Datasets for demonstration at UAT-I

Two datasets are targeted:
  • The raw and flagged drift data taken on 07.02.26 for drift 108p1 at Dec. = +260930. Note: We are going to target the adjacent drift 107p2 at Dec. = +260212 during the workshop.
  • A really nice, completed grid, centered on the Zwicky cluster ZW1400+09 also known as the NGC 5416 group.

    DescriptionLocationLast deposited Notes
    Dataset to calibrate and bpd /share/alfalfa/idl/bpd/ 08Jan05   mphOnly 11h-14h data for drift 108p1 +260930
    Dataset to flagbb /share/alfalfa/idl/toflagbb 08Jan05   mphOnly 11h-14h data for drift 108p1 +260930
    Dataset already flagbb'd /share/alfalfa/idl/flagbb 08Jan05   mphOnly 11h-14h data for drift 108p1 +260930
    Finished grid /share/alfalfa/idl/grid/1404+09 08Jan05   mph Contains center of Zw1400+09

    To download datasets, put yourself in a directory on your own machine at home where you want to put the data. Then execute the rsync command, following this example:
                  rsync -av -e ssh .
    You'll have to enter the appropriate code at that point. It will take a while, depending on your network connection speed.

    This page created by and for the members of the ALFALFA Survey Undergraduate team

    Last modified: Sun May 11 15:14:13 EDT 2008 by Martha