Mathew's 430Mhz test feed after lowering it 3 feet
22Sep 2004
cross scan data and the fits (.ps) (.pdf)
A 430 Mhz test feed was installed on carriage 1 for john mathew's
to look into the 430 interferometer he wants to install. 4
cross scans on 3C286 were done on 12sep04 while the feed was 5 feet
below the paraxial surface (the bottom of the carriage house was used as
the reference).On 22 sep04 the feed was lowered about 3 feet and more tests
were done. 4 cross scans were done on 3C286 using the test feed and 4 cross
scans were done using the 430 Mhz linefeed (for comparison). The setup
The signal from the receiver was passed through a 1 Mhz butter worth IF
filter and then detected with a .2 second time constant.
The data was sampled at 10 Hz.
The cross consisted of a 1 deg strip in azimuth and a 1 deg strip in za
(centered on the source). Each strip took 1 minute. The data was sampled
synchronously with the motion at 10 Hz.
Great circle az,za offsets were installed to point this feed using the
ch model. The offsets were .5 degrees in azimuth and -1.6 degrees in za
(these value were added to the computed carriage house position).
A 2-d gauss fit was done to each set of crosses to find
the beam offsets, amplitude, and fwhm. No cals were used so Tsys
was not available (the receiver is not cooled). The plots show the
cross scan data and the fits (.ps) (.pdf).
Fig 1. The data and fits for the test feed. The top are the azimuth strips
and the bottom plot has the strips in zenith angle. The units are Tsys.
Fig 2. The data and fits for the line feed. The top plots are the azimuth
strips while the bottom plots are the za strips. LRR1 was used. It has
a warm receiver with a Tsys of about 90K.
Fig 3. The top two plots are the az and za pointing error (vs az and za)
for the test feed. The bottom two plots are the same thing for the line
The fit results for each measurement (12sep04 before the lowering, 22sep04
after the lowering , and 22sep04 linefeed) were averaged for the 4 crosses
and are shown in the table below. The sefd is the System equivalent flux
density. It is the strength of a source in Jy that you need to equal the
system temperature (Tsys/Gain).
parameter |
testFd |
testFd |
lineFd |
srcDeflection [tsysUnits] (24.3 Jy source) |
.05 |
.075 |
1.94 |
SEFD [Jy] |
486 Jy |
324 Jy |
12.5 |
(Tsys/Gain New)/(Tsys/Gain Ch) (486/8) |
15.9Db |
14.1db |
0db |
beamWidth Az (fwhm) |
20.9 Amin |
18.9 Amin |
9.0 Amin |
beam Width Za (fwhm) |
23.2 Amin |
20.0 Amin |
9.7 Amin |
pntErrAz |
2.2 Amin |
-.32 Amin |
-.14 |
pntErrZa |
1.9 Amin |
1.9 Amin |
-.67 |
azOffset used (great circle:za=11) |
.5 deg |
.5 deg |
zaOffset used |
-1.6 deg |
-1.6deg |
azimuth offset from line feed |
-3.66 ft |
za offset from line feed |
11.73 ft |
Some comments on the results:
The srcDeflection increased by 50% after moving the feed down by 3 feet.
The Beamwidth decreased by 10%
The ratio of test feed to linefeed is not as bad as the 12sep04 values
since this time i measured the results of the line feed. This comparison
includes the system temperatures (since the source deflections are in units
of Tsys). The test feed is a warm receiver while the line feed measurement
used long range receiver 1 (which is supposed to be cooled ).
The results for the line feed show that the retensioning of the support
cables on the line feed did not change the pointing a lot.
The measured SEFD for the line feed is not very good. At 15 degrees this
feed should have a gain of close to 12 K/Jy. The receiver is not cooled
and has a Tsys of about 90K. This would give an SEFD of 7.5 rather than
How good is the test feed.
(See Rohlfs and Wilson tools for radio astronomy page
142 for the taper equations used below).
The measured beam width (fwhm = 20Amin) tells how much of the dish
is illuminated by the feed.
If uniform illumination then fwhm=1.02*lambda/d --> d=395 ft (120 m)
If close to cos^2 illumination fwhm=1.29*lambda/d --> d=509 ft (155
m) . this used g(r)=(1-2*lambda*D/r)^2)^1.1 for the taper.
Since the horn is positioned close to Radius/2, the half angle of
the feed is close to twice the za measured from the center of curvature
(see linefeed
phase a=90-2*za). For the cos^2 taper this gives a horn beam width
za=asin(509*.5/870)=17 deg.
the halfa angle of the horn is then (2*za)=34 deg out to taper = 0.
The report "cosine squared point feeds for ao - numerical results"
(jj condon 19??) defines the power pattern of the feed as P(B,th)=NCos^2(B*th)
where B is the feed beam width parameter. For 430 Mhz B optimum is 2.24
and z=2.92 (where z is the horn position below the paraxial surface). From
our fwhm measurement and setting cos^2()=0 (B*th=90) we get B*34=90 or
B=2.64. For this value of B, the optimum value of z is between
2 and 3 meters below the paraxial surface. These parameters give a theoretical
effective area of 10^4 square meters.
processing: x101/040922/