NAME: cormapinp - input a galfa file as correlator map. SYNTAX:istat=cormapinp(desc, m,han=han,binp=binp,smo=smo) ARGS: desc: {} file descriptor from galopen() that points at the file to use. It will be rewound before inputing. KEYWORDS: han: if set then hanning smooth the data on input. binp[n]:{corget} If the data has already been read in, you can pass it into the routine via binp keyword. In this case no hanning smoothing is done smo : If the smooth keyword is set, then the frequency channels will be smoothed and then decimated by 7. The 7679 channels will be reduced to 1097 channels. The header locations that specify the number of frequency channels will also be updated. RETURNS: istat: int 1: got all the strips 0: got part of requested map -1: got no data. m[2,pnts/strip,7]:{} array of structures holding the returned data and header. (see below for a description). DESCRIPTION: Input a galfa file and load it into a map structure. If the binp= keyword is used then you can pass in galfa data that has already been read in via corgetm. Normally you would open the file with galopen() and then pass in the descriptor. If the file is to be input, desc will be rewound before the input. This routine differs from the interrim correlator cormapinp in various ways: 1. the old routine would read in an entire map. This routine reads in an entire file. 2. The galfa files are not necessarily sychronized with the start of a mapping pattern on the telescope. A single strip on the telescope may take more than 1 galfa file or may start in the middle of a galfa file. 3. You need to be careful with memory usage. Each file returned is about 300Mb. You need to keep an eye on the computer memory usage with top when processing. Don't make a whole lot of copies of the arrays.. The map information is returned as an array m of structures. The dimensions of the array are: m[pol,pntsperstrip,npixels]. pol=2 Each element of the array contains the information for a particular polarization,sample, and pixel. The following example is for [0:polA,5:sample,6:beamnum] eg: m[0,5,6].h the std header for pola, m[0,5,6].hf the fits header for pola, m[0,5,6].d[7679] the data for pola m[0,5,6].p the total power value for this sample (linear scale). m[0,5,6].az the azimuth position in degrees at the endedncenter of each sample. m[0,5,6].za the zenith angle position in degrees at the end of each sample. m[0,5,6].raHr the RA in hours at the middle of each sample. m[0,5,6].decDeg the declination in degrees at the middle of each sample. m[0,5,6].calscl the cal scale factore (this value is currently not loaded. m.h holds the older header information for this sample. It is mainly blank. You should probably use the m.hf header for the info The sample order is how it is found on disc. There is no reordering of the data. EXAMPLE: The standard file is 600 seconds long. idl @phil @galinit 1. open file and input via cormapinp. file='/share/galfa/galf.20050623.a2055.0008.fits' istat=galopen(file,desc) istat=cormapinp(desc,m) the data would then have: m[0,4,3].d[*] polA sample 4,beam 3 m[1,4,3].d[*] polB sample 4,beam 3 the headers would be: m[0,4,3].hf polA header sample 4,beam 3 m[1,4,3].hf polB header sample 4,beam 3 2. open file, input it, and then pass the struct to cormapinp file='/share/galfa/galf.20050623.a2055.0008.fits' istat=galopen(file,desc) istat=corgetm(desc,600,b) istat=cormapinp(desc,m,b=b) SEE ALSO: NOTES: Current status: * cormapsclk does not yet work since the cal info is not there. * i've tried cormapbc and it seems to work ok. --------------------- modhistory 23jun05: stole from cormapinp interrim cor and updated for galfa. 10jul05: added /smo keyword 14jul05: fixed jdenc computation. was failing 8pm to 12 midnite.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/galfa/
NAME: galclose - close a gal file for i/o SYNTAX: galclose,desc ARGS: desc: {galdescr} - descriptor to close (returned by galopen) KEYWORDS: all: if set then close all open descriptors. DESCRIPTION: Files opened with galopen() need to be closed with galclose() so that the resources are freed up. EXAMPLE: filename='/share/wapp11/wapp1.20040121.a1849.0004.fits' istat=galopen(filename,desc) .. process the data in the file galclose,desc .. this closes the file when done with the processing.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/galfa/
NAME: galfnamepars - parse a fits filename. SYNTAX: istat=galfnamepars(filename,nmpars) ARGS: filename: string fits filename RETURNS: istat: int 1 - fits filename format is ok. 0 - filename is not a standard was fits filename nmpars: {} return structure with filename parsed into variables. DESCRIPTION: Parse a spectral line was file into its component parts. The returned structure contains: help,nmpars,/st DIR STRING '/share/galfa/',;dir with trailing '/' ;(or blank if no dir in filename) WAPP STRING 'galfa' DATE STRING '20050709' PROJID STRING 'a2004' SEQNUM LONG 6 FITS STRING 'fits'
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/galfa/
NAME: galftochdr - convert fits hdr to cor header SYNTAX: istat=galftochdr(desc,h,hf=hf,nrows=nrows,irec=irec) ARGS: desc:{galdesc} gal descriptor returned from galopen() RETURNS: istat: int 1 ok, 0 eof, -1 error. h: {corhdr} correlator header hf:{galhdr} gal hdr extension.. nrows: long number of rows to advance desc.curpos if you want to update the position. pol[2,nbrds]: long codes the pol type polA=1, polB=2 for each spectra on each board. iscan : long index into desc.scanI[] for this scans data. DESCRIPTION: Read in a fits header for the current group and convert it to a correlator header. If the file is not positioned at the start of a group, then move forward to the start of the next group. NOTE: this routine does not update the position in the file. You are left pointing at the input position. This is a lowlevel routine that is not normally called via corget(). current data being loaded into b1.h from fits header: tointerimHdr from fitsHdr -------------------- STD h.std.time fits.crval5 convert to ast secs yyyyddd h.std.azttd fits.ENC_AZIMUTH h.std.grttd fits.ENC_ELEVATIO h.std.chttd fits.ENC_ALTEL h.std.posTmMs fits.ENC_TIME h.std.grpTotRecs desc.scanI.nbrds h.std.grpNum -------------------- COR h.cor.numbrdsused desc.scanI.nbrds h.cor.numSbcOut desc.scanI.nsbc h.cor.lagsbcout desc.scanI.nlags h.cor.boardId desc.scanI.brdNum -------------------- PROC h.proc.srcname fits.OBJECT h.proc.procname fits.OBSMODE with name translation new to old -------------------- - history 25jun04 - if frontend = alfa, force rfnum to be 17 13jul04 - check for eof by row. 18jul04 - added if2.. mixer 09aug04 - added rajcumrd decjcumrd 12aug04 - for spider scans with alfa include the pixel number in iar[5] taken from the pattern name . 14aug04 - for spider scans load iar[0] with a beamwidth.Use stripLen/6. 20aug04 - added iscan keyword to return to user 22oct04 - updated to new header version. wide band has 512 channels instead of just 256 V1 has the old 256 channel def. 28oct04 - version 3 header 18jul05 - added object, obs_name
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/galfa/
NAME: galgerrdcd - decode the galfa g_err bitmap convert fits hdr to cor header SYNTAX: gdcd=galgerrdcd(g_err) ARGS: g_err[] :int array of g_err values from header RETURNS: gdcd[]: {g_errstr} array of structures with decoded values. DESCRIPTION: The g_err status word holds overflow information for the galfa spectromenter. Pol A and B of the same beam always have the same bits set. There are six flags in the status word. Each flag is decoded into a separate integer value. The structure field names, bits in the mask and description are: S wbUpShSat B0-1 wide band upshift saturation F wbFftOvr B2-3 wide band fft overflow S nbUpShSat B4-5 narrow band upshift saturation F nbFftOvr B6-7 narrow band fft overflow L nbLpSat B8-99 narrow band low pass filter saturation M nbMixSat B10-11 narrow band mixer saturation adcSat B12-13 adc input saturation For each field it can take on the value 0 thru 3. These values are: 0 - 0 to 15 errors in previous 1 sec 1 - 16 to 255 errors in previous 1 sec 2 - 256 to 4095 errors in previous 1 sec 3 - > 4096 errors in previous 1 sec note that pola,b will always have the same errors for a given beam.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/galfa/
NAME: galget - read a group of galfa data records. SYNTAX: istat=galget(desc,b,rec=rec,han=han) ARGS: desc:{galdesc} gal descriptor returned from galopen() RETURNS: istat: int 1 ok, 0 eof, -1 error. b: {galget} data structure holdin data. DESCRIPTION: This is the lowlevel routine that reads the data from the fits file. This routine in normally not called by users. The user interface to the data in the file is via corget(). corget() will call this routine automatically when it is passed a galDescriptor rather than a logical unit number(lun). 18jan04 - added h.dop. set it so that it is doppler update each sbc even if it is not being done. We will load the correct frequency, velocity into the header so that this will be true. 19jan04 - force returned data to always be in increasing freq order. for now key off of flipped keyword (until cdelta1 is fixed). 02feb04 - switch to use galftochdr() to get/convert the header. 14jul04 - if pol data then acf's, do not flip data 20aug04 - added iscan call to galftochdr. use indar to return the data arrays independant of the order they are stored on disc.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/galfa/
NAME: galimgdisp - display a set of correlator records as an image SYNTAX: img=galimgdisp(b,clip=clip,brdlist=brdlist,pol=pol,col=col,$ median=median,bpc=bpc,ravg=ravg,nobpc=nobpc,$ win=win,wxlen=wxlen,wylen=wylen,wxpos=wxpos,wypos=wypos,$ samewin=samewin,zx=zx,zy=zy,$ mytitle=mytitle,$ hlind=hlind,hlval=hlval,hldash=hldash,hlvlines=hlvlines,$ useind=useind,ln=ln,chn=chn) ARGS: b[nrecs]: {corget} correlator data to make image of RETURNS: img[nchns,nrecs]: float image of last brd displayed (before clipping). KEYWORDS: wb: if set then take the data from the wide band. clip[]: float value to clip the normalized data to. Default is .1 of Tsys (3 sigma for 1 sec integratio for nb). If clip has 1 value then normalize to (img > (-clip)) < clip. If two value are provided, then they will the [min,max]. brdlist: long A single number whose decimal digits specify the boards to display. eg brds 1,2,3,4 would be: brdlist=1234 The boards are numbered 1 thru 8. pol: int 1,2, (3,4 if stokes) polarization to plot. default is 1:polA win: int window number to plot in. default is 1. wxlen: int xlen of window. default 700 wylen: int ylen of window. default 870 wxpos: int xpos of lower left edge of window.default 445 wypos: int ypos of lower left edge of window.default:35 samewin: if set then use the current dimension for the image win. If you are calling galimgdisp in a loop then setting this (after the first call) lets the user dynamically adjust the window size,position. zx: int ..-3,-2,2,3,4 zoom factor x dimension. Negative numbers shrink the image positive numbers expand. Negative number must divide evenly into the number of channels. zy: int ..-3,-2,2,3,4 zoom factor y dimension (same format as zx) col[2]: int .. x columns to use to flatten the image in the time direction. count 0..numberoflags-1. If multiple boards plotted then the same cols are used for all boards. The default is no flattening in the time direction. chn: if set then plot vs channel number rather than freq bpc:{corget} if supplied then this data will be used to do the bandpass correction. The default is to average over all of the nrecs. nobpc: if set then no bandpass correction is done. median: if set and bpc not provided, then bandpass correct using the median of the nrecs rather than the average. ravg: long bandpass correct with a running average of ravg spectra scan : long if provided,then routine will input scans data into b[] before making image. In this case you must also supply the lun keyword to tell the routine where to read from. lun : int if scan keyword provided, then you must also supply this keyword. It should contain the lun for the corfile that you have previously opened. sl[]:{scanlist} This array can be used for direct access when the scan keyword is used. The sl[] (scanlist) array is returned from the sl=getsl(lun) routine. The routine scans the entire file recording where the scans start. han: if set and scan keyword set, then hanning smooth the data on input. maxrecs: int if lun used then the max records of a scan to input. default:300 mytitle:string user supplied tittle instead of scan,srcname,az,za az,za at top of the plot. hlind[]: ind index into img array (2nd dimension) to draw horizontal lines. hlval : float value to use for horizontal lines (in img units) default is clip value. hldash : int The dash lengths to used for the horizontal lines. 2*ldash must divide into x dimension.default is 4 hlvlines:int Number of engths to used for the horizontal lines. default=1 useind[2]:int if provided then use these indices from data array 0 .. lengthsbc -1 default=1 ln :int linenumber for title..0..33 def:3 extra_=e this allows you to input keywords that will be passed to the plotting routine. eg title=title.. DESCRIPTION: galimgdisp will display a set of correlator records (usually a scans worth) as an image. By default it will make a separate image for each subcorrelator (board). The brdlist keyword lets you choose just 1 brd to image. The data for the image is taken from polA by default. Use the pol keyword to make the image from the other polarization. If you use the /wb keyword then the wide band data will be used. By default, the image is bandpass normalized by the average of all the records (sbc/avg(sbc) - 1). If the median keyword is used then avg(sbc) is replaced by median(sbc). The bpc keyword allows you to input a separate correlator record to use as the normalization. The col keyword lets you also flatten the image in the time (record) dimension by specifying the first/last columns to average and then divide into all of the other columns (the columns are counted from 0). By default this is not done. After bandpass correction and flattening in the record dimension, the image is clipped (by default) to +/- .1 (tsys) and then scaled from 0 to 256 for the image display. The clip keyword lets you change the clipping value. The zx,zy keywords let you scale the image in the x and y dimensions by integral amounts. Negative numbers will shrink it by that amount (Note: the negative numbers must divide evenly into the number of channels in each brd). -1,0,1 do no scaling. This scaling is only applied for the single brd displays. The multiple brd displays are always scaled to fit inside the window (700 by 870 pixels). After displaying the image, use xloadct to manipulate the color table. The routine returns the last image displayed (before clipping). EXAMPLES: input a scans worth of data. print,corgetm(desc,600,b,/han) .. input scan with hanning smoothing 1. display the image of all 7 brds. img=galimgdisp(b) img=galimgdisp(b,/wb) display the wide band data. 2. display only brd 2, scale y by 2, and x by -2 img=galimgdisp(b,brdlist=1,zx=-2,zy=2) 3. display all 7, clip to .015 Tsys , display polB and median filter the bandpass correction: img=galimgdisp(b,pol=2,/median) 4. display all brds 1,2,3,4 , clip to .015 Tsys , display polB and median filter the bandpass correction: img=galimgdisp(b,brdlist=1234,pol=2,/median) This routine calls imgflat, and imgdisp for the image scaling and display. NOTE: When displaying only 1 brd and using zx fopr shrinking the image, zx must divide into the number of channels. For the narrow only zx=-7 works since 7679/7=1097 and 1097 is prime. SEE ALSO: imgdisp,imgflat
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/galfa/
NAME: galmix - compute galfa lo mixing freqs SYNTAX: mixI=galmix(skyCfr,narBandCfr,rfiSky,use275=use275,lo1Low=lo1Low,$ print=print) ARGS: skyCfr : float sky center frequency as set by first lo. narBandCfr: float center freq we want for narrow band spectra rfiSky[n] : float compute the IF locations for these sky frequencies KEYWORDS: use275: if set then use 275 Mhz for IF1 (the default is 250 Mhz). lo1Low: if set then use a low side LO1. The default is a high side LO. print: if set then print out the values (cals galmixpr()) RETURNS: mixI[n]: {} structure holding the computed information (see below). DESCRIPTION: The user specifies the rf sky center frequency (as set by the first LO) and the center of the narrow band spectra. The routine will then compute the first and and 2nd lo's to use. You can select an IF1 of 250 (default) or use 275Mhz (by setting /use275.). If lo1Low is set then the first LO will be a low side LO (the default is high side). The array rfiSky contains a set of sky frequencies. The routine will compute where in the if1, if2 bands these frequencies will fall. If the /print keyword is set then the data will be printed to stdout. You can pass mixI to galmixpr to print out the info at a later time. The structure mixI[n] contains: IDL> help,mixI,/st SKYF FLOAT 1385.00 sky center freq (set by 1stLO) NBF FLOAT 1420.41 narrow band cfr WBF FLOAT 1439.16 wide band cfr IF1 FLOAT 250.000 if1 used (250 or 275) LO1 FLOAT 1635.00 first LO. LO1SB INT -1 -1--> 1stlo high side,1-->loside LO2 FLOAT 195.844 2nd lo frequency RFI_SKY FLOAT 1330.00 rfi sky freq RFI_IF1 FLOAT 305.000 location in IF1 of rfi RFI_IF2 FLOAT 109.156 location in IF2 of rfi EXAMPLE: 1. Center the RF at 1385 and the narrow band at 1420.4058. Use the 250Mhz IF for if1. Also look to see where the two faa radars (1330,1350) fall in the IF band. This setup could be used for a piggy back observering with the extra galactic crowd. skyCfr=1385. nbCfr =1420.4058 rfiSky=[1330.,1350.] ; look at where the 2 faa radars fall mixI=galmix(skyCfr,nbCfr,rfiSky,/print) the output is then : sky nbCen wbCen if1 rfiSky RfiIf1 rfiIf2 lo1 lo2 1385.00 1420.41 1439.16 250 1330.00 305.00 109.16 1635.000000 195.844238 1385.00 1420.41 1439.16 250 1350.00 285.00 89.16 1635.000000 195.844238 2. use the 275 Mhz IF1. Center the RF and the narrow band center at 1420.4058. This is a typical galactic setup with no piggy backing. skyCfr=1385. nbCfr =1420.4058 rfiSky=[1330.,1350.] ; look at where the 2 faa radars fall mixI=galmix(skyCfr,nbCfr,rfiSky,/print) SEE ALSO: galmixpr
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/galfa/
NAME: galmixpr - formatted print of galmix() data. SYNTAX: galmixpr,mixI,notitle=notitle ARGS: mixI[n] : {}float info returned by galmix() KEYWORDS: notitle: if set then don't print the title. This is handy if you are calling galmixpr multiple times and you only want one heading. DESCRIPTION: Print the info returned by galmix() to std out. EXAMPLE: 1. Center the RF at 1385 and the narrow band at 1420.4058. Use the 250Mhz IF for if1. Also look to see where the two faa radars (1330,1350) fall in the IF band. This setup could be used for a piggy back observering with the extra galactic crowd. skyCfr=1385. nbCfr =1420.4058 rfiSky=[1330.,1350.] ; look at where the 2 faa radars fall mixI=galmix(skyCfr,nbCfr,rfiSky) galmixpr,mixI the output is then : sky nbCen wbCen if1 rfiSky RfiIf1 rfiIf2 lo1 lo2 1385.00 1420.41 1439.16 250 1330.00 305.00 109.16 1635.000000 195.844238 1385.00 1420.41 1439.16 250 1350.00 285.00 89.16 1635.000000 195.844238 SEE ALSO: galmix
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/galfa/
NAME: galopen - open a galfa fits files for i/o SYNTAX: istat=galopen(filename,desc,tmI=tmiI,scanI=scanI) ARGS: filename: string filename to open KEYWORDS: RETURNS: istat: int 0 couldn't open file 1 file opened successfully desc: {galdescr} - descriptor holding info for file i/o. scanI: {} structure holding info about each record in file. You can use this to sort out where different patterns started (without having to read the entire file). tmI[6]: {} structure holding timing info: tmI[i].nm label of where the time was measured tmI[i].tm time value (from call to systime(1)). The units are seconds (with fraction). To get the relative time, you should subtract tmI[0].tm from all of the .tm values or ( - shift(,1) DESCRIPTION: Open a gal (galfa) spectral line fits file. Load the descriptor with the info for the entire file. This descriptor will be passed to the galxxx corxxx routines to do the file i/o. This descriptor replaces the standard lun that is used for the interim correlator data. The descriptor contains: help,desc,/st LUN LONG 0 .. idl lun FILENAME STRING '/share/wapp11/a9999_wapp1_0027.fits' ..filename TOTRECS LONG 1 .. total recs (integ) in file TOTROWS LONG 7216 .. total number of rows in bintable CURPOS LONG 1 .. position for next read 0 based (row-1) tmStartFile LONG 0 .. secs since 1970 start of file rowStartRec lonarr(nrecs) rowsinrec lonarr(nrecs) ------------------------------- If the scanI keyword is returned, then the scanI[nrecs] structure array returned contains: IDL> help,scanI SCANI 0 STRUCT = ->Array[600] IDL> help,scanI,/st SEQNUM LONG 1203 ; seq number from fits file OBSMODE STRING 'BASKET' ; pattern used OBS_NAME STRING 'BASKET' ; step in pattern OBJECT STRING 'lwb_14_00' ; source name SEC DOUBLE 1.1209410e+09 ;sec from 1970 start of rec. rounded to closest sec: round(g_time[0]+g_time[1]*1d-6) AZ FLOAT 359.382 ; az position (deg) ZA FLOAT 14.7502 ; za position (deg) RESTFREQ DOUBLE 1420.2858 ; crval1:rest freq Mhz (narrow band) NUM LONG 0 ; unused.. user can load The az,za are taken from the file. They are not interpolated to the center of the data sample. EXAMPLE: 1. open a file filenm='/share/wapp11/wapp1.20040118.a1849.0010.fits' istat=galopen(filenm,desc) gallist,desc ; list scan summary istat=corget(desc,b) ; read a record corplot,b ; plot it istat=corinpscan(desc,b,scan=401864155,maxrecs=600) ; input a scan galclose,desc ; when done. 2. open file, return timing info and scanI istat=galopen(filenm,desc,scanI=scanI,tmI=tmI) print, - tmI[0].tm ; look for pattern name of CAL ind=where(scanI.obsmode eq 'CAL',count) if count gt 0 then ... process cal records endif
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/galfa/
NAME: galprojfiles - find the files belonging to a project id SYNTAX: istat=galprojfiles(proj,fileInfo,yymmdd1=yymmdd1,yymmdd2=yymmdd2,$ minsize=minsize,dir=dir) ARGS: proj: string proj name to search for KEYWORDS: yymmdd1: long limit files to those starting on this date (yymmdd1 included) yymmdd2: long limit files to those starting on or before this date (yymmdd2 included) minsize: long minimum size in bytes for file to return. default is 100000 bytes. file less than this usually have no data (just a header). dir : string directory to search thru. def: /share/galfa RETURNS: istat: number of files found fileinfo[istat]: array of file info structures containing the name and size of the file DESCRIPTION: Search through the galfa fits directories looking for files that belong to a particular project. Return an array of stuctures containing the filename and file size.
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/galfa/
NAME: galpwr - return power information for a number of recs SYNTAX: nrecs=galpwr(desc,reqrecs,pwra,lasthdr,b=b,useb=useb,wb=wb) ARGS: desc - descriptor opened via wasopen. reqrecs - requested records to return KEYWORDS: wb - if set then return power from wideband data useb - if set then the user passes the data in via b= keyword. desc is ignored and no data is read from disc b[nrecs] - This can be an input and an output keyword. If /useb is set, then the user is passing in the spectral data in the b=b keyword (which means you need to have previously read it). If /useb is not set, but b=b is provided, then the spectral data read in will be returned in b. RETURNS: pwra - returns an array pwra[nrecs] of {corpwr} struct nrecs - number of recs found, 0 if at eof, -1 if hdr alignment/io error b[nrecs] - if keyword b= is supplied, then the input spectral data will be returned in this keyword. DESCRIPTION: Return the total power information for the requested number of records of a galfa file. The data is returned in the array pwra. Each element of thearray contains: pwra[i].scan - scan number.. this is 0 for galfa: pwra[i].rec - record number in the file (count from 1) pwra[i].time - seconds from midnight for this record pwra[i].nbrds- number of boards in use pwra[i].az - az (deg) end of this record. pwra[i].za - za (deg) end of this record. pwra[i].azErr- az (asecs great circle) . not available galfa pwra[i].zaErr- za (asecs great circle) . not available galfa pwra[i].pwr[2,8] - total power info. first index in pol1,pol2 2nd index are 8 pixelss (only the 1st 7 are used with galfa. There will only be valid data in the first pwra[i].nbrds entries of pwra. EXAMPLES: ; ; 1. get the pwr from the entire file rew,desc nrecs=galpwr(desc,600,p) ; 2. same thing but also return the spectral records for later use rew,desc nrecs=galpwr(desc,600,p,b=b) ; 3. use the spectra data in b we read from 2. to now get the ; wide band data. This is quicker since we don't have to re read ; all the spectral data. nrecs=galpwr(desc,600,pwb,b=b,/useb) ; 4. read in the spectral data with corgetm and the compute the power. istat=corgetm(desc,600,b) nrecs=galpwr(desc,600,p,/useb,b=b)
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/galfa/
NAME: galripple - look at ripple in galfa bandpass SYNTAX: galripple,b,hard=hard,bfit=bfit,win=win,mytitle=mytitle,$ spcar=spcar,deg=deg,fsin=fsin,nospc=nospc,tosmo=tosmo ARGS: b: {corget} bandpass to use. Normally you would input a file, average it, and then pass the averaged spectra in. KEYWORDS: hard: if set then user wants hardcopy. This will not plot the baseline fits. bfit:{corget} This is the fit from corblauto(). If it is passed in as a corget structure then it will be used rather than calling corblauto(). This speed things up if you call the routine multiple times with the same bandpass. win : string Window function to use when computing the transform of the spectrum. Values are: 'cos4' cos^4 window 'han' hanning smoothing. The default is no windowing. mytitle: string If supplied then it will be plotted at the top of the page. deg : int The deg for the polynomial portion of the fit done by corblauto(). fsin : int The order of the harmonic fit done by corblauto() nospc : If set, then don't plot the smoothed bandpass corrected spectra. RETURNS: bfit: {corget} If supplied and the input is not a {corget} then the corblauto() fit is returned here. spcar[nchn,2,nbeams]: float this is the transform of the bandpass. DESCRIPTION: galripple was used to look at the 174 Khz rippled caused by reflections in the fiber optics cable. It takes an galfa bandpass as input. It will then : 1. fit the bandpass with corblauto(). The default is a linear polynomial and a 7th order harmonic. This gets rid of ripples with a spacing up to 1 Mhz. You can change the order using deg= and fsin= 2. Divide the bandpass by the fit in 1. 3. Smooth the spectra from 2 by tosmo. The default is 19 channels. 4. if the keyword /nospc is not set then plot the bandpasses from 3. Pol A and polB are on separate pages. 5. compute the transform of the spectra in 4: spc=abs(fft(spc3))*2. The 174 Khz rippled should show up in channel 39 or 40. Then plot this spc for each pixel. Black in polA, red is polB EXAMPLES: istat=corgetm(desc,600,b) bavg=coravg(b) galripple,bavg
(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/galfa/