.3]
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: smofrqdm_1d - freq domain smoothing (1d) SYNTAX: yNew=smofrqdm_1d(y,fracSmo=fracSmo,ftype=ftype,$ filtertouse=filtertouse,retfilt=retfilt) ARGS: y[n]: float data to smooth KEYWORDS: fracSmo:float (0 to 1.) fraction of spatial frequency to keep. filterType: int 1 - apply fracSmo boxcar 2 - apply fracSmo boxCar*hanning window 3 - apply fracSmo boxCar*winCos4 filterToUse[n]:float if Supplied, then ignore fracSmo,filtertype. Use this array as the multiplier in the freq domain. (note. Dc should be at index n/2 (count from 0) RETURNS: ynew[n]: float the filtered data retfilt[n]: float the filter used in the freq domain. dc is at the center DESCRPIPTION: Smooth a 1 d function by multiplying the fft of the function by a smoothing function. By default this is a boxcar window of length fracSmo*n. You can specify a tapering of the boxcar window using fitlertype 2 or 3. You can also specify your own smoothing function via filterToUse. In the frequency domain, the data is rotated so that dc is at n/2 (count from 0) before the multiply is done. EXAMPLES: .. let y contain a 53 cycle and 200 cycle sine wave. .. Then try and remove the 200 cycle cosine by using a boxcar smoothed with a cos^4 window. The nyquist rate is 511 so 200/511. = .3914. Try a filter of .38 to see how much of the 200 cycle sin wave is left (not much). y=mksin(1024,53) + mksin(1024,200) fract=.38 ynew=smofrqdm_1d(y,fracSmo=fract,ftype=2) plot,abs(fft(ynew)) WARNING: The routine computes the filter size using fix(n*fract). The smallest measurable change is fract is 1./n SEE ALSO: smofrqdm_2d
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: spcanainit - initialize to use the spectrum analyzer routines SYNTAX: @corinit DESCRIPTION: call this routine before using any of the spectrum analyzer routines (eg routines to access spectrum analyzer files.. anritsu,...)
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: spwrinit - initialize to use the site power idl routines. SYNTAX: @corinit DESCRIPTION: call this routine before using any of the site power idl routines. It sets up the path for the idl spwr directory and defines the necessary structures.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: srcextended - compute gain correction for extended source SYNTAX: correction=srcextended(srcWidth,fwhm) ARGS: srcWidth :float source width in same units as beamwidth fwhm[n]:float beam width (fwhm) RETURNS: correction: float When computing telescope gain use correction*SrcFlux DESCRIPTION: Compute the loss from a source being extended. The user inputs the source width and beamWidth(fwhm) in the same units. The routine assumes both of these are axially symmetric. The returned correction is a fraction of the point source value. It is linear in power.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: stkscalibv - stokes calibration from complex voltages SYNTAX: istat=stkscalibv(rcvNum,cfr,smpTimeUsec,fftlen,VcalonA,VcalOnB,VcalOffA,VcalOffB,$ calibI,lcorcal=lcorcal,date=date,degPerMhz=degPerMhz,edge=edge ARGS: rcvNum : int receiver number to use when querying cals: 1=327,2-430,5=lbw,$ 7-sbw,8-sbh,9-cb,11-xband,13-cbw,17-alfa cfr : float center freq in Mhz. A single cal value for the whole band will be computed at this freq. smpTmUsec :float sample time for data in microsecs fftlen :long fftlen to use when computing the spectra vcalOnA[n]:complex complex voltage data for calon polA vcalOnB[n]:complex complex voltage data for calOn polB vcalOffA[n]:complex complex voltage data for caloff polA vcalOffB[n]:complex complex voltage data for calOff polB KEYWORDS: lcorcal: if set then use low cor cal. def: high cor cal date[2] : lonarr [year,daynumber] date to use when searching for cal value. def: most recent cal values degPerMhz: float initial guess for phase change polA,B per Mhz. def:8 deg/MHz comes from the ao fiber. edge[2] : float fraction of bandpass edge to ignore on each side. def: .06 Calibration and fitting will exclude data on the edges. DESCRIPTION: Using complex sampled data, compute the intensity calibration and phase correction for polA,polB from a calon,off measurement. The user inputs the complex voltages for calonA,calonB, caloffA,caloffB (the routine currently assumes these are all the same length). It will compute the complex spectra, intensity calibrate, and then fix the phase difference of polA polB using stokesU from the cal deflection. The program steps are: 1. look up the cal value (it uses a single value for the entire band). 2. compute the complex spectra for the 4 data sets 3. compute the average spectra for the 4 buffers 4. compute the indices i0,i1 of the spectrum to use for calibrating and fitting (this comes from the edge keyword). 5. compute the caldeflection averaging over the band i0:i1 6. compute the calScale factor (a/d counts to Kelvins) 7. compute the bandpass correction: 1/caloff normalized to mean(caloff[i0:i1]) 8. compute the scaling arrays (convert to kelvins and bandpass correct) 9. compute stokesI,Q after scaling the data from the average spectra 10 compute stokesU,V : compute stokes u,v for each fft, scale and average 11. compute the cal deflection: calon - caloff for each stokes parameter 12. fit sine waves (non linear fit) to .stokes u and V : a[0]+a[1]*sin((freqMhz*a[2] + a[3])*2*pi) 13. compute the phase difference delta for polA,B using atan(fitStksV/fitStksU)*!radeg 14. unwrap any 180 deg phase jumps in delta 15. linear fit to unwrapped delta vs freqMHz. 16. using the linear fit, compute the phase correction for u,v phCor=exp(complex(0.,-(!dtor*poly(frqAr,calibI.phFit)))) cuv=complex(calDU,calDV) crotated=cuv*phCor U=float(crotated) V=imaginary(crotated) help,calibI,/st CFR FLOAT 2380.00 ; freq used to compute cal value FFTLEN LONG 1024 ; length of fft when computing spectra BWMHZ FLOAT 0.500000 ; bandwith of data in MHz CALK FLOAT Array[2] ; cal in degK [polA,polB] INDEDGE LONG Array[2] ; indices into fftlen to use for calibration UI STRUCT ->Array[1] ; sine fit to stokes u (see below) VI STRUCT -> Array[1] ; sine fit to stokes V (see below) DELTAF FLOAT Array[1024] ; phase difference PolA-polB vs freq (in degrees) DELTAFU FLOAT Array[1024] ; phase difference polA,B and phase unwrapping PHFIT FLOAT Array[2] ; linear fit to deltafU (deg/Mhz). y=phfit[0] +freqMHz*a[1] STKCALD FLOAT Array[1024, 4];stokes i,q,u,v for caldeflection after phase correction, and intensity calibration uI,vI sine fit info IDL> help,calibI.uI,/st DATA FLOAT Array[1024] ; data used for the sine fit YFIT FLOAT Array[1024] ; sine fit to data COEFAR FLOAT Array[4] ; coef for fit:y=a[0]+a[1](sin((freMHz*a[2]+a[3])*2*pi) SIGMA FLOAT Array[4] ; fit sigmas for each parameter CHISQ FLOAT 6.04890 ; chisq from fit (but weights were all set to 1.) Notes: 1. All of the cal deflection should come out in stokesU (since the cal is injected equally into polA and polB). For some setups i've gotten all of the cal deflection in -U (less then zero). In this case there is a 180 deg. phase shift in delta. 2. If you need to flip the bandpass (because the original data had an odd number of high side lo's) then remember to change the sign of stokesV.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: stripmask - interactively make masks for strips in a map. SYNTAX: maskAr=stripmask(d,remavg=remavg) ARGS: d[m,n]: float map of m samples per strips and n strips KEYWORDS: remavg: if set then remove the median from each strip before displaying a strip. In this case you may not have to fiddle with the vertical scale on each strip. RETURNS: maskAr[m,n]: int holds n masks of 0,1's DESCRIPTION: Let the user interactively define masks for a number of strips of a map. For each of n strips, call bluser() and allow the user to define a mask array using the cursor. When all n strips have been done, return the maskAr. If the user does not define a mask for a particular strip, then the mask from the previous strip will be used. This routine calls bluser() but it is the users responsibility to enter the keys: m .. then define the mask with the cursor q .. to exit from bluser for each strip EXAMPLE: Suppose you've call cormapinp and you want to create a mask that does not include continuum sources in the map. Use the total power in polA+polB to find the continuum. Suppose there are 120 samples per strip and 36 strips. The following code will call bluser 36 times. istat=cormapinp(lun,scan,brdA,brdB,m,cals); input the map polAvg=total(m.p)/2. ; average pola,polB ver, -.001,.015 ; vertical scale for plot maskArr=stripmasks(polAvg,/remavg) .. maskArr will now be dimensioned maskArr[120,36] SEE ALSO: bluser()
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: strips - plot strips with offset and increment versus sample. SYNTAX: strips,y,offset,step,smo=n,title=title,xtitle=xtitle, ytitle=ytitle ARGS: y[m,n]: 2d data to plot. offset: float offset to add to the first line plotted. step : float value to add to plot the next line. KEYWORDS: smo : int smooth each line by n before plottting. title : string title of plot xtitle : string label for x axis ytitle : string label for y axis DESCRPIPTION: Plot the 2d array y line by line. Offset the first line by off and then space each line by step. EXAMPLE: dat[100,20] is the data strips,dat,0,.02 You should setup the vertical scale with ver first. SEE ALSO: stripsxy,ver,hor
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: stripsxy - plot strips with offset and increment verus x. SYNTAX: stripsxy,x,y,offset,step,over=over,smo=tosmo,dec=dec,title=title,$ xtitle=xtitle,ytitle=ytitle,stepcol=stepcol,colar=colar,_extra=e ARGS: x[n] : float data for x axis. y[n,m]: float 2d data to plot. m strips of n points. offset: float offset first strip by this amount. step : float separate each strip by this amount. KEYWORDS: over : if set then continue plotting from a previous call. smo : int number of points to smooth each line. dec : int number of points to decimate each each line. title : string title of plot xtitle: string xlabel ytitle: string ylabel colAr[]: int lut indices to use for color stepcol: if set then alternate colors between each line. Use color indices 1-10. use ldcolph to load the color table. _extra: pass this to the plot,oplot routine.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: strtovarnam - modify a string to be a valid variable name SYNTAX: newstr=strstovarnam,str,noleading=noleading ARGS: str[]: str hold the string or strings to check KEYWORDS: noleading: if set then don't bother checking if the leading character is a letter. RETURNS: newstr[]: str modified strings that are valid variable names. DESCRIPTION: This routine will modify the strings passed in to be valid variable names. A variable name must start with a letter and not contain the characters: , . ! ; : + - / = This routine will make the following substitutions: , -> _ . -> _ + -> p lus - -> m inus / -> _ = -> _ ! -> _ ) -> _ ( -> _ If the string starts with a non letter then prepend the string with the letter v. This routine is normally used when creating a variable name that is taken from the source name in the header. EXAMPLE: a='B1934+123' aMod=strtovarnam(a) print,aMod .. 'B1934p123' a='1934-123:17' aMod=strtovarnam(a) print,aMod .. 'v1934m123_17'
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: suninit - initialize to use idl sun mapping routines SYNTAX: @suninit DESCRIPTION: call this routine before using any of the sunxxx idl routines. It sets up the path for the idl sun directory, initilizes mas routines and defines the necessary structures.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: SVDFITpp- Perform a general least squares fit. patched version PURPOSE: Perform a general least squares fit with optional error estimates. This version uses the Numerical Recipies (2nd Edition) function SVDFIT. A user-supplied function or a built-in polynomial or legendre polynomial is fit to the data. CATEGORY: Curve fitting. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = SVDFIT(X, Y, [M]) INPUTS: X: A vector representing the independent variable. Y: Dependent variable vector. This vector must be same length as X. OPTIONAL INPUTS: M: The number of coefficients in the fitting function. For polynomials, M is equal to the degree of the polynomial + 1. If not specified and the keyword A is set, THEN M = N_ELEMENTS(A). INPUT KEYWORDS: A: The inital estimates of the desired coefficients. If M is specified, THEN A must be a vector of M elements. If A is specified, THEN the input M can be omitted and M=N_ELEMENTS(A). If not specified, the initial value of each coefficient is taken to be 1.0. If both M and A are specified, them must agree as to the number of paramaters. DOUBLE: Set this keyword to force double precision computations. This is helpful in reducing roundoff errors and improves the chances of function convergence. WEIGHTS: A vector of weights for Y[i]. This vector must be the same length as X and Y. If this parameter is ommitted, 1's (No weighting) are assumed. The error for each term is weighted by Weights[i] when computing the fit. Gaussian or instrumental uncertianties should be weighted as Weight = 1/Sigma where Sigma is the measurement error or standard deviations of Y. For Poisson or statistical weighting use Weight=1/Y, since Sigma=sqrt(Y). FUNCTION_NAME: A string that contains the name of an optional user-supplied basis function with M coefficients. If omitted, polynomials are used. The function is called: R=SVDFUNCT(X,M) where X and M are scalar values, and the function value is an M element vector evaluated at X with the M basis functions. M is the degree of the polynomial +1 if the basis functions are polynomials. For example, see the function SVDFUNCT or SVDLEG, in the IDL User Library: For more examples, see Numerical Recipes in C, second Edition, page 676-681. The basis function for polynomials, is R[j] = x)^j. The function must be able to return R as a FLOAT vector or a DOUBLE vector depending on the input type of X. LEGENDRE: Set this keyword to use the IDL function SVDLEG in the lib directory to fit the data to an M element legendre polynomial. This keyword overrides the FUNCTION_NAME keyword. OUTPUTS: SVDFIT returns a vector of the M coefficients fitted to the supplied function. OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: CHISQ: Sum of squared errors multiplied by weights if weights are specified. COVAR: Covariance matrix of the coefficients. VARIANCE: Sigma squared in estimate of each coeff(M). That is sqrt(VARIANCE) equals the 1 sigma deviations of the returned coefficients. SIGMA: The 1-sigma error estimates of the returned parameters, SIGMA=SQRT(VARIANCE). SINGULAR: The number of singular values returned. This value should be 0. If not, the basis functions do not accurately characterize the data. YFIT: Vector of calculated Y's. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: None. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Adapted from SVDFIT, from the book Numerical Recipes, Press, et. al., Page 518. minor error corrected April, 1992 (J.Murthy) Completely rewritten to use the actual Numerical Recipes routines of the 2nd Edition (V.2.06). Added the DOUBLE, SIGMA, A, and LEGENDRE keywords. Also changed Weight to Weights to match the other fitting routines.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: symcircle - create a circle symbol for plots SYNTAX: symcircle,npnts=npnts,color=color,thick=thick,fill=fill KEYWORDS: npnts: int number of points to use in drawing the circle. The default is 9 points. The circle will be drawn as an n-1 sided polyhedron. color: int number 0 to 10. Color to use when plotting symbol. The default is the same color as the lines beging drawn. See shcolsym for a mapping of numbers to colors. thick:float the line thicknes to use when drawing the lines. 1. is the default. fill : If set then fill the circles DESCRIPTION: Create a cirlce symbol to use for plotting. After calling this routine, plot,....psym=-8 will draw a circle about every point. EXAMPLE: symcircle,npnts=17 .. use 17 points to define circle plot,findgen(30),psym=-8
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: tempplot - plot temperature in turret room for a range of days. SYNTAX: tempplot,yymmdd1,yymmdd2 ,title=title,cs=cs,xp=xp,off=off,lun=lun,sep=sep,$ clip=clip ARGS: yymmdd1 - long first day to plot yymmdd2 - long last day to plot KEYWORDS: title - string title for top of each plot cs - float scale factor for labels. For multiple windows you may want to increase this to 1.5 or 1.8. default is 1. xp - float xposition [0.,1.] where dates are printed. default:.02. For hardcopy setting this to 1. puts the dates on the right column. off - float number of degrees to offset each day within it's window so the plots don't lay on top of each other. defaut:0. lun - int if supplied, then you've already opened the input file. Use this to access previous years: eg: /share/obs4/temp/Y01/temp.dat sep - if set then make 1 plot per day user should set !p.multi before calling the routine. clip[] -float clip the data to [mintemp,maxtemp]. allows auto scaling with bad data points.. DESCRIPTION plot the temperature in the turret room by hour of day for the range of dates specified (the routine limits it to a maximum of 31 days). The plot will have N subwindows with up to 7 consecutive days per window. Each day will be color coded witin a window. Any extra days (>28 will appear in the last window). The routine internally uses daynumber of year for computations so it will not cross year boundaries gracefully. It also reads from the temperature file that holds info by year (so the current year is the only one that will work. You should call ldcolph to setup the colortables for indices 0-10. You should also set the vertical scale to temperature range you want via ver,vmin,vmax. The horizontal scale should be set to hor,0,24. The extra keywords that may be used are: charsize=cs. If the multiple windows cause the letters to come out too small. EXAMPLES: hor,0,24 ver,70,90 tempplot,010701,010731,title='turret room temps for jul01',$ cs=1.6 NOTES: This routine reads from the file /share/obs4/temp/temp.dat. The routine will only work when run at AO (since the file is not accessible at remore sites). The routine will not cross year boundaries very gracefully. The data files usually contain only one years worth of data. The previous years data is in (/share/obs4/temp/yyyy/temp.dat where yyyy is the year. Tempread has not yet been updated to work on a pc (you need to run it on a sun (big endian machine). SEE ALSO: tempread.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: tempread - read receiver room temperature data SYNTAX: dat=tempread(yymmdd,lun=lun,nrec=nrec) ARGS: yymmdd: long day of year to input. KEYWORDS: lun : int if provided then this is open to the file to read from. The default is to read from the temperature data file of the current year. nrec : long . if present, read this many records starting at yymmdd. the default is to read 1 days worth of data. RETURNS: dat[n]: {tempdat} temp data structure returned. dat.time : float daynumber of sample dat.temp : float temp in degree F.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: tosecs1970 - convert to unixsecs(from 1970) SYNTAX: secs1970=tosecs1970(yymmdd,hhmmss,mjd=mjd,jd=jd,daynoyr=daynoyr) ARGS: yymmdd[n]: long year,mon,day for time (utc based) hhmmss[n]: double hour,min,sec for time (utc based) KEYWORDS: jd : double if provided then ignore yymmdd,hhmmss and use jd as the date to convert to secs since 1970 mjd: double if provided then ignore yymmdd,hhmmss and use mjd as the date to convert to secs since 1970 daynoYr[2]:double [dayno,year] if provided then ignore yymmdd,hhmmss and use dayno and year (utc based) to convert to secs1970. DESCRIPTION: Convert from specified date, time to secs from 1970 (unix time). If jd,mjd, or daynoyr are provided then used them instead of yymmdd,hhmmss. All times/dates provided are assumed to be utc based. If you want to enter an ast time then : secs1970=tosecs1970(080916,142022) + 4D * 3600D Note: secs=systime(/sec) returns utc secs from 1970 print,systime(0) or print,systime(0,secs) take utc 1970 secs but adjusts to the local time zone (ast) in the output string
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: tsysinit - initialize idl to process system temperature monitoring data. SYNTAX: @tsysinit ARGS: none DESCRIPION: Initialize to process tsys data taken daily with the tsysall program online.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: tvfreq - return tv channels and frequencies SYNTAX: tvfreq,chan1,chan2,chan,freq,sound=sound,chroma=chroma,cenfrq=cenfrq ARGS: chan1 - int first channel number (2-69) chan2 - int last channel number (2-69) RETURNS: chan[] - long channel numbers freq[] - float frequencies KEYWORDS: sound : int if set then return the sound carrier frequency chroma: : int if set then return the color carrier cenfrq: : int if set then return the center of the band. This should be used for digital channels. DESCRIPTION: return the frequencies and channel numbers for the tv channels between chan1 and chan2 (inclusive). Return the channel numbers in chan and the frequencies in freq. By default the picture carrier frequency is returned (1.25 Mhz above the lower edge). If the sound keyword is set then return the frequency of the sound carrier (5.75 mhz above the lower edge). If the chroma keyword is set then return the color carrier (3.579656 mhz above the picture carrier).. EXAMPLE: tvfreq,2,20,chan,freq chan[] will contain the numbers 2-20 freq[] will contain the picture carriers for each channel.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: usrpinit - initialize to access usrp idlroutines. SYNTAX: @corinit DESCRIPTION: call this routine before using any of the usrp idl routines. It sets up the path for the idl correlator directory and defines the necessary structures.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: usrprojinit - addpath holding routines to user projects SYNTAX: @userprojinit DESCRIPTION: This adds the path for the routines in ./usrproj . These routines are written for particular projects.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: ver - set vertical scale for plotting. SYNTAX: ver,ver1,ver2 ARGS: ver1: float min vertical value ver2: float max vertical value. DESCRIPTION: Load the !y.range system value with the min,max yrange to plot. To reset to auto scaling call ver with no args. SEE ALSO: hor
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: waitnxtgrp - wait for next group from the file to become available SYNTAX: istat=waitnxtgrp(lun,[maxwaitSecs],bytesingrp=bytesingrp) ARGS: lun: assigned to file OPTIONAL ARGS: maxwait: maximum number of seconds to wait before returning. Default is 99999 RETURNS: istat: return status. 0 ok, -1 timedout, -2 not lined up with a header. bytesingrp: long bytes in the next group. You can use this to position to the end of the new group DESCRIPTION: Wait for the next group from the file to be available. Return 0 if ok, -1 if timeout. You can then read the data in with corget. On return, the lun is left positioned at the start of the group to read. EXAMPLE: Assume you are monitoring the online datafile. if waitnxtgrp(lun) ne 0 then .. error message istat=corget(lun,b) ;input the data SEE ALSO: corget
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: wappinit - initialize to use the idl wapp pulsar routines. SYNTAX: @wappinit DESCRIPTION: call this routine before using any of the wapp idl routines. It sets up the path for the idl wapp directory and defines the necessary structures.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: wbffainit - initialize to use the wideband rcv and field fox SYNTAX: @wbffinit DESCRIPTION: call this routine before using any of the wbff 12m wbrcv with field fox routines (eg routines to access spectrum analyzer files.. anritsu,...)
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: wincos4 - generate a cos^4 window SYNTAX: win=wincos4(length) ARGS: length: long number of point in the window RETURNS: win[length]: window function. DESCRIPTION: Create a cos^4 window function of length points. The maximum value is normalized to 1. SEE ALSO: windowfunc()
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: windinit - initialize idl to process wind monitoring data. SYNTAX: @windinit ARGS: none DESCRIPION: Initialize to process wind data.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: windowfunc - make a window function SYNTAX: val=windowfunc(len,double=double,type=type) ARGS: len: long length of window function KEYWORDS: double: if set the return a double array. the default is float type: char type of window: 'cos4' cosine^4 window 'ecb' extended cosine bell 'hsin' half sine 'han' hanning window 'ham' hamming window The default is a hanning window DESCRIPTION: Create a window function that can be used in fourier transform processing
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: wst - initialize to use idl weather station routines SYNTAX: @wst DESCRIPTION: call this routine before using any of the wst... orion weatherstation idl routines. This routine sets up the path for the idl wst directory and defines the necessary structures.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: wuse - set window for plotting SYNTAX: winuse,winnum ARGS: winnum: int window number to use KEYWORDS: Any extra keywords are passed to window,winnun DESCRIPTION: Set plotting window to winnum. If the window is not currently available then call window,winnum,_extra=e If the window is currently available then call wset,winnum
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: x - set output to xwindows device SYNTAX: x ARGS: none DESCRIPTION: Set plot device to the xwindows terminal. SEE ALSO: ps,pscol,hardcopy.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: x102combineps - combine x102 ps files into 1 file. SYNTAX: x102combineps(m,fdscript,psdir,yymmdd1=yymmdd1,yymmdd2=yymmdd2) ARGS: m[] : string array of filenames of a particular plot type to combine. fd : int .. script file to write to psdir : string.. directory to hold the combined postscript files KEYWORDS: yymmdd1: long if present then first data to process yymmdd2: long if present then last date to process DESCRIPTION: The mueller2.idl routine for x102 calibration creates a large number of postscript files. For receivers with multiple frequencies it will create 1 separate file for each board or frequency. This routine will create a csh file that will combine the N frequencies from a particular receiver into a ps file with N pages (1 for each frequency). To use: 1. go to the directory that has the postscript files. 2. in idl create a string array that has the plot type of the plots to combine: eg: m4=spawn,'ls lbn*m4*' 2. open the script file that will hold the commands to combine the files openw,lun,'',/get_lun When done you will execute this file in the shell to do the combination. 3. decide on an output directory where you want the combined ps files written. x102combineps,lun,'dirpath') free_lun,lun 4. get out of idl, look at the file to make sure it is ok. change the mode to executable, chmod +x and then execute it.. The filenames look like: The routine strips off the first 3 sections to have: It gathers together all of the files that have this base filename. For each of these sets it sorts the full name by the second section _1300_ (the frequency). The outputfile it chooses is: where is the base name. The script file will then look like: psidlmerge -o psdir/ \ then a list of all frequencies for this source.. The script psidlmerge is in ~phil/Solaris/bin..
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: x111init - initialize idl to process x111 data. SYNTAX: @x111init ARGS: none DESCRIPION: Initialize to process x111 data. This is interference monitoring data taken on the telescope. The routine calls @corinit, adds the x111 path SEE ALSO: x111doc
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: xvisualquery - query x visual information SYNTAX: vis=xvisualquery() ARGS: none RETURNS: vis: {} structure containing x visual info found vis.retain 0/1 ; 1--> server provides backing store vis.pseudoCol.numvis ; number of pseudo color visuals found vis.pseudoCol.numplanes[f]; number of planes in each of these vis.directCol.numvis ; number of direct color visuals found vis.directCol.numplanes[f]; number of planes in each of these vis.trueCol.numvis ; number of true color visuals found vis.trueCol.numplanes[f] ; number of planes in each of these DESCRIPTION: In idl you would like to know what kind of x visuals are available on the x display before requesting one. The routines to query the visuals have the unfortunate drawback that if no visual is selected, they will select one. This routine executes xdpyinfo and then parses the output. It keeps track of how many pseudocolor, directcolor, and truecolor visuals were found. For this routine, the visuals are differentiated only by the class (pseudo, true, direct) and the number of planes (it does not differentiate between visuals with the same class and number of planes. The routine also returns whether the xserver can supply backing store (vis.retain eq 1) or not (vis.retain eq 0). You could then use this value to determine if idl should provide backing store or not.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: ybt250inp - input ybt250 spectrum from save file SYNTAX: ntrace=ybt250inp(lun,spc1,frq1,spc2,frq2,info=info,/print) ARGS: lun: open to xxx.txt file.. form export trace .txt mode (tabs) print: if set the print out the ascii info header as it is read in. RETURNS: ntrace: 0 trouble reading file 1 1 trace found ..returned in spc1,frq1 2 2 trace found ..returned in spc1,frq1 and spc2,frq2 frq1[501]: freq of trace 1 in mhz spc1[501]: spectra trace 1 in dbm frq2[501]: freq of trace 2 in mhz spc2[501]: spectra trace 2 in dbm info[29] : string return the 29 ascii info lines read from the file. DESCRIPTION: The textronix ybt250 portable spectrum analyzer can save its trace data in a text file. This routine will input the text file and return the spectra and frequency. The steps in getting at trace from the ybt250 to idl is: 1. save the trace: On the ybt250 use: -->file --> save trace as select tab separated .txt as the save option You can change the name using the keyboard button. 2. Copy the saved file to the floppy on the ybt250: From outside of ybt250 program (in windows) - insert floppy --> start programs button -- start floppy --> netTek icon --> builtindisc --> ybt250 ?? may have left out a directory here.. -->appresults copy the file you want (edit, copy) --> back to top level of netTek --> click on floppdisc --> edit , copy 3. copy the file to unix/linux.. find a floppy that works .. on solaris try volcheck (does not work on lots of machines). 4. in idl @phil openr,lun,filename,/get_lun ntrace=ybt250inp(lun,spc1,frq1,spc2,frq2,info=info,/print)
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: yfactor - compute Tdev for hot,cold load measurements SYNTAX: Tdev=yfactor(yhot,ycold,thot,tcold) ARGS: yhot[n]: float spectral density on hot load ycold[n]: float spectral density on cold load Thot : float temperature host load Tcold : float temperature cold load RETURNS: Tdev[n]: float device temp vs freq DESCRIPTION: Use the y factor measurement to compute the device under test temperature. The inputs are the spectral density measured on hot and cold loads. You must specify the temperature of the hot and cold load. The equations are: let c,h be hot,cold, let yc,yh be the meausured spectra, and g is the gain between loads and spectroeter/spectrum analyzer (Tc + Td)*g =Yc (Th + Td)*g =Yh yh/yc= (Th + Td)/(Tc +Td) Yf=yH/Yc Yf*(Tc + Td)= (Th + Td) Td*(Yf-1) + Yf*Tc=Th Td=(Th - Yf*Tc)/(Yf -1) or Td=(Th - Yh*Tc/Yc)/(Yh/Yc-1) Td=[(Th*Yc - Yh*Tc)/Yc] / [ (yh-yc)/yc] Td=(Th*Yc - Yh*Tc)/(yh - yc)
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: yymmddtodmy - convert yymmdd to ddMonyy SYNTAX: dddMonyy=yymmddtodmy(yymmdd) ARGS: yymmdd: long convert yymmdd to ddMONyy (eg. 020210 to 10mar02) RETURNS: ddMONyy:string return '' if bad format.. DESCRIPTION Convert from yymmdd long to ddMONyy string EXAMPLE: yymmdd=060428 ddMONyy=yymmddtodmy(yymmdd) print,ddMONyy 28apr06
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/
NAME: yymmddtojulday - convert yymmdd to julian day SYNTAX: julday=yymmddtojulday(yymmdd) ARGS: yymmdd[]: long to convert RETURNS: julday[]: double julian day DESCRIPTION: Convert from yymmdd to julian day. The input can be a scalar or an array.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/gen/