Spectrometer counts to kelvins for widebands.


Note: see converting spectrometer counts to Kelvins for a more recent and correct version of this.

    The standard spectrometer counts to kelvins conversion uses an average cal value for the band. For the interim correlator and wapp spectra the cal value was that at the center of the band rather than the average over the band. With the mock spectrometer, the bandwidths can now be up to 172 Mhz. The cal variations over the band can start to be important.


We need to compute the conversion factor spectralCntToK (Kelvins/spectrometer counts..i'm using spcToK). The calOn, calOff measurements are used to do this. The measurements have various frequency dependencies. Below i've used bold for arrays and regular type for scalers

Averaging over calOn,calOff band (top)

    We need to compute the conversion factor spectralCntToK (Kelvins/spectrometer counts..i'm using spcToK). The calOn, calOff measurements are used to do this. The measurements have various frequency dependencies. Below i've used bold for arrays and regular type for scalers
    Standard processing for computing the spcToK conversion is to average over the bandpass so the short integration times of the caloN, calOff don't affect the noise statistics of the  longer integration times of the on,off source spectra:
	calInK(Avg)*<gCal>           calInK(Avg)
------------------------- = -----------
(calDifSpc(Avg)*<gIf*gCal> calDifSpc(Avg)*<gIF>
To convert a spectrum bSpc in spectrometer counts to bK in Kelvins:
        bSpc(Avg)*gIF] * calInK(Avg)
         =bSpc(Avg)*gIF * calInK(Avg)    (calOff(Avg)*<gIF>)
----------------------------- * ------------------
(calDifSpc(Avg)*<gIF>) calOff(Avg)*gIF
	  =bSpc(Avg)*(calInK(Avg) * calOff(Avg)
------------------------------------ * One(f)
calDifSpc(Avg) * (calOff(Avg)
To compute the system temperature you just average over this spectra.

This assumes that the cal value is constant over the entire band. For narrow bands this is probably ok, for wider bands it could be a problem. Prior to the mock spectrometer our maximum bandwidth was 100 MHz. The mock spectrometer can provide up to a 172 Mhz single bandwidth.

Fit to the calOn,calOff scale factor  (top)

    A second approach would be to fit the ratio calInK/(calOn-calOff) and use the fit values for the conversion. The safest fit is a linear one where you don't have to worry about what happens to the values at the edge of the band.  To do this correctly we need to be careful about the frequency dependencies in the measurements:

Approximating the alfa Cal values: (top)

    The new mock spectrometer has a maximum bandwidth of 172 MHz per frequency band. Across this large a band pass, the cal table values can vary. Some cal on, off data from project a2133 (auds) was used to investigate the cal variation with frequency.  Their setup was:

    The plots show the tabulated cal values, and the cal values measured using the calOn,calOff with these tabulated values. There is one set of plots for the 1300 MHz band and a second set for the 1450 MHz band. Each set of plots has 7 pages, one for each beam of alfa:


processing: x101/090616/chkmascal.pro
